智趣INTER FUN品牌怎么样 申请店铺
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智趣之星体育用品有限公司是一家集生产、设计、研发,销售于一体的体育用 品现代化企业。公司于1998年成立以来,相继创造出“智趣”“interfun”品牌, 一直为健康的体育产业拼搏,奋进!
公司地处经济发达的珠三角——顺德。工厂占地面积约20000多平方米,具有标准化厂房与先进的现代化设备;拥有几百名孜孜不倦的员工和精湛的技术人员以 及先进的管理团队;这些是我们企业得以发展的基础。公司坚持走有中国特色的体 育发展之路,在发扬全民健身体育全面满足客户的需求,立志成为倍受社会尊重和 业界推崇的体育公司。
公司经过多年不断的积累与发展,目前我们开发生产的产品有:轮滑系列(轮滑鞋/冰刀鞋/活力板/滑板车/配件),三大球系列(篮/足/排),三小球系列(羽/网/乒),健身系列(拉力器/臂力器/健美/双截棍/瑜伽)拳击系列 等十余项,一千余品种。为此公司一直在不断加大对新产品的研发生产,在品质及其工艺上追求精益求精。
Zhiqu star sporting goods Co., Ltd. is a modern sporting goods enterprise integrating production, design, R & D and sales. Since its establishment in 1998, the company has created "smart interest" and "interactive" brands, and has been striving for a healthy sports industry! The company is located in Shunde, a Pearl River Delta with developed economy. The factory covers an area of more than 20000 square meters, with standardized workshops and advanced modern equipment; hundreds of tireless employees, skilled technicians and advanced management team; these are the basis for the development of our enterprise. The company adheres to the path of sports development with Chinese characteristics, develops national fitness sports to fully meet the needs of customers, and aspires to become a sports company highly respected by the society and the industry. After years of continuous accumulation and development, our products include more than ten items and more than one thousand varieties, including roller skating series (roller skates / Skates / vitality board / scooter / accessories), three ball series (basket / foot / row), three small ball series (feather / net / ping pong), Fitness Series (stretcher / arm apparatus / bodybuilding / double truncation / Yoga) boxing series. For this reason, the company has been increasing the R & D and production of new products, and pursuing excellence in quality and technology.