紫晶庄园品牌怎么样 申请店铺

紫晶庄园是哪个国家的品牌?「紫晶庄园」是 怀来紫晶庄园葡萄酒有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于河北省张家界市,由创始人马树森在2008-05-20期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。

怀来紫晶庄园葡萄酒有限公司(Huailai Amethyst Manor)位于世界优质酿酒葡萄产区之一——河北怀来产区。北可俯瞰北京主要饮水水源官厅水库,南可眺望燕山北麓明代长城。沿京藏高速公路,或S2轨道交通,可以非常方便抵达北京城区。距首都国际机场和天安门广场均为90公里。



Huailai Amethyst manor is located in Huailai, Hebei Province, which is one of the world's top quality grape producing areas. Guanting reservoir, the main source of drinking water in Beijing, is overlooking in the north, and the great wall of Ming Dynasty is overlooking in the south. Along the Beijing Tibet expressway, or S2 rail transit, it is very convenient to reach the urban area of Beijing. It is 90km away from Capital International Airport and Tiananmen Square. The Huaizhuo basin starts from Jiming mountain in the west, where there is a well preserved post station in the west of Beijing, the castle of Ming Dynasty, Jiming post station; it reaches Badaling, the Jundu mountain in the East, which is also the world-famous classic pass of the Great Wall. There are several layers of limestone, volcanic gravel and sandy loam in the alluvial soil of ancient rivers for tens of kilometers, with good air permeability and water permeability, rich in various minerals. There are Jundu mountain in the South and Yanshan Mountain in the north. The mountains are undulating and the mountains are overlapping. In the middle is the river valley and Pingchuan. Two mountains and one lake form a V-shaped basin. The basin basically belongs to the continental climate. It is located at 115 ° 78 'e, 40 ° 29' n and 511 m above sea level. The East-West Valley brings strong monsoon and few diseases and insect pests. The air is dry, the air transparency is good, the annual illumination hours are 3031 hours, the annual effective accumulated temperature is 1650 ℃, and the annual average rainfall is 400-480mm. During the growing period of grape, the sunshine is long, the temperature difference is big, and there is little precipitation before picking. The natural conditions of soil, light, temperature and precipitation are just in accordance with the growth needs of high-quality wine grape, which is the only one in the sky. Therefore, the average good year over the years is significantly higher than other production areas. Zijing manor is a Sino foreign joint venture integrating grape planting, wine brewing, cellaring and filling. The young team of agronomists and winemakers is full of vitality and imagination. With the help of Hungarian and Italian experts, they have purchased the world's excellent German and Italian technology and equipment, with thousands of oak barrels of different production areas and tree ages in France, Hungary and the United States. Winery culture itself has also become a choice for many wineries in the suburbs of Beijing for a one-day tour.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/1926ce9d3.html 联系电话:03136850366


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