南国置业LANGOLD品牌怎么样 申请店铺

南国置业LANGOLD是哪个国家的品牌?「南国置业LANGOLD」是 南国置业股份有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于湖北省武汉市,由创始人夏董在1998年期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。


南国置业以“建设精彩城市生活”为企业使命,建设具活力的城市有机单元,持续提升以商业地产为引导的综合性物业开发运营能力,物业业态涵盖购物中心、酒店、公寓、写字楼、专业市场、文化产业园等范畴,逐步形成了“以资产管理为核心,以价值发现为先导,以开发能力为支撑,以商业运营管理为后盾”的经营模式。目前,南国置业从商业等级、规模、形态、定位四个维度来诠释产品,形成了具有南国特色的商业产品线—— “泛悦MALL”系列、“泛悦汇”系列、“泛悦坊”系列、“南国大家装“系列。其中,泛悦MALL,是满足城市家庭需求的一站式购物中心;泛悦汇,是依托于城市文脉而生的“城市主题会客厅”;泛悦坊,是服务于社区居民日常生活需求的邻里文化商业中心;南国大家装,是满足建材家居需求的整体解决平台。



Nanguo Real Estate Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Nanguo real estate") was established in 1998, with national first-class real estate development qualification. In November 2009, Nanguo real estate became a real estate company listed after IPO restart (Shenzhen Stock Exchange code: 002305). In 2014, China Power Construction Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "powerconstruction real estate") became the controlling shareholder of Nanguo real estate. Powerconstruction real estate is a member enterprise of China Power Construction Group. It is a real estate platform company of 16 central enterprises which are mainly engaged in real estate development and operation business approved by the state owned assets supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council. As a listed commercial real estate company controlled by the central enterprise, Nanguo real estate relies on the help of the two major Pingzi Taiwan's capital and resource advantages have realized the leapfrog development of the company. Nanguo real estate takes "building a wonderful city life" as its corporate mission, builds a dynamic urban organic unit, and continuously improves its comprehensive property development and operation ability guided by commercial real estate. The property business covers shopping center, hotel, apartment, office building, professional market, cultural industrial park and other fields, and gradually forms "asset management as the core, value discovery as the first" Guide, take development ability as support, take commercial operation management as backing "business model. At present, Nanguo real estate interprets its products from four dimensions of commercial level, scale, form and positioning, forming a commercial product line with the characteristics of Nanguo - "Pan Yue mall" series, "Pan Yue Hui" series, "Pan Yue Fang" series, "South everyone's wear" series. Among them, fanyue mall is a one-stop shopping center to meet the needs of urban families; fanyue Hui is a "urban theme reception hall" based on the urban context; fanyue square is a neighborhood cultural and commercial center serving the daily life needs of community residents; Nanguo everybody's clothing is an overall solution platform to meet the needs of building materials and home furnishings. At present, Nanguo real estate has established a "one body, two wings" development strategy with commercial real estate development and operation as the main body, real estate financial business, industrial real estate and other emerging businesses as the two wings, focusing on "5 + 5" (five important cities: Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan, Chengdu, Nanjing; five business sectors: project development, commercial operation, financial business, industrial park, pension industry) and The direction of "three major" (important cities, major transportation nodes, major complex projects) and the important strategic layout. The company has developed more than 5 million square meters of property, more than 1 million square meters of commercial operation area, and the annual new operation area will reach more than 500000 square meters. In 2016, China Development Group Culture Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Chinese culture") was invested by Nanguo real estate. Chinese culture is the investment platform of China culture industry development group for cultural and creative industries. Nanguo real estate will combine its own business operation advantages and Chinese cultural industry advantages, strengthen the upgrading of business forms in cultural and creative industries, realize the advance layout of commercial real estate transformation, and provide cultural and commercial places that meet the needs of the government and society. At the same time, Nanguo Real Estate focuses on the development of financial business, accelerates the establishment of financial institutions, actively promotes cooperation with financial institutions, and takes advantage of the platform advantages of listed commercial real estate companies to promote the construction of supply chain finance and industrial chain finance ecosystem. In the future, the company will focus on the strategic upgrading of "one body, two wings", further accelerate the pace of national layout, and make unremitting efforts to become a national urban comprehensive service provider!

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/0392b3c71.html 联系电话:027-87732351


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