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John Paul Dejoria和Paul Mitchell 当时有一个愿望——建立一个由美发人创立并为美发人服务的公司——能够为美发专家、沙龙及整个美发行业提供成功所需工具的公司。1980年,这两个伙伴开始以Paul Mitchell为自己的产品品牌进行营销活动,由于Paul Mitchell 是位美发师,以美发师的名字给产品命名,能够得到其他美发师的尊重和承认。因此其品牌始终信守要永远和设计师在一起的承诺。
就这样,这对充满激情、创意和满怀爱心的Paul Mitchell和John Paul双人组合,成功地推出了现今为人熟知的Paul Mitchell专业美发产品系列,他们注定要在一起永远地改变美发业的面貌。刚开始,他们以四种产品起家——1号洗发精、2号洗发精、护发素和亮丽雕。凭借亮丽雕,Paul Mitchell开发一种新产品种类,这个液体工具是一种新的造型方法,Paul Mitchell将它称作发雕Hair Sculpting。美发师可以利用亮丽雕在湿发或干发上创造任何他想要的造型,同时又节省时间,也可以让顾客在家里重新做出美发师在沙龙为他做的发型,亮丽雕成为新产品的始祖,它创立了一个革命性美发产品的方向,将美发业从睡梦中唤醒。
John Paul DeJoria and Paul Mitchell had a wish at that time to establish a company founded by hairdressers and serving hairdressers, which can provide hairdressers, salons and the whole hairdressing industry with the tools needed for success Company. In 1980, the two partners began to carry out marketing activities with Paul Mitchell as their product brand. Because Paul Mitchell is a hairdresser, he named the product after the hairdresser, and can be respected and recognized by other hairdressers. Therefore, its brand always adheres to the commitment of always staying with designers. In this way, the two passionate, creative and caring Paul Mitchell and John Paul have successfully launched the now well-known Paul Mitchell professional hairdressing product series. They are destined to change the face of the hairdressing industry forever together. In the beginning, they started with four products - No. 1 shampoo, No. 2 Shampoo, conditioner and bright carving. Paul Mitchell developed a new kind of product with the help of bright sculpture. This liquid tool is a new modeling method, which Paul Mitchell called hairsculpting. Hairdresser can use bright sculpture to create any style he wants on wet or dry hair, save time at the same time, and let customers at home to make the hairstyle that hairdresser made for him in salon. Bright sculpture becomes the ancestor of new products. It creates a revolutionary direction of hairdressing products and wakes up hairdressing industry from sleep.