Christian Louboutin品牌怎么样 申请店铺

Christian Louboutin是哪个国家的品牌?「Christian Louboutin」是 兰步婷上海贸易有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于法国,由创始人TSUI * CHEUNG在1992年期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。
Christian Louboutin怎么样


Christian Louboutin先生1963年出生于巴黎的一个工人家庭,所有的辉煌始于孩提时的特殊经历。有一次他路过巴黎的Oceanic Art博物馆,在门前看到了一副显著的图标,一个锥形高跟鞋被两行粗线划掉,告诫参观的女性“善待”展馆里面的雕花木地板。看着那双漂亮的高跟鞋,13岁的他痴迷了,仿佛发现鞋子原来也能如此美丽。当时的巴黎正处于经济复苏的时期,一派纸醉金迷、歌舞升平的景象,Christian Louboutin抵挡不住花花世界的诱惑,经常会去巴黎当时的夜总会The Palace玩乐,那时他只有14岁。在这里他认识到了什么是时尚,也让他对舞台表演和舞女的热情与日俱增,甚至为此放弃了学业,每天泡在夜总会里,一边干些杂活,一边寻求设计上的发展,而做鞋就是他的突破口。“对于那些跳舞的女孩来说,鞋子是重要的,既要舒服,还要非常美丽、性感,能让人们一眼就注意到。我那时的想法很简单,就是让这些女孩都穿上我制作的,比她们脚下那双更舒适、美丽的鞋子。”

16岁时,Christian Louboutin制作了一双舞鞋,虽然到处推销,但那些舞女并不相信他,四处碰壁后,他意识到自己必须经历专业的培训。于是,1981年,在朋友的引荐下,他先是在Follies Bergeres当学徒,又在当时颇负盛名的品牌Charles Jourdan那里系统地学习制鞋技术,完善了自己在工艺上的不足。天赋+创意+自信,Christian Louboutin很快就在行业中崭露头角。不过那时他还没有创立自己品牌的想法,也不愿意加入任何集团,以自由工作者的身份先后在Chanel、YSL做个独立的制鞋匠。

1988年,Christian Louboutin被朋友说动,加入了Dior旗下专门生产鞋子的传奇公司Roger Vivier,经过大师的指点,他的制鞋技巧又飞上了一个高度,很快就家喻户晓。 羽翼渐丰的Christian Louboutin终于在1992年开创了自己的品牌,他制作的高跟鞋色彩艳丽、充满异国情调,被媒体称为“独立于主流之外的极品”,一面世就大受关注。

很多人以为那时“红鞋底”就已经是他的标志,其实不然。开始他并没有想把鞋底抹成红色,可是每一次设计鞋子的时候,他都为Logo伤脑筋。一次,他看到女助理往脚趾上涂指甲油,大红的色泽一下子刺激了他的灵感,将正红色涂在了鞋底上,没想到,效果出奇得好,至此,令人勾魂夺魄的这抹红色就成为Christian Louboutin的标志,让他大红大紫。在采访中他曾如此形容当时的冲动:“红鞋底就像是给鞋子涂上的口红,让人不自觉想去亲吻,再加上露出的脚趾,更是性感无比。”

很快,这抹红色红遍了全球,王室特别是大明星们的捧场让Christian Louboutin扬名立万,翻翻他的顾客名单:摩纳哥公主Caroline、Cameron Diaz、Nicole Kidman、Sarah Jesscia Parker、Jennifer Lopez。红鞋底仿佛有一种魔力,让细腻精致的女人心动,更令女人在男人面前展露自信和性感。 任何一个穿过他制作的鞋子的女人都会陷入一种舒适的感觉中,而他在设计中习惯用鲜明的对比表达自己的想法。细长的高跟、红色的鞋底是Christian Louboutin高跟鞋的标签,他的实验性艺术设计在皮鞋制造领域也是绝无的。

Founded in 1992 as a luxury brand, high-heeled shoes are colorful and exotic. The "red sole" is a special symbol of the brand. It is sought after and loved by many celebrities and royal stars. Mr. Christian Louboutin was born in 1963 in a working family in Paris. All the glory starts from his special experience as a child. Once he passed the oceanicart Museum in Paris and saw a remarkable icon in front of the door. A tapered high-heeled shoe was scratched off by two thick lines, warning the visiting women to "treat" the carved wood floor in the exhibition hall. Looking at the beautiful high-heeled shoes, the 13-year-old was fascinated, as if he found that the shoes could be so beautiful. At that time, Paris was in the period of economic recovery. It was a scene of ecstasy and singing and dancing. Christian Louboutin could not resist the temptation of the world of flowers. He often went to the palace, the nightclub in Paris at that time, when he was only 14 years old. Here, he realized what fashion is, and his passion for stage performance and dancers grew day by day. He even gave up his studies and spent every day in nightclubs, doing some chores and seeking development in design. Making shoes was his breakthrough. "For those dancing girls, shoes are important. They should be comfortable, beautiful and sexy, which can make people notice at a glance. My idea at that time was very simple. It was to let these girls wear the shoes I made, which were more comfortable and beautiful than the shoes under their feet. " At the age of 16, Christian Louboutin made a pair of dance shoes. Although they were sold everywhere, the dancers didn't believe him. When they hit the wall, he realized that he had to go through professional training. So, in 1981, with the introduction of his friends, he first became an apprentice in follies bergeres, and then systematically studied shoemaking technology in the famous brand Charles Jourdan, which improved his own shortcomings in technology. With talent + creativity + self-confidence, Christian Louboutin soon emerged in the industry. At that time, however, he did not have the idea of creating his own brand, nor was he willing to join any group. As a freelance worker, he successively worked as an independent shoemaker in Chanel and YSL. In 1988, Christian Louboutin was told by his friends to join Roger Vivier, a legendary shoe company owned by Dior, who specializes in shoes production. After the master's instruction, his shoe making skills soared to a higher level and soon became a household name. Christian Louboutin, whose wings are growing, finally created his own brand in 1992. His high-heeled shoes are colorful and exotic, and they are called "the best independent from the mainstream" by the media. They have attracted great attention since they came out. Many people thought that the "red sole" was his logo at that time, but it was not. At first, he didn't want to paint the sole red, but every time he designed shoes, he was bothered by the logo. Once in the limelight, he saw the assistant assistant paint the nail on her toes. The bright red color stimulated his inspiration, and the red was applied to the sole of the shoe. The unexpected effect was surprisingly good. At this point, the red body that made the soul beat up became the symbol of ChristianLouboutin, and made him red. In the interview, he once described the impulse at that time: "the bottom of red shoes is like lipstick on shoes, making people unconsciously want to kiss, plus the exposed toes, it's even more sexy." Soon, the red color spread all over the world. The royal family, especially the big stars, made Christian Louboutin famous and turned over his list of customers: Princess Caroline of Monaco, Cameron Diaz, Nicole Kidman, Sarah Jessica Parker, Jennifer Lopez. The red sole seems to have a kind of magic power, which makes delicate and delicate women's heart, and makes women show confidence and sexiness in front of men. Any woman who wears the shoes he makes will fall into a comfortable feeling, and he is used to expressing his ideas in sharp contrast in the design. Slim high heels and red soles are the labels of Christian Louboutin high heels. His experimental art design is also unique in the field of leather shoes manufacturing.



7×24h 快讯


36氪获悉,近日,顺丰集团携智慧安检平台出现在UPU World Leaders Forum(万国邮联世界领导人论坛)大会。据介绍,智慧安检平台主要由高速安检机、自动分拣系统、扫码系统以及集中安检软件组成。同时,顺丰还利用多模态大模型,通过融合图像和文本描述,以及货物类型、始发地等信息,精准地判断包裹的危险等级。目前,智慧安检平台已成功运行于顺丰100多个中转场。



三一重能公告,近日,控股子公司三一风能印度公司分别与印度 JSW 集团下属三家子公司 JSW Renew Energy Three Limited、JSW Renew Energy Nine Limited、JSW Renew Energy Eight Limited 签订了共计 1324MW 风电机组销售合同,与新加坡胜科集团印度子公司 Green Infra Renewable Projects Limited 签订了 300MW 风电机组销售合同。(新浪财经)





苹果开放研究人员访问 Private Cloud Compute“苹果牌 AI”背后云端模型框架

近日,苹果公司正式公开邀请所有安全和隐私研究人员访问该公司“苹果牌 AI” Apple Intelligence 背后的 Private Cloud Compute(PCC)云端 AI 模型(框架)。苹果公司将旗下设备的 AI 服务分为设备端运行和云端运行,所谓 Private Cloud Compute 其实就是“苹果牌 AI”的云端模型,苹果公司声称,Private Cloud Comput 是云端最先进、最安全的 AI 计算架构。(it之家)


消息称字节跳动招兵买马,拟在欧洲设立 AI 研发中心

10 月 27 日消息,据 AI 科技评论报道,字节跳动准备在欧洲设立 AI 研发中心。知情人士透露,字节跳动目前已经开始寻找欧洲的 LLM(大语言模型、Large Language Model)和 AI 方面技术大牛,积极招揽人才。今年 9 月初,消息称字节跳动董事会加入一位欧洲新董事,即法国富商、法国互联网服务提供商和移动运营商伊利亚特电信集团(Iliad)的创始人和董事长泽维尔・尼尔(Xavier Niel),拓展欧洲市场的意图明显。(it之家)


本页详细列出关于Christian Louboutin的品牌信息,含品牌所属公司介绍,Christian Louboutin所处行业的品牌地位及优势。