虹瑞斯品牌怎么样 申请店铺

虹瑞斯是哪个国家的品牌?「虹瑞斯」是 中山伟圣照明有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于台湾,由创始人陈 * 锡在1988年期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。

伟圣国际有限公司成立于西元1988年,并于2010年增资更名为偉聖國際股份有限公司 。 20余年来主要经营灯饰产业以100%外销欧美50多国;董事长陈金锡以他个人从事照明产业长达30年且走访世界50多国经验堪称照明界尖兵,并在其担任台湾照明公会第六届理事长3年期间,率台湾业界精英亲征世界各大国际展览,稳固台湾灯饰王国美名,直至今日荣任照明公会名誉理事长仍不遗余力于两岸照明产业的相互交流以期共创双赢。 1988年至今董事长除了专注于照明产业发展外,并带领经营团队向世界各国不断拓展业务,从西元1992年在大陆设立浙江省宁波分公司、1995成立广东省顺德分公司提供客户更多元化产品;更在西元1999年于广东省东莞清溪镇成立格圣厂主力于OEM, ODM,历经十年,因产线持续扩增以及添购新设备需要大型生产基地,于是2006年在广东中山市火炬开发区电子基地斥资购地自建新厂房(占地26000平方米),进而延揽国内外设计人才成立大型研发中心,专注研发绿色光源,LED灯泡及LED灯具朝OBM迈进。 2010年决定将行销国外多年的自有品牌《Home Resource》引进台湾、大陆,以中文名《虹瑞斯》继续大力拓展业务版图,落实行销全球照亮世界每个角落的经营理念。

Weisheng International Co., Ltd. was founded in 1988 and changed its name to Weisheng International Co., Ltd. in 2010. Over the past 20 years, he has been mainly engaged in lighting industry and sold to more than 50 countries in Europe and the United States with 100% export sales. Chen Jinxi, chairman of the board of directors, has been a leader in lighting industry for 30 years and has visited more than 50 countries in the world. During his three years as the sixth president of Taiwan Lighting Association, he led the elites of Taiwan industry to visit major international exhibitions in the world to stabilize the reputation of Taiwan lighting kingdom. Until now, he has been honored as lighting industry leader The honorary president of Ming association still spare no effort in the mutual exchange of lighting industry on both sides of the Strait in order to create a win-win situation. Since 1988, in addition to focusing on the development of lighting industry, the chairman of the board of directors has led the business team to continuously expand business to all countries in the world. From 1992, the board of directors set up Ningbo Branch of Zhejiang Province in the mainland, and in 1995, Shunde Branch of Guangdong Province to provide more diversified products to customers. In 1999, the board of directors set up Gesheng factory in Qingxi Town, Dongguan, Guangdong Province, mainly focusing on OEM, ODM, after ten years, needs a large-scale production base due to the continuous expansion of the production line and the purchase of new equipment, so in 2006, the company purchased land to build a new factory (covering an area of 26000 square meters) in the electronic base of Torch Development Zone, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, and then invited domestic and foreign designers to set up a large-scale R & D center, focusing on the research and development of green light source, LED bulb and LED lamp towards OBM. In 2010, it was decided to introduce homeresource, a foreign self owned brand that has been marketed for many years, into Taiwan and Mainland China, continue to vigorously expand its business territory with the Chinese name "Hongrui", and implement the business philosophy of marketing to illuminate every corner of the world.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/38f74e28c.html 联系电话:0760-23699888


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OpenAI 公布新型 AI 文生图方案“sCM”,号称效率是传统扩散模型 50 倍

OpenAI 本周公布了一款名为 sCM(Continuous-Time Consistency Model)的新型 AI 文生图方案。与传统的扩散模型相比,sCM 仅需两个步骤即可生成高质量样本,号称能够将文生图效率提升约 50 倍,且生成的样本质量能与“业界较强的扩散模型”相比较,为 AI 文生图提供了新的方案。(it之家)


丹麦首台 AI 超级计算机 Gefion 推出,由 1528 个英伟达 H100 GPU 驱动

10 月 27 日消息,丹麦推出了该国首台 AI 超级计算机,以丹麦神话中的女神 Gefion 命名,旨在推动量子计算、清洁能源、生物技术等领域取得突破,英伟达首席执行官黄仁勋与丹麦国王一同出席了揭幕仪式。Gefion 是一台由 1528 个英伟达 H100 Tensor Core GPU 驱动的英伟达 DGX SuperPOD 超级计算机,使用英伟达 Quantum-2 InfiniBand 网络进行互连。Gefion AI 超级计算机位于哥本哈根,为产业界、初创企业和学术界服务。(it之家)

