能新科ENTI品牌怎么样 申请店铺


能新科国际有限公司 ( 简称“能新科” ) 是非常规油气勘探开发领域产品和服务提供商。我们围绕客户的需求持续创新,开放合作,在致密油气、页岩油气、煤层气和复杂油气藏等领域构筑了整体解决方案的优势。能新科为油公司和作业者等提供有竞争力的单项产品与服务以及一体化解决方案,持续帮助客户,为客户创造价值。


以 “成为全球能源服务领域的技术创新者” 为愿景,运用非常规领域专业技术和经验,使非常规常规化TM。我们非常规领域的专业人才, 通过创新的绿色解决方案。


公司自 2010 年在中国油气服务行业开展业务后,逐步发展成为国内具有影响力的非常规油气领域的技术服务提供商,业务涵盖致密油气、页岩油气、煤层气和复杂油气藏等领域,为国有油公司和所属钻探公司、国际独立油公司在华业务以及新进入勘探开发领域作业者提供包括地质工程一体化、建井一体化以及钻井、完井和增产等方面的综合化解决方案。

能新科中国总部位于北京,在延安和新疆分别成立了延安能服 ( 能新科与延安能源化工集团之混合所有制公司 ) 和能新科新疆公司,在西安、延安和克拉玛依设有运营中心,目前在主要油田设有办事处和作业基地。

2014 年公司在北京成立能新科地质与工程技术中心 ( GETC ),该中心专注于地质油藏一体化 ( IGR Lab ) 、钻井技术 ( DEC Lab )和非常规油气增产 ( PERC Lab ) 综合研究; 2015 年公司在延安建立了 PromaxTM 井下工具制造中心。

Nengxinke International Co., Ltd. (referred to as "nengxinke") is a product and service provider in the field of unconventional oil and gas exploration and development. We have built the advantages of overall solutions in the fields of tight oil and gas, shale oil and gas, coalbed methane and complex oil and gas reservoirs by continuous innovation and open cooperation based on the needs of customers. Nengxinke provides competitive single products and services as well as integrated solutions for oil companies and operators to continuously help customers and create value for customers. The vision of the company is to "become a technology innovator in the field of global energy services". It uses the expertise and experience in the unconventional field to regularize the unconventional TM. We are professionals in unconventional fields through innovative green solutions. Since its business in China's oil and gas service industry in 2010, nengxinke China has gradually developed into an influential technical service provider in the field of unconventional oil and gas in China. Its business covers tight oil and gas, shale oil and gas, coalbed methane and complex oil and gas reservoirs. It is the business in China of national oil companies and drilling companies, international independent oil companies and new exploration and development companies Field operators provide comprehensive solutions including geological engineering integration, well construction integration and drilling, well completion and stimulation. Nengxinke China is headquartered in Beijing. It has established Yan'an Nengke service (a mixed ownership company of nengxinke and Yan'an energy and chemical group) and nengxinke Xinjiang company respectively in Yan'an and Xinjiang. It has operation centers in Xi'an, Yan'an and Karamay. At present, it has offices and operation bases in major oil fields. In 2014, the company established Getc in Beijing, which focuses on comprehensive research of igrlab, declab and perclab; in 2015, the company established promaxtm downhole tool manufacturing center in Yan'an.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/01a3b4b62.html 联系电话:02988386546


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文生图AI模型公司Black Forest Labs据悉寻求以10亿美元的估值融资1亿美元

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