TangleTeezer品牌怎么样 申请店铺

Tangle teezer是英国发型师研制,设计理念源于英国时尚美发界发型师Shaun P,是专为解决纠缠打结的新一代专业护发产品。Tony&Guy、Regis、Hob salon group等6000多家专业发型沙龙使用及有售,就连凯特王妃也是它的粉丝。Tangle teezer的特殊设计的梳齿结构轻松打开头发缠结、超弹聚酯纤维材料耐用舒适。
Tangle Teezer是新一代的美发梳,结构独特,人性化的外观的造型工具。适用于任何发质,无论是短发、长发、卷发、直发。Tangle Teezer美发梳在英国,是那些没有时间打理头发及爱惜秀发的人们钟意的。这款美发梳所提供的新型的头发塑性打照工具。“防毛躁”、“书柔顺”、“无疼痛感”都是Tangle Teezer美发梳的代言词,它可以在短时间内将卷发、直发、乱发等一切让您无以面对的在较快时间内轻松搞定。
一梳到底不掉发:Tangle teezer的特殊设计的梳齿结构轻松打开头发缠结,减少拉伤,以免破坏头发角质层,保护发质内层,从而保持头色自然亮泽。超弹聚酯纤维材料,耐用更舒适;人体功能学设计,轻松省力。
Tangletezer, a brand of hairdressing from the UK, is a new company that focuses on providing solutions to various hairdressing problems, brand expansion and product distribution of beauty products and other fast-moving consumer products. It is developed by British hairdressers. Its design concept is derived from shaunp, a hairdresser in the UK Fashion and hairdressing industry. It is a new generation of professional hair care products designed to solve entanglement and knot. More than 6000 professional hair salons, including Tony & guy, Regis and hobsalongroup, have been used and sold, and even Kate is a fan of them. Tangletezer's specially designed comb structure opens hair tangles easily, and the super elastic polyester material is durable and comfortable. Tangletezer is a new generation of hair combs with unique structure and humanized appearance. It is suitable for any hair quality, no matter short hair, long hair, curly hair and straight hair. Tangletezer hair combs in the UK are popular with people who don't have the time to take care of their hair. This comb provides a new type of hair plastic lighting tool. "Anti manic", "soft book" and "no pain" are the spokesmen of tangletezer hair combs, which can easily handle curly hair, straight hair, disorderly hair and other things you can't face in a short time. No hair loss after combing: tangletezer's specially designed comb structure can easily open the hair tangle, reduce the strain, avoid damaging the cuticle layer of the hair, protect the inner layer of the hair, so as to maintain the natural luster of the hair color. Super elastic polyester material, durable and more comfortable; ergonomic design, easy and labor-saving.