MarkLevinson马克莱文森品牌怎么样 申请店铺

我要投票 MarkLevinson马克莱文森在汽车音响行业中的票数:157 更新时间:2025-01-19

1972年,Mark Levinson在康涅狄格州的纽黑文创建了以他自己名字命名的Mark LevinsonAudio Systems(MALS)。MLAS的主要产品是放大器类电子产品(功放)。MLAS的设计是以超越所有的性能限制为出发点。这家当年专注于功放的厂商,如今是雷克萨斯汽车的豪华的代名词。

Mark Levinson于1972年制作的7.5 ips带速的录音机就拥有110dB的动态范围,随后的LNP-2前级,是音响史上一个里程碑式的产品,可以这么说,LNP-2的诞生,宣告了音响Hi-Fi时代的终结。而LNP-2在黑色氧化面板上雕刻并以白漆填充的Mark Levinson Logo,也成为发烧友心目中极品音响器材的标志,并在以后的近40年里基本保持不变。

进入21世纪以后以后,Mark Levinson品牌的关注重点,将转移到刚刚兴起的多声道影音领域。小编对这个品牌的了解也是在2004年左右购入一台当时号称“合并机之王”的No.383合并式功放开始的。2001年Mark Levinson为雷克萨斯研发环绕声音响系统,Mark Levinson也就成为了雷克萨斯豪华程度的代名词。


雷克萨斯轿车上的Mark Levinson音响较好的体现了该品牌一贯的声音特质。本是功放制造商的Mark Levinson的产品普遍有这样一个非常美国西部的特点,那就是硬派。声音处理上干错利落,毫不拖泥带水。而且相对于欧洲音响给人感觉比较快。对于短促的鼓声表现强劲有力,节奏分明。

高音并不是Mark Levinson的强项,不像B&W高音那样十分突出、迷人,细节处理略有缺失。但是其总体高低音表现非常平均,清澈。无论高低音都可以表现力道十足。


作为Mark Levinson的独家合作伙伴,雷克萨斯自然也是其最好的代言人,主打激进运动坚固豪华的雷克萨斯和专注于超越的Mark Levinson在某些程度上可谓契合。另外,除了最入门的CT200h(车型 配置 图片 报价) 雷克萨斯全系提供Mark Levinson。

作为一款高性能的车载音响系统,Mark Levinson环绕立体声音响系统拥有14个扬声器:4个25mm高音喇叭、5个65mm中音扩音器、4个16cm低音器、1个25cm重低音炮,功率高达330瓦。

Mark Levinson Surround(MLS)音频软件优化了5.1声道播放能力,并为立体高保真声音源提供了环绕立体声功能;具有从数码源到独立输出拓扑功率放大器的全数码传输功能。并且该系统还有独到的阴极射线管(metal cone)中音振模和扩音变频器。

2017年3月,三星官方正式宣布以80亿美元的价格完成对哈曼国际的收购。收购完成后,哈曼将变成三星全资拥有企业,Dinesh Paliwal将继续担任哈曼国际CEO。公司的员工队伍,总部,设施及其品牌均将保留。

In 1972, mark Levinson founded mark Levinson audio systems (mals) in New Haven, Connecticut, after his own name. The main product of MLAs is amplifier electronic product (power amplifier). MLAs is designed to exceed all performance constraints. The company, which used to focus on power amplifiers, is now synonymous with Lexus luxury. Mark Levinson's 7.5ips tape speed recorder produced in 1972 has a dynamic range of 110dB, and the subsequent lnp-2 front stage is a landmark product in the history of sound. It can be said that the birth of lnp-2 has declared the end of the hi fi era of sound. And the mark Levinson logo that lnp-2 carved on the black oxide panel and filled with white paint has also become the mark of the best audio equipment in the minds of enthusiasts, and will remain basically the same in the next 40 years. After entering the 21st century, the focus of mark Levinson brand will shift to the emerging field of multi-channel video. Xiaobian's understanding of the brand began in 2004 when he bought a no.383 integrated power amplifier known as the "king of merging machines". In 2001, mark Levinson developed surround sound system for Lexus, and mark Levinson became the synonym of Lexus luxury. Sound characteristics mark Levinson sound on Lexus car reflects the consistent sound characteristics of the brand. Mark Levinson's products, which were originally made by power amplifier manufacturers, generally have such a very western American characteristic, that is, hardliners. Sound processing on the dry fault neat, without any drag. And it feels faster than the European sound. For short drums, the performance is strong and the rhythm is clear. Treble is not mark Levinson's strong point, unlike B & W treble, which is very outstanding and charming, with a slight lack of details. But its overall high and low pitch performance is very average and clear. No matter high or low pitch, it can be very powerful. As the exclusive partner of mark Levinson, Lexus is also the best spokesperson of the model. The Lexus, which focuses on radical sports, is strong and luxurious, and mark Levinson, who focuses on surpassing, to some extent fits. In addition, in addition to the most entry-level ct200h (model configuration picture quotation), Lexus offers mark Levinson. As a high-performance car audio system, the mark Levinson surround sound system has 14 speakers: 4 25mm tweeters, 5 65mm midrange amplifiers, 4 16cm subwoofers, 1 25cm subwoofer, with a power of up to 330W. Mark Levinson surround (MLS) audio software optimizes the 5.1-channel playback ability, provides surround sound function for stereo high fidelity sound source, and has full digital transmission function from digital source to independent output topology power amplifier. In addition, the system also has the unique mid tone mode of the cathode-ray tube and the amplifying frequency converter. In March 2017, Samsung officially announced to complete the acquisition of Harman international at the price of 8 billion US dollars. After the acquisition, Harman will become a wholly owned company of Samsung, and Dinesh paliwal will continue to be CEO of Harman international. The company's workforce, headquarters, facilities and brands will be retained.

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美国人工智能公司Perplexity AI寻求与TikTok美国合并

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