哈尔滨工业大学品牌怎么样 申请店铺










多年来,哈尔滨工业大学始终保持航天特色,坚持自主创新,不断主动承接国家高、精、尖大型科技项目。学校先后成功抓总研制并发射“试验一号”“试验三号”“快舟一号”“快舟二号” “紫丁香二号”卫星,创下了国内高校研发小卫星五战五捷的纪录。多项技术成果为载人航天工程、探月工程、载人深潜工程提供了有力支撑。在“神舟”号系列飞船研制过程中,哈工大攻克了KM6、返回舱焊接变形矫形技术、三轴仿真实验转台、航天员训练用“模拟失重训练水槽”、航天员出舱用反光镜体等多项技术难关。在“天宫一号”目标飞行器与“神舟”号系列飞船交会对接任务中,学校提供了20多项技术支撑。


Harbin University of Technology (Harbin University of technology, hereinafter referred to as Harbin University of Technology) was founded in 1920 in Harbin China Russia Industrial school, a key construction University of "211 Project" and "985 Project". Harbin University of technology, a national key university with aerospace as its characteristic / science and technology as its main / multidisciplinary coordinated development, is subordinate to the Ministry of industry and information technology. It is one of several universities that have entered the construction of "211 Project" and "985 Project". In 1920, the Middle East Railway Administration established Harbin China Russia Industrial school, the predecessor of Harbin University of technology, to train engineering and technical personnel. The school became the cradle of training industrial and technical personnel in modern China. After the founding of the people's Republic of China, Harbin Institute of technology has become one of the two universities that study the higher education mode of the former Soviet Union. In 2000, Harbin University of technology and Harbin University of architecture of the same origin merged to form a new Harbin University of technology. Today, the university has developed into a university with science and engineering as the main subject, science, engineering, management, literature, economics, law and other disciplines coordinated development. The university is located in Harbin, the summer capital of the ice city. At the same time, Weihai Campus of Harbin University of technology and Shenzhen Campus of Harbin University of Technology (Preparatory) are set up in Weihai City of Shandong Province and Shenzhen city of Guangdong Province, forming a school running pattern of "one university, three districts". In the process of running a school, the school has formed the school motto of "strict specifications, excellent kung fu", and cultivated a large number of outstanding talents with a simple and rigorous style of study. The school has taken adapting to the needs of the country and serving the construction of the country as its own duty. It has formed a relatively complete discipline system consisting of key disciplines, emerging disciplines and supporting disciplines, with aerospace characteristics as the main feature and universality as the criterion, giving full play to the advantages of interdisciplinary and integration, covering philosophy, economics, law, education, literature, history, science, engineering Management, art and other 10 categories. At present, the university has 9 first-class national key disciplines and 6 second-class national key disciplines. The school adheres to the historical tradition of people-oriented, caring for talents, and training and using young talents in an informal manner. It has gathered and cultivated a high-level teaching staff with enterprising spirit, excellent business and excellent style represented by academicians of the two academies and outstanding talents of the Ministry of education in the new century, which has laid a good talent foundation for the school to create a world excellent university. The University employs international scholars and management experts to guide the development and construction of talent training, discipline construction, basic scientific research and management services of the university based on the standards and development experience of the world's top universities. At the same time, the University also attracts talents at home and abroad, and employs overseas part-time doctoral directors, contracted foreign experts and overseas students to work in the University. 80% of them have obtained doctorates in Universities in the United States, Russia, Britain, France, Germany, Japan and other countries, with rich teaching experience and high academic level. The comprehensive school running conditions of the school are excellent, the basic facilities are complete, and the Science Park, experimental center, gymnasium (field), activity center, swimming pool and other facilities are complete, which provides conditions for the study, life, academic and cultural exchange activities between China and foreign countries. The University adheres to the principle of "facing the major needs of the country, facing the forefront of international science and technology", serving the industrialization, informatization and modernization of national defense, serving the local economic and social development, highlighting the advantages of national defense and aerospace, closely combining the major national needs of national economic and social development in the fields of industry, information, electromechanical, energy, materials, resources and environment, civil engineering and construction, and constantly improving The academic research level, scientific research innovation ability and scientific research competitiveness have solved a series of Frontier basic scientific problems with good innovation and exploration in related fields at home and abroad, and achieved a number of original scientific research results. The school has actively participated in 14 of the 16 major national science and technology projects, made a number of significant landmark achievements in aerospace, robotics, small satellites, equipment manufacturing, new energy, new materials and other fields, and made positive contributions to the national and local economic and social development. Over the years, Harbin University of technology has always maintained its aerospace characteristics, adhered to independent innovation, and constantly took the initiative to undertake large-scale national high-tech, high-quality and cutting-edge projects. The university has successfully developed and launched "test one", "test three", "fast boat one", "fast boat two" and "Lilac two" satellites, setting a record of "five battles and five victories" in developing small satellites in domestic universities. A number of technical achievements have provided strong support for manned space engineering, lunar exploration engineering and manned deep diving engineering. During the development of Shenzhou series spacecraft, Harbin University of technology has overcome many technical difficulties, such as KM6, welding deformation correction technology of return cabin, three-axis simulation experiment turntable, simulated weightlessness training water tank for astronaut training, reflector body for astronaut to leave the cabin, etc. In the mission of rendezvous and docking between Tiangong-1 and Shenzhou, the school provided more than 20 technical supports. Adhering to the school motto of "strict specification and perfect Kung Fu", Harbin University of technology adheres to the talent cultivation method of combining personalized training and flexible management, follows the principles of combining curriculum learning with project learning, theoretical learning with social practice, in class learning with extracurricular learning, teachers' teaching with students' learning, pays attention to the cultivation of students' ability and quality, and creates a large number of projects Innovative talents with strong practical ability and the spirit of unity and cooperation. The school gives full play to the leading core role of the Party committee, earnestly implements the president responsibility system under the leadership of the Party committee, and forms the ideological and political work features of spiritual guidance, typical guidance and brand driven. Since its establishment, more than 300000 students have moved from here to all fronts.

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