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Zhongxing financial Guanghua Certified Public Accountants (special general partnership) is an intermediary service institution with securities and futures related business qualifications, which is a domestic capital securitization operation platform and provides comprehensive services such as audit / tax / engineering cost consultation / asset evaluation. With the support of the Ministry of finance, China Securities Regulatory Commission, CFNA and customers, the business has developed rapidly, forming two major business cores of authentication and consultation. With Beijing headquarters as the center, the company has established strategic cooperation relationship with domestic investment banks, securities companies and fund companies, which is the operation platform of domestic capital securitization. The firm has branches in major cities all over the country, and forms Zoomlion Guanghua group jointly with Zoomlion asset appraisal group Co., Ltd., Zoomlion Cost Consulting Co., Ltd. and Zoomlion tax agent firm to provide comprehensive services such as audit, tax, project cost consulting and asset evaluation for enterprises. It is an intermediary service agency with core competitiveness in China. ZTE CGH has 2146 employees, 936 certified public accountants and 12 International Certified Management Consultants. There are 158 professors, associate professors, senior accountants, senior engineers, senior tax agents and senior management consultants, 22 International Certified Public Accountants (AAIA), 1 Chartered Certified Public Accountant (ACCA), 2 international internal auditors (CIA), 1 financial accountant (IFA) in the UK and 2 accounting leaders in the whole country. It is a collection of professional talents in accounting, auditing, securities and futures, asset evaluation, taxation, finance, engineering, economic management, etc. It is a professional team with excellent technology, unity and harmony, full of vigor and vitality. In 2017, the audit revenue reached 940 million yuan, and the revenue of other institutions operating in a unified way with the firm was 1.18 billion yuan, with a total revenue of 2.12 billion yuan. ZTE CGH's business scope covers telecommunication, finance, tobacco, petrochemical, electric power, transportation, metallurgy, pharmaceutical, shipbuilding, culture and education, real estate and other industries. In the past three years, ZTE financial Guanghua office has completed thousands of special audit services such as financial revenue and expenditure audit and economic responsibility audit, and participated in the special audit work entrusted by China shipbuilding industry group, China armament group, China Guodian group, China tobacco and other large central enterprises. At present, it provides audit services for dozens of enterprises' listing declaration and annual report of listed companies, internal control design, planning and feasibility study for enterprises, financial, economic evaluation and feasibility study for economic activities such as enterprise restructuring, asset restructuring and investment, and serves as perennial financial consultant for many large enterprise groups. The firm has cooperated well with the Ministry of finance, the audit office, the State Administration of science and technology for national defense, the board of supervisors of SASAC, the China Insurance Regulatory Commission, the Ministry of science and technology and other government agencies, and has been entrusted for many times to provide special audit services. ZTE financial Guanghua accounting firm takes the development strategic goal of being excellent, large, strong, large-scale, high-grade and high-level, adheres to the business philosophy of "seeking reputation by quality and promoting development by reputation", and pursues the long-term development goal of being steady and pragmatic and integrating with the international standard. All the staff are sincerely united, forge ahead, wholeheartedly provide high-quality services for all sectors of society, and make positive contributions to China's economic development.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/46d308df5.html 联系电话:010-52805612


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香港证监会达成首宗同类和解 使康佰控股有限公司公众股东获得赔偿




根据法国巴黎银行Markets 360预测,美债在第四季度的表现可能优于欧洲债券。预计发达国家固定收益资产的收益率将会下降,但美国的下降幅度会比欧洲的更大。而日债是一个例外,日本央行一直在加息,而其他主要央行则在降息或即将开始降息。鉴于对美联储降息后美国10年期国债收益率下跌空间有限的看法,该团队认为,在美联储行动之后,日本10年期国债的收益率可能会升高。(新浪财经)

