MIDIMAN美奥多品牌怎么样 申请店铺

美国M-Audio是美国inMusic brands公司旗下音频品牌,研发设计并销售数字音频、MIDI接口、键盘和MIDI控制器、合成器、多媒体音箱、录音室监听音箱、DJ设备、麦克风及音乐制作软件。在美国、加拿大、英国、德国、法国及日本都设立有分公司及办事处。
美国M-Audio的前身Music Soft公司(后更名为Midiman)成立于90年代后期。创始人Tim Ryan是一名工程师,毕业于加州理工学院,曾合作研发了Con Brio高级数字合成器,并为Commodore及当今巨头Apple公司的计算机开发了一系列MIDI软件,其中就包括当时销量较高的两款软件Studio One和Studio Two。Tim Ryan在公司成立之初就立刻面向音乐制作领域推出了MIDI、音频以及计算机设备互联的硬件解决方案。
Midiman在当时的产品线主要包含尺寸小巧、价格合理的MIDI硬件解决方案、同步设备和接口设备。公司较先获得主流成功的产品是Syncman和Syncman Pro VITC-to-LTC/MTC转换器。接下来推出的Midisport和Bi-Port系列MIDI接口在当时的音频市场上获得了极大的成功,也奠定了公司产品线的核心。
随着MIDI接口产品的成功,Midiman立刻推出了Flying Cow和Flying Calf数模/模数转换器,以及第一款音频接口产品:带有4个输入, 20bit量化精度的DMAN 2044。
2000年,在推出Delta系列PCI音频接口产品,公司推出了一个新的品牌美国“M-Audio”,并将它作为面向音频产业的新品牌。接下来的几年内,Midiman公司继续扩展公司规模,陆续与Propellerhead Software,Ableton,ArKaos以及Groove Tubes进行经销合作。Midiman和美国M-Audio产品的成功以及经销渠道的扩展让这家公司在2001年获得了128%的增长,并且在2002年获得了68%增长。
继MIDI接口和音频接口产品在市场上大获全胜之后,Midiman在2002年进军MIDI键盘控制器市场,推出了一款便携式25键键盘——Oxygen8。Oxygen8不仅开创了沿用至今的Oxygen(氧气)MIDI键盘系列,也成功的开启了美国M-Audio的MIDI控制器产品线。2002年也是美国M-Audio正式进入录音室监听音箱市场的一年,在这年里推出了Studiophile SP5B。还是在同年年末,Midiman正式将整个公司更名为美国“M-Audio”,美国M-Audio这个名字在1999年至2002年一直是作为Midiman音频产品部门的品牌名称。
在2003年,Midiman收购了Evolution Electronics LTD(MIDI控制器制造商)。接下来的一年里,美国Avid Technology收购了美国M-Audio。Avid为美国M-AUDIO支付了大约1.74亿美金,几乎是当时这家公司账面价值的八倍。创始人Tim Ryan先生继续保留公司总经理的职位。
在Avid收购了美国M-Audio之后(2004年),Digidesign和美国M-Audio合作推出了一款特别版本的软件产品,Pro Tools M-Powered。这款软件是基于Digidesign当时的旗舰级产品Pro Tools推出的,兼容美国M-Audio在售的一系列个人录音声卡产品。美国M-Audio继续将产品定位于电脑音乐制作和家用级录音,并且更加关注产品的便携性。陆续推出了Trigger Finger(一款USB MIDI打击垫控制器,通过16个打击垫发送MIDI信号从而触发音频),GarageBand的专用控制器iControl,以及ProjectMix I/O,一款集合了音频接口的混音控制器。
公司推出了三种尺寸的Oxygen系列MIDI键盘,拥有基本功能、价格更低的Keystation系列,以及后来推出的Axiom(真理)系列USB MIDI键盘控制器。
当时音频接口产品仍然是M-Audio的主力产品线,包括陆续推出的Delta系列PCI音频接口,FastTrack系列USB音频接口,以及ProFire系列的火线音频接口等等。同样的,在监听音箱产品线上继续推出了Studiophile BX系列,Studiophile CX系列,Studiophile DSM系列,以及多媒体音箱AV系列。
与此同时,美国M-Audio也增添了一些新的产品线。2005年,美国M-AUDIO推出了Black Box,一款吉他效果器和音频接口的整合产品,可以提供箱头模拟,拍速同步的效果器以及鼓伴奏功能。值得注意的是,Black Box的鼓伴奏功能是与鼓机之父Roger Linn合作开发的。一款数字电钢琴ProKeys 88,让M-Audio进入乐器研发领域。美国M-Audio与Ultimate Ears(UE)合作推出了IE系列耳机,还通过MicroTrack系列进入了数字录音机领域。之后推出的Torq软件及配套硬件让美国M-Audio得以进入数字DJ领域。
2012年,美国M-Audio被inMusic公司收购。在离开Avid公司之后,美国M-Audio开始推出一系列新的自主产品。在MIDI键盘控制器方面,包括Keystation、Axiom、Oxygen MIDI键盘控制器系列,在不同键数、控制器种类个数、功能上提供了多种选择可能。作为美国M-Audio的重量级产品线,音频接口方面推出了M-Track系列产品。产品历经第一代产品(M-Track,M-Track Plus,M-Track Quad,M-Track Eight)及第二代产品(M-Track MK II和M-Track Plus MK II),此外美国M-Audio还推出了Pulsar、Nova、Sputnik等话筒产品,Trigger Finger Pro打击垫控制器等新产品,继续扩展公司的产品覆盖范围。为家庭录音、专业录音棚、舞台等多种应用场景提供了丰富的选择。
Started in 1988 in the United States, professional digital recording and MIDI application product supplier, audio interface product is its main product line. From June 1, 2016, M-Audio was changed from M-Audio to midiman logo in the United States. M-Audio is an audio brand owned by inmusicbrands company in the United States. It develops, designs and sells digital audio, MIDI interface, keyboard and MIDI controller, synthesizer, multimedia speaker, studio monitor speaker , DJ equipment, microphone and music production software. In the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, France and Japan have set up branches and offices. MusicSoft (later renamed midiman), the predecessor of M-Audio in the United States, was founded in the late 1990s. Timryan, an engineer and graduate of Caltech, co-developed the conbrio advanced digital synthesizer, and developed a series of MIDI software for Commodore and today's giant apple, including studioone and studiotwo, two of the most popular software at that time. At the beginning of the company, timryan immediately launched hardware solutions for MIDI, audio and computer equipment interconnection in the field of music production. Midiman's product line at that time mainly includes MIDI hardware solutions, synchronization devices and interface devices with small size and reasonable price. Syncman and syncmanprovitc to LTC / MTC converters are the most successful products of the company. The midiport and Bi port series MIDI interfaces that were launched next had a great success in the audio market at that time, and laid the core of the company's product line. With the success of MIDI interface products, midiman immediately launched Flyingcow and flyingcalf digital to analog / analog converter, as well as the first audio interface product: dman2044 with 4 inputs and 20 bit quantization accuracy. In 2000, when delta series PCI audio interface products were launched, the company launched a new brand "M-Audio" in the United States, and took it as a new brand for the audio industry. In the next few years, midiman company continued to expand the company's scale, and successively carried out distribution cooperation with propellerhead software, Ableton, arkaos and groovetubes. The success of midiman and American M-Audio products, as well as the expansion of distribution channels, led to 128% growth in 2001 and 68% growth in 2002. Following the market success of MIDI interface and audio interface products, midiman entered the MIDI keyboard controller Market in 2002 and launched a portable 25 key keyboard -- oxygen8. Oxygen8 not only created the oxygen (oxygen) MIDI keyboard series, but also successfully opened the MIDI controller product line of M-Audio in the United States. In 2002, M-Audio officially entered the market of studio monitor speakers in the United States. In this year, studiophile sp5b was launched. At the end of the same year, midiman officially renamed the entire company "M-Audio" in the United States, which was the brand name of midiman audio products department from 1999 to 2002. In 2003, midiman acquired evolution Electronics Ltd, a maker of MIDI controllers. Over the next year, avid technology acquired M-Audio. Avid paid about $174 million for M-Audio, almost eight times the book value of the company at the time. Founder Mr. timryan continues to hold the position of general manager of the company. After avid acquired M-Audio in the United States (2004), Digidesign and M-Audio in the United States jointly launched a special version of the software product, ProTools m-powered. This software is based on Digidesign's flagship product at that time, ProTools, which is compatible with a series of personal recording sound card products sold by M-Audio in the United States. M-Audio continues to focus on computer music production and home recording, and pays more attention to the portability of the product. In succession, trigger finger (a usbmidi strike pad controller, which sends MIDI signals through 16 strike pads to trigger audio), icantrol, a special controller of garageband, and projectmixi / O, a mix controller integrating audio interface, have been launched. The company launched three sizes of oxygen series MIDI keyboard, with basic functions and lower price of the Keystation series, and later launched axiom series usbmidi keyboard controller. At that time, audio interface products were still the main product line of M-Audio, including delta series PCI audio interface, FastTrack series USB audio interface, and fire series live audio interface. Similarly, we continue to launch studiophilebx series, studiophilecx series, studiophiledsm series and multimedia speaker AV series on the monitor speaker product line. At the same time, American M-Audio has also added some new product lines. In 2005, M-Audio introduced blackbox, an integrated product of guitar effect device and audio interface, which can provide box head simulation, beat synchronization effect device and drum accompaniment function. It is worth noting that blackbox's drum accompaniment function was developed in cooperation with Roger Linn, the father of drum machine. Prokeys88, a digital electric piano, brings M-Audio into the research and development of musical instruments. In the United States, M-Audio and ultimateers (UE) jointly launched ie series earphones, and also entered the field of digital recorders through microtrack series. After the launch of torq software and supporting hardware, M-Audio in the United States was able to enter the field of digital DJ. In 2012, M-Audio was acquired by inmusic. After leaving avid, M-Audio began to launch a series of new independent products. In the aspect of MIDI keyboard controller, including Keystation, axiom, oxygeni MIDI keyboard controller series, it provides a variety of options in different key numbers, controller types and functions. As the heavyweight product line of M-Audio in the United States, m-track series products are introduced in the aspect of audio interface. The products have gone through the first generation products (m-track, m-trackplus, m-trackquad, m-trackeight) and the second generation products (m-trackmkii and m-trackplusmkii). In addition, the U.S. M-Audio also launched pulsar, Nova, Sputnik and other microphone products, trigger finger Pro strike pad controller and other new products, and continued to expand the company's product coverage. For home recording, professional studio, stage and other application scenarios to provide a rich choice. From June 1, 2016, M-Audio in the United States will gradually change its standard to midiman in the United States, and continue to work hard to provide better products and services for everyone.
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