一汽奔腾BESTUNE品牌怎么样 申请店铺

一汽奔腾BESTUNE是哪个国家的品牌?「一汽奔腾BESTUNE」是 中国第一汽车集团有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于吉林省长春市,由创始人徐董在2006年期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。









FAW Pentium brand is a product line brand under the umbrella brand of "China FAW" under FAW Group. As the representative of high specification, high quality and high value medium and high-grade passenger cars of domestic independent brands, Pentium brand takes "more than enterprise" as the core value and creates the connotation of "quality, performance and technology" brand. Since its listing, it has won the recognition of the market and the trust of consumers, expanding the business of China's independent passenger cars to a new height. Since the appearance of Pentium B70 in 2006, the brand of Pentium has experienced many years of development. Its products include Pentium B90, Pentium B70, Pentium B50, Pentium B30, and Pentium X80 and Pentium X40 SUV models, forming a strong product line covering medium and high-end cars, intermediate cars and urban SUV, realizing the development and progress from scratch, from small to large, from single to multiple. Pentium B70 is the initial model of Pentium brand. Since it came into the market in 2006, it has been upgraded many times, carrying the glory and dream of Pentium brand, and has won the recognition of the market and the trust of consumers with excellent quality and good reputation, which has laid a solid market foundation for the development of multi model of Pentium brand. Pentium B50 is the star volume model of Pentium brand. In 2009, its birth marks the second development stage of Pentium brand - accumulation and cultivation period. In 2016, at the time of the new decade of Pentium brand, the new generation of Pentium B50 "surpassing and beyond expectation" came into being. As the result of ten years' accumulation of Pentium brand, Pentium B50 is the high starting point, high value inheritance and actual bearing of brand spirit of Pentium brand, which not only makes the product layout of Pentium brand richer and more perfect, but also further strengthens the competitiveness of Pentium brand in class a car market. Pentium B90, the flagship model of Pentium brand, was born in 2012. As the flagship product of FAW car devoted to research and development for several years, Pentium B90 integrates the technical accumulation of FAW car for decades, representing the current domestic manufacturing process and technology level. In 2014, the Pentium B90 with t power was officially launched, which shows that the t power of technology brings more passionate driving experience and stronger technological strength to the Pentium B90, and also declares that the whole Pentium brand has officially entered the t-era driven by technology. Pentium X80 is the city SUV of Pentium brand. Its arrival means that the Pentium brand has stepped out of the pure car market and formed a product line-up of multi model combination of cars and SUVs. As a high-performance SUV, the Pentium X80 is customized by the confident, confident and steady social backbone, presenting a number of outstanding features of high-specification urban SUV. Born in 2015, Pentium B30 not only enriches the product line of Pentium brand and increases the number of products, but also, together with B50, it is the second major car sales force of Pentium brand. As a class a vehicle platform model of FAW Group, Pentium B30 is developed based on mature class a vehicle technology, and its platform technology and technological equipment bring convenient driving and safe and comfortable life to consumers. In 2016, the Pentium B30 intelligent Internet, which is favored by many consumers, was newly upgraded and added to the carlife system, which is compatible with Android and IOS systems, so that consumers can easily enjoy the car internet life. The Pentium X40 is the second urban SUV of the Pentium brand. Inheriting the DNA of Pentium brand, it completed the product layout of "double a", "double B" and "double SUV" of Pentium brand together with Pentium series models. As a younger member of the Pentium family, the Pentium X40 injects a younger "heart power" into the Pentium brand, making the whole Pentium brand more youthful. At the same time, Pentium X40 is an intelligent Internet SUV in the A0 class SUV market segment, and also an SUV with social function in the SUV market. It carries d-life intelligent Internet system, making the travel of consumers safer, more convenient and more fashionable.

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