大连理工大学品牌怎么样 申请店铺









Dalian University of technology, started in 1949, is a key construction University of "211 Project" and "985 Project". Dalian University of technology, a national key university directly under the Ministry of education, is a university directly under the Ministry of education and also a national "211 Project" and "985 Project" construction University. With the aim of cultivating elite talents, promoting scientific and technological progress, inheriting excellent culture and guiding social fashion, the school adheres to the spirit of "embracing all rivers, striving for self-improvement, being virtuous and studious, and integrating knowledge with practice", focuses on creating, discovering, imparting, preserving and applying knowledge, takes on social responsibility, serves the country and benefits mankind. Dalian University of technology was founded in April 1949, when it was Dalian University of technology; in July 1950, the organizational system of Dalian University was abolished, and Dalian University of technology was independent of Dalian University of technology; in 2003, it was determined as the school of management cadres by the central government; in 2012, the construction project of the leading university was officially launched. In December 2012, the Ministry of Education officially approved the construction of Panjin campus of Dalian University of technology, which is built in accordance with the guiding ideology of "overall planning, dislocation development, adherence to standards and innovation mode", and runs schools at the same standard, level and level as the main campus. The basic task of the university is to cultivate talents. Undergraduate education and graduate education are equally important. A multi-disciplinary system has been formed with science and engineering as the main task and science, engineering, economics, management, literature, law, philosophy, art and other coordinated development. The school has graduate school, 7 school departments [6 management centers are in the school department, 1 management center is in the College (including 3 organizational colleges at the department level)], 8 independent colleges, teaching departments, 3 specialized colleges and 1 independent college; Panjin campus has basic teaching department and 7 schools; the Development Zone campus has 3 colleges. The school is close to the mountain and the sea, with excellent conditions. It has formed a school running pattern of one school, two places (Dalian City, Panjin City), three districts (Dalian Lingshui main campus, Development Zone campus, Panjin campus), with a total area of 4.262 million square meters and a building area of about 1.68 million square meters. The school library has a collection of more than 3.268 million books and more than 58000 kinds of Chinese and foreign electronic journals. The existing sports venues of the school cover an area of 213000 square meters. At the same time, the school has a domestic campus network system. The university has established stable cooperative relations with 207 universities, scientific research institutions, large enterprises and international alliances in 29 countries and regions, and has hired 351 overseas scholars and personages as honorary and visiting professors of the University. In recent years, the number of academic exchanges going abroad on business has increased year by year, nearly 3000 in 2016. At present, with the goal of building a world university with distinctive characteristics, the university is deepening comprehensive reform, strengthening connotation characteristics, focusing on building capacity, vitality, strength and charm, and striving to promote the development of the university to achieve a new historical leap.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/01a134e0c.html 联系电话:0411-84708320


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