JCPenney品牌怎么样 申请店铺


杰西潘尼(J.C.Penney) 由詹姆斯·潘尼 (James Penney) 于1902年创立于美国怀俄明州的矿区小镇,目前总部位于美国德州普兰诺。在开店之初,詹姆斯·潘尼 (James Penney) 根据小镇的情况、居民的爱好及需求,选购优质的商品并将价格标在每件商品上,价格对各阶层人士均相同,这在当时是不常见的。



杰西潘尼(J.C.Penney) 店规定只付现金,不接受信用消费。这种做法遭到了当地商人的嘲讽,因为当地居民多半使用信用消费,但杰西潘尼 (J.C.Penney) 以其优质的商品及良好的服务吸引了广大客户。杰西潘尼 (J.C.Penney) 公司坚持给客户提供高质量低价格的商品,很快,杰西潘尼 (J.C.Penney) 取得了成功。

20世纪20年代是杰西潘尼 (J.C.Penney) 的辉煌时期。从1920年到1930年间,杰西潘尼 (J.C.Penney) 以平均每3 天开一家新店的速度开设了1250家分店。这些商店大多分布在美国小城镇的大街上。尽管30年代的大萧条使美国商业萎缩,但却给杰西潘尼 (J.C.Penney) 新的机会:由于资金不足,许多购物者均看重杰西潘尼 (J.C.Penney) 物美价廉的商品。直到30年代末,杰西潘尼 (J.C.Penney) 已开设有1586家分店,总销售额超过3亿美金。

二战后,杰西潘尼 (J.C.Penney) 为适应日益变化的郊区发展而对商店进行重新调整,增加了大批商品。

1949年,杰西潘尼 (J.C.Penney) 在圣路易斯开设了一家远离大街并可驾车驶入的购物中心,成为现代美国大型购物中心的前身。

1951年,杰西潘尼 (J.C.Penney) 总销售额突破10亿美元。杰西潘尼 (J.C.Penney) 在全美的服装及家居装饰零售业已打下牢固的基础。到50年代中期,新开设的杰西潘尼 (J.C.Penney) 分店多半是位于市郊的购物中心。

1957年后,在当时的董事长威廉·巴顿的管理下,杰西潘尼 (J.C.Penney) 专注于开拓品种齐全的百货店来满足郊区的市场需求。

1958年,杰西潘尼 (J.C.Penney) 推出信用消费方式。除此以外,杰西潘尼 (J.C.Penney) 还建了美容院、餐馆及汽车花园中心以使购物者享受到购物便利。

1963年,杰西潘尼 (J.C.Penney) 发行了商品目录。

1967年,杰西潘尼 (J.C.Penney) 金融服务公司成立。

1967年,杰西潘尼 (J.C.Penney) 还收购了斯瑞福特药品公司。1995年,1996年,1997年,彭尼公司又相继收购了三家药品公司。

70年代,美国开始盛行大型购物超市。杰西潘尼 (J.C.Penney) 以其良好的声誉、品类繁多的优质商品以及售后服务,垫定了它在全美的地位。杰西潘尼 (J.C.Penney) 的小型商店很快被它的大型百货商店取代,销售额也从40亿美元猛增至110亿美元。

80年代,杰西潘尼 (J.C.Penney) 的结构发生了重大变化。基于70年代后期的顾客调研结果,杰西潘尼 (J.C.Penney) 将重心放在高品位服装及柔软舒适的家庭装饰用品上。1983年,杰西潘尼 (J.C.Penney) 宣布将花费10亿美元来装修店面。

1988年,杰西潘尼 (J.C.Penney) 公司总部从纽约市搬迁至德州的达拉斯。

90年代初,杰西潘尼 (J.C.Penney) 完成了从连锁店到美国全国性百货商店的转变。女装占杰西潘尼 (J.C.Penney) 公司服装生意的80%。

J.C. Penney was founded by James Penney in 1902 in the mining town of Wyoming, and is currently headquartered in Plano, Texas. At the beginning of the store, James Penney, according to the situation of the town, the residents' hobbies and needs, bought high-quality goods and marked the price on each product. The price was the same for all levels of people, which was not common at that time. JCPenney was founded in 1902. So far, it has 1200 large clothing stores in the United States. In 1998, its turnover reached 38 billion US dollars (equivalent to 320 billion yuan, more than 290 billion yuan of total clothing sales in China in 1998). In order to reduce transaction costs, the company considers expanding the proportion of direct purchase, especially looking for production bases in China. Brand story J.C. Penney's store only pays cash and does not accept credit consumption. This practice has been ridiculed by local businessmen, because most of the local residents use credit consumption, but J.C. Penney attracts customers with its high-quality goods and good services. J.C. Penney insisted on providing customers with high quality and low price goods. Soon, J.C. Penney succeeded. The 1920s were a glorious time for J.C. Penney. From 1920 to 1930, J.C. Penney opened 1250 stores every three days on average. Most of these shops are on the streets of small towns in the United States. Although the Great Depression of the 1930s shrank American business, it gave J.C. Penney a new opportunity: because of lack of funds, many shoppers valued J.C. Penney's high-quality and cheap goods. By the end of the 1930s, J.C. Penney had 1586 stores, with total sales of more than $300 million. After World War II, J.C. Penney readjusted its stores to adapt to the changing suburban development, adding a large number of goods. In 1949, J.C. Penney opened a shopping center in St. Louis, which is far away from the street and can be driven in. It became the predecessor of modern American shopping centers. In 1951, J.C. Penney's total sales exceeded $1 billion. J.C. Penney has laid a solid foundation in the apparel and home furnishing retail industry in the United States. By the mid-1950s, the new J.C. Penney store was mostly a suburban shopping mall. After 1957, under the management of William Barton, then chairman of the board, J.C. Penney focused on developing a wide range of department stores to meet the needs of the suburban market. In 1958, J.C. Penney introduced credit consumption. In addition, J.C. Penney has built beauty salons, restaurants and car garden centers to make shopping convenient for shoppers. In 1963, J.C. Penney released the catalog. In 1967, J.C. Penney financial services was founded. In 1967, J.C. Penney also bought the company. In 1995, 1996 and 1997, Penney acquired three pharmaceutical companies successively. In the 1970s, large-scale shopping supermarkets began to prevail in the United States. J.C. Penney, with its good reputation, a wide range of high-quality goods and after-sales service, has established its position in the United States. J.C. Penney's small stores were quickly replaced by its large department stores, and sales jumped from $4 billion to $11 billion. In the 1980s, the structure of J.C. Penney changed dramatically. Based on the results of customer surveys in the late 1970s, J.C. Penney focused on high-grade clothing and soft and comfortable home furnishings. In 1983, J.C. Penney announced that it would spend $1 billion to renovate its stores. In 1988, J.C. Penney moved its headquarters from New York City to Dallas, Texas. In the early 1990s, J.C. Penney completed the transformation from a chain store to a national department store in the United States. Women's clothing accounts for 80% of J.C. Penney's clothing business.

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