AMOR爱萌18号品牌怎么样 申请店铺

萌取自音译“AMOR 原来是西班牙语是爱情的意思,同时也是古罗马爱神的名字,在“爱神”的象征意中,AMOR侧重于爱的升华,强调心灵的契合、精神的沟通。一般认为他是一种灵态, 一种思想感觉,是爱情永恒的象征。因此,爱萌以此将美好祝愿,奉献给每位即将走上红地毯的新人。
Amor originally means love in Spanish, and it is also the name of the ancient Roman god of love. In the symbolic meaning of "God of love", amor focuses on the sublimation of love, emphasizing the fit of mind and spiritual communication. Generally speaking, he is a kind of spiritual state, a kind of ideological feeling, and a symbol of eternal love. Therefore, Aimeng would like to offer her best wishes to everyone who is about to go on the red carpet.
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