Smirnoff斯米诺品牌怎么样 申请店铺

斯米诺以其纯劲口感风靡全球,其根源可追溯到 19 世纪的俄罗斯。品牌创始人P.A.斯米诺于1864 年开始酿酒。1934 年,斯米诺伏特加开始在美国生产。在当时美国人很少喝伏特加的情况下,斯米诺被定义为“白色威士忌”。之后出现的“血腥玛丽”、“螺丝刀”、“伏特加马天尼”也成为伏特加鸡尾酒中的经典。
The world's top ten foreign wine brands began in Russia in 1818, and were favored by the Czar royal family. Vodka, with its pure taste, became popular all over the world, which led to the global cocktail revolution in 1818 in the era of Russia. In 1818, a crown vodka distillery was established in Moscow. After the October Revolution in 1917, it was still a family business. Currently, vodka is one of the more commonly accepted vodka, which is sold in more than 170 countries around the world. 460000 bottles of crown vodka are sold every day, which is very popular with bar bartenders all over the world. Crown vodka liquor is transparent and colorless. It has no other flavor except the unique flavor of alcohol. The taste is dry and strong. It is an indispensable ingredient for making cocktails. In 1930, its formula was brought to the United States, where the crown vodka distillery was established. Now it is one of the brands of Diageo. Smirno is popular all over the world for its pure taste, which can be traced back to Russia in the 19th century. P.a. smirno, the founder of the brand, began to make wine in 1864. In 1934, smirno vodka was produced in the United States. At that time, when Americans rarely drank vodka, smirno was defined as "WHITE Whisky". After the emergence of "Bloody Mary", "screwdriver", "Vodka Martini" has become a classic vodka cocktail. Mini
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