金地地产品牌怎么样 申请店铺









Jindi group (600383. SH) was founded in 1988 and formally started to operate real estate in 1993. In April 2001, it was listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and became the first batch of listed real estate enterprises after the lifting of the ban. Jindi group adheres to the mission of "building a family scientifically", embodies the characteristics of "professional way, only the best", and has developed into a national brand real estate company with rich characteristics and competitiveness. In 2010, Jindi group established the "one body and two wings" development strategy of "taking residential business as the core and commercial real estate and financial business as the two wings", steadily promoted the transformation of business model, and continued to move forward with the grand goal of "the most valuable international enterprise in China". Adhering to the enterprise spirit of "golden land road" such as "doing things with heart, being honest and trustworthy", "enterprising and dreaming forever", golden land group has formed the core competitive advantage of real estate development business, and has established the nationwide expansion pattern of seven regions, including South China, East China, North China, central China, northwest, northeast and Southeast, and has entered 21 cities in China. Jindi adheres to the product core concept of "leading people-oriented life", strives to respond to the original demand of human settlements, endows the product with strong humanistic style, creates a human function with rich functions and innovative design, and constructs a communication platform for residential circles to create a harmonious and smooth human relationship community. In recent years, Jindi has not only achieved remarkable sales performance, but also won various professional awards and market recognition for product innovation and product quality. At present, five product series "green", "brown stone", "Mingshi", "Tianjing" and "aristocratic family" have been launched, presenting many classic projects in major cities, including Shanghai Jindi art scene, Wuhan Jindi art scene, Shenzhen Jindi Mingfeng, Beijing Jindi Langyue, Shenyang Jindi platinum joy, Shanghai Jindi sky scene, Hangzhou Jindi Tianyi, Shenzhen Jindi Tianyue Bay, Tianjin Jindi? Ziyuefu, etc. In addition, classic projects such as Hangzhou Jindi Zicheng, Nanjing Jindi Zicheng and Xi'an Jindi Lake City have also won high recognition from customers. Jindi group is one of the first real estate enterprises in China to engage in financial business. At present, the group has a private fund management company which focuses on the investment in China's real estate market. Wensheng investment team began to explore the real estate financial business in 2006. At present, it has grown into a leading enterprise of China's real estate funds. It has branches in Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Tianjin, and manages one dollar real estate fund and several RMB real estate funds. In 2012, the asset management scale of Changsheng investment was about 5 billion yuan. In 2012, golden land group set up the Hong Kong capital market, acquired the listed company of the stock exchange, Xingshi real estate (535. HK), and changed its name to golden land business in 2013. Its main business includes urban complex, sales property, office building, industrial park and hotel. It is an independent commercial real estate investment, development and operation management business platform of the group. In the future, golden land business will focus on commercial real estate, relying on the resources of golden land group and project experience of Beijing Golden Land Center and Shenzhen Broadway, cultivate the core business model of urban complex development and operation management, and become the leader of China's exquisite commercial real estate. After more than 20 years of exploration and practice, Jindi group has developed rapidly and its strength has continued to increase. It is the AAA credit unit of China's construction system enterprises and the first-class national qualification unit of real estate development enterprises. As of the end of 2012, it has a number of holding subsidiaries with total assets of more than 100 billion yuan and net assets of more than 20 billion yuan. Based on the reputation and performance of the company, the brand of Jindi keeps improving, and the company has won the "blue chip real estate" award for nine consecutive years; it has been ranked among the "top 10 listed real estate companies in China with comprehensive strength" for nine consecutive years, and it has also won the "2012 China's most valuable real estate listed company" award, 2012 most valuable real estate listed company award, and chairman Ling Ke's award "China's best business leader" and "2012 individual award for social contribution". Looking forward to the future, Jindi group will steadily advance the one and two wings strategy, uphold the international vision and standards, and take value creation as the goal, develop innovation and sustainable development, and strive to realize the grand vision of "being the most valuable international enterprise in China".

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/0dd653e0a.html 联系电话:0755-82039999

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