HPCC世一堂品牌怎么样 申请店铺

HPCC世一堂是哪个国家的品牌?「HPCC世一堂」是 哈药集团有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于黑龙江,由创始人徐志越在1989期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。


















Shiyitang pharmaceutical factory of Harbin Pharmaceutical Group is one of the national key large pharmaceutical enterprises, which is located in the top 50 of the national traditional Chinese medicine industry, and is a national GMP certified enterprise. The company has more than 800 employees, 7 production workshops and 2 branches (Yinpian company and Warner company). Its products cover 11 dosage forms and more than 200 varieties. A variety of products have won the title of international, national, provincial and municipal high-quality products. The enterprise has been rated as a national, industrial, provincial and municipal advanced enterprise for many times. The enterprise is also a member of the United Nations Development Programme in China and a well-known protection organization. Shiyitang is the only international registered trademark in Heilongjiang Province. It integrates brand name, product brand and enterprise brand, and ranks first in all trademark appraisals in Heilongjiang Province. The intangible assets of the brand are valued at more than one billion yuan. Shiyitang was founded in 1903 (the 29th year of Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty). At the beginning of its establishment, it was an old drugstore and later transformed into a pharmaceutical workshop. In the early years of the Republic of China, Shiyitang had four branches, i.e. Jilin laohao, Acheng Shiyitang, daowaishiyitang and Daoli Shiyitang, showing the prototype of chain operation. In 1915 (the fourth year of the Republic of China), the antler glue produced by Shiyitang went out of the country and participated in the first "international Panama Expo" on behalf of the national products and won the gold medal. Since then, the development of Shiyitang has entered its heyday. In North China, more than a dozen semicolons have been set up, which have gained fame and become as famous as Beijing Tongrentang. Since then, the story of "there are colleagues in the pharmaceutical industry, and there is a world in the outside" has been left. After surviving the turbulent years, Shiyitang was reborn in the 1940s with the support of the party and the government. In the early 1950s, the average monthly sales volume of Daoli Shiyitang was 55000 yuan, and the annual sales volume was 540000 yuan. In 1956, Shiyitang implemented the public-private joint venture. Shiyitang drugstore was assigned to the leadership of Harbin pharmaceutical company, and 2 sales departments were established, namely, the Sales Department of Daoli Shiyitang and the Sales Department of daowaishiyitang. The original title of Shiyitang drugstore was retained, and the processing and production of traditional Chinese medicine was resumed. Since 1986, the enterprise has invested 200 million yuan in the expansion and transformation of Shiyitang. The new plant area is relocated to No. 18, Dakang Road, Daoli District, covering an area of 134000 square meters. In 1990, the enterprise carried out the strategy of building up the factory with science and technology, invested heavily in technology, developed new products, improved product quality and established brand concept. At the same time, the enterprise has carried out international registration in Madrid member countries and obtained the exclusive right of trademark in dozens of countries, becoming the only enterprise with internationally registered trademark in Heilongjiang Province at that time. In 1996, Shiyitang pharmaceutical factory was certified as "China time honored brand" by the Ministry of domestic trade. In 2000, Shiyitang pharmaceutical factory, a subsidiary of Harbin Pharmaceutical Group, was officially renamed as Shiyitang pharmaceutical factory of Harbin Pharmaceutical Group. In June 2005, Shiyitang pharmaceutical factory of Harbin Pharmaceutical Group was approved as a member unit of "China time honored brand" by China Federation of Commerce. In 2006, the registered trademark "Shiyitang" of Harbin Pharmaceutical Group Shiyitang pharmaceutical factory was recognized as "China time honored brand" by the Ministry of Commerce of the people's Republic of China. Shiyitang ranked thirty-fourth in the first China top 100 brand value list, and is one of the only pharmaceutical enterprises in Heilongjiang province to enter the "top 100 list". In April 2008, according to the needs of the strategic development of Harbin Pharmaceutical Group, Shiyitang pharmaceutical factory of Harbin Pharmaceutical Group was integrated with the second factory of traditional Chinese medicine of Harbin Pharmaceutical Group and the third factory of traditional Chinese medicine of Harbin Pharmaceutical Group, forming a large-scale specialized production base of traditional Chinese medicine with a total assets of more than 1 billion, integrating sales, production and scientific research. The comprehensive strength was further enhanced. In June 2009, Shiyitang pharmaceutical factory of Harbin Pharmaceutical Group was recognized as Heilongjiang time-honored brand by Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Commerce.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/240cf7ef3.html 联系电话:0451-51961111-15262


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根据法国巴黎银行Markets 360预测,美债在第四季度的表现可能优于欧洲债券。预计发达国家固定收益资产的收益率将会下降,但美国的下降幅度会比欧洲的更大。而日债是一个例外,日本央行一直在加息,而其他主要央行则在降息或即将开始降息。鉴于对美联储降息后美国10年期国债收益率下跌空间有限的看法,该团队认为,在美联储行动之后,日本10年期国债的收益率可能会升高。(新浪财经)

