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Xiangjiang Yishou hall is a new type of foot bath franchised health chain management organization, which takes professional foot therapy and health massage as the leading products, integrates leisure and business and enjoys a successful operation mode. Foot bath of traditional Chinese medicine: foot bath of Foot Road Hall of Xiangjiang Yishou hall is an old and novel rehabilitation therapy for treating systemic diseases by soaking foot bottom with traditional Chinese medicine, promoting blood circulation of foot, stimulating reflex area of foot acupoints, and also an important part of traditional Chinese medicine. It originated in China and spread abroad. Foot bath is a traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of symptoms and root causes, reflecting the characteristics of Tongluo Huoxue, Yangyan Anshen, deodorization and dehumidification, sterilization and antipruritic. It has a special effect on migraine, arthritis, hemiplegia, venous bending and so on. It is unique for health care, leisure and relaxation. It can promote the harmony of yin and Yang in the whole body, improve the natural healing power of the human body and enhance self immunity. Characteristic foot bath: on the basis of foot bath, through the manipulation of traditional Chinese medicine massage, the external organs of the human body are further stimulated by continuous changes. Through the conduction of acupoints, meridians or nervous system, the muscles, bones, joints, ligaments and blood vessels are directly or indirectly stimulated to produce local or systemic reactions. This change makes various physiological functions of the human body gradually tend to be normal and increases the number of people Body resistance, to achieve the purpose of "disease treatment, disease-free fitness". Olive oil pressure: Xiangjiang Yishou hall Foot Road hall natural skin care product is rich in shark and essential fatty acids which are compatible with the skin. It absorbs quickly and effectively keeps the skin elastic and moist; It contains abundant monounsaturated fatty acids, vitamins E, K, a, D and phenolic antioxidants, which can eliminate wrinkles, prevent skin aging, protect skin and prevent chapped hands and feet. It is a beauty skin care product that can be "eaten". Through professional methods, it can promote strong absorption of skin and achieve the effect. Thai massage: Thai massage is a kind of exercise process without exercise. People have no spare time to practice in a busy day. They have to use the night or holiday to ask a masseuse to help exercise and promote muscle relaxation, ligament elongation, and relaxation of the whole body. It is also called "static therapy exercise" in physical therapy The basic skills of traditional Wushu and bodybuilding exercise. Scraping: it is one of the traditional natural therapies. It is based on the theory of skin Department of traditional Chinese medicine. It uses tools (ox horn, jade, fire pot) to scrape and wipe the relevant parts of the skin. Through benign stimulation, it can give full play to the role of Ying Wei Qi, make the meridians and acupoints congested, improve the local micro circulation, remove the evil Qi, dredge the meridians and collaterals, relax the muscles and Qi, dispel the cold, clear the heat and damp, activate the blood circulation Blood stasis, to enhance the body's own potential disease resistance and immune function, so as to achieve the role of supporting the healthy and removing pathogenic factors, preventing and treating diseases.

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