步步高hyper-mart品牌怎么样 申请店铺

步步高hyper-mart是哪个国家的品牌?「步步高hyper-mart」是 步步高商业连锁股份有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于湖南省湘潭市,由创始人王董在1995年期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。





步步高百货是步步高集团核心产业之一。精耕13年,形成了以商业地产开发为基础、品牌塑造为核心、中小城市区域连锁经营为模式的发展格局。门店覆盖湖南,江西23个地州市,目前已是湖南连锁门店较多的百货连锁新势力,在湘赣两省,家喻户晓,有口皆碑。截至2013年7月,步步高百货已战略性进入四川、重庆、广西、贵州等省份,其旗下涵盖百货、步步高广场、步步高生活广场、太楚食街、时尚潮品等多种业态。 效益倍增,份额倍增。截至2012年底,步步高百货已有会员200万名,2013年-2015年是步步高百货的会员战略年。创新营销、分客层推广、新媒体运用、生活化体验等将构建步步高百货竞争的软实力。

Hyper-mart和Super-mart 超市业态是步步高公司创业初期即开始发展的零售业务,包含大卖场和综合超市,目前连锁门店主要分布在湖南和江西及周边省份100多个城市。

2009年10月,公司整体引进国际团队,主导超市事业部经营管理,升级为 Hyper-mart(大卖场) 和 Super-mart(综合超市) 两大业态。其中,Hyper-mart按照 超市百货化 的理念,提升商品、服务和卖场氛围三大核心指标。




一座城 一个梦 一座城,一个梦,步步高百货打造一个又一个精雕细琢的传世经典。在设计上,融汇高雅与繁华,诗性与流行,让每一个角度都折射出璀璨夺目的光芒,流光溢彩,美丽至极。截至2013年9月,已开出步步高广场6家,步步高城市生活广场1家。

Bubugao group, founded in 1995, is an excellent business and service operator. Bubugao group, a large-scale chain enterprise integrating supermarkets / department stores / electrical appliances / Catering / entertainment / commercial real estate, was founded in March 1995 in Xiangtan, Hunan Province, the hometown of great man. At present, Bubugao group has three major sectors: Commerce, real estate, Internet Finance and large-scale finance A large-scale commercial group with multiple business forms such as logistics. The offline business is mainly concentrated in Hunan, Jiangxi, Guangxi, Sichuan, Chongqing, Yunnan, Guizhou and other southwest regions, and the online business has been spread throughout the country and even around the world. Step by step to cover the needs of all aspects of life in a variety of formats, is the provider and solver of your quality life solutions. We are creating a dream for our future life. And the center of this dream is our dear customer - you. Bu Bu Gao department store is one of the core industries of Bu Bu Gao group. After 13 years of intensive cultivation, it has formed a development pattern based on commercial real estate development, with brand building as the core and regional chain operation in small and medium-sized cities as the model. The stores cover 23 prefectures and cities in Hunan and Jiangxi. At present, they are the new force of department store chain with more chain stores in Hunan. They are well-known and well-known in Hunan and Jiangxi provinces. As of July 2013, Bubugao department store has strategically entered Sichuan, Chongqing, Guangxi, Guizhou and other provinces, and its subsidiaries include department stores, Bubugao square, Bubugao life square, Taichu food street, fashion fashion products and other formats. Double benefit and share. By the end of 2012, Buerger had 2 million members, and 2013-2015 was the strategic year of Buerger's membership. Innovative marketing, promotion at different levels, application of new media, and life experience will build the soft power of the department store competition step by step. Hyper mart and super Mart Supermarkets are the retail businesses that started to develop at the beginning of the company's business, including hypermarkets and comprehensive supermarkets. At present, the chain stores are mainly distributed in more than 100 cities in Hunan, Jiangxi and surrounding provinces. In October 2009, the company introduced the international team as a whole, led the operation and management of the supermarket business department, and upgraded to hyper mart and super Mart. Among them, hyper Mart improves the three core indicators of goods, services and store atmosphere according to the concept of supermarket department stores. Super mart, a business form that goes deep into the community and takes fresh and food as the main business items, has also achieved a qualitative leap. Fashionable and bright colors, wide and clean channels, plump and personalized piles, orderly and uniform display, fresh and green fruits and vegetables, considerate service, provide a comfortable and comfortable shopping environment for consumers. "Bubugao electrical appliance city" was operated as an independent brand in July 2005. At present, it has enjoyed the same supply price of national electrical appliance chain stores, and has realized a virtuous interactive cycle of professional electrical appliances, professional talents, professional management, professional marketing and professional after-sales. As of July 2013, it has more than 50 electrical stores with an annual sales volume of more than 2 billion yuan. Bubugao Plaza is a city, a dream, a dream. Bubugao department stores create one after another exquisite handed down classics. In terms of design, it integrates elegance and prosperity, poetry and popularity, so that each angle reflects a brilliant light, brilliant and extremely beautiful. As of September 2013, six Bubugao squares and one Bubugao city life square have been opened.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/1b8eef763.html 联系电话:4008-669-889,0731-52339880


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熟悉此事的人士周五表示,私募股权投资公司Blackstone正就以约35亿美元收购EQT Corp所拥有的州际天然气管道的少数股权进行深入谈判。如果谈判成功,这笔交易将有助于该天然气生产商削减其在今年早些时候收购管道运营商Equitrans Midstream时积累的债务。消息人士称,Blackstone计划通过其信贷和保险部门进行投资,但由于讨论保密,他们要求匿名。消息人士补充说,如果谈判没有破裂,交易可能会在未来几周内签署。消息人士称,作为与Blackstone交易的一部分,EQT将继续运营输油管道。(新浪财经)













