龙脉温泉品牌怎么样 申请店铺

龙脉温泉是哪个国家的品牌?「龙脉温泉」是 北京龙脉温泉疗养院 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于北京,由创始人刘志豪在1993期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。




Beijing Longmai hot spring is a 4A level scenic area subordinate to Beijing Longmai hot spring sanatorium. It is located in Xiaotangshan Town, Changping District, on the central axis of the Forbidden City, 20 kilometers away from the city. It is close to Yongguan Great Wall, Ming Tombs, Mangshan deep forest park, Yinshan Tallinn, Jundushan ski resort and other scenic spots, with convenient transportation. It is a combination of accommodation, catering, entertainment, conference, leisure and vacation High end resort. Longmai hot spring covers a total area of 280 mu, underground contains the best hot spring in China, rich in geothermal resources. Longmai hot spring is divided into luxury Hot Spring Hotel, elegant Resort and the largest indoor hot spring swimming pool in Asia. There are more than 1500 standard rooms, warm apartments, family suites, luxury villas, presidential suites, hot spring palaces and other guest rooms; there are more than 30 conference rooms and meeting rooms with complete facilities; seven Chinese restaurants with unique styles provide a variety of delicacies, such as Sichuan, Shandong and Guangdong, which are managed by famous chefs. Longmai hot spring resort: the wind blows the green willows and the birds play in the bamboo forest. The scenery is pleasant and the air is fresh. Ancient pavilions and pavilions, quiet willow Avenue, and beautiful fountain square all create a rich atmosphere of leisure and relaxation. On the west side of the resort, it is a fitness Convention and exhibition center integrating conference, fitness, entertainment and health preservation; it adopts imported recreation equipment and luxury entertainment facilities. On the east side of the resort is the banquet hall of Huale palace, which can accommodate 1200 people at the same time; professional performance stage and first-class lighting and audio equipment are set inside, and the performers of Longmai Hot Spring Art Troupe can offer a wonderful art performance while the guests have dinner. Longmai hot spring "source" memorial Pavilion is located in the bamboo hot spring in the south of the resort. There are 38 hot spring soup pools hidden in the bamboo forest. In the hot spring medicine baths with different characteristics, you can enjoy a happy private space. The sunshine Equestrian Club on the north side of the resort has a 400m professional track, standard Equestrian Training, professional jockey accompaniment and barrier horse racing thrill. The resort is surrounded by various guest rooms, such as palaces, villas, apartments and standard rooms. It is built in the style of Ming and Qing Dynasties, with luxurious style, glass cornices and ancient and modern combination. In the middle of the resort, a modern five-star luxury business club is under construction and will be completed by the end of 2012. There are luxury rooms, various karst hot springs, various entertainment facilities with complete functions, advanced and spacious underground parking lot, etc. by then, with the construction concept of not lagging behind for a century, Longmai hot spring industry will be upgraded to a new scale!

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/139bfc93d.html 联系电话:61782458


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