Campbells金宝汤品牌怎么样 申请店铺


金宝汤太古公司,金宝汤 Campbell 是美国金宝汤公司和太古股份有限公司在中国设立的一家合资企业。两家集团公司都有悠久的历史和广泛的业务。主要生产罐头、蔬汁饮料、调味料。

金宝汤公司在1869 年由水果商人约瑟夫.坎贝尔及冷藏库制造商亚伯拉罕.安德森创立的。公司的原名叫“约瑟夫.坎贝尔罐装食品公司”,其主要的产品有西红柿、蔬菜、果冻、汤、调味品和肉末等。

在1896 年,安德森离开了公司,结束了合作关系。金宝汤公司进行了重组并命为“约瑟夫.坎贝尔公司”。1897 年,约翰. 多伦斯博士作为一名年轻的化学家翻开了历史上重要的一页,他发明了浓缩汤品,并创立了有史以来受喜爱的食品公司之一,金宝汤公司及其品牌。从那以后,金宝汤便着眼于全球,发展预制食品,沙司,曲奇,饼干和饮料,并创建了具有标志性的多种品牌。今天,作为世界上较大的汤品制造商和运营商,金宝汤一百四十多年的非凡历史仍在延续。产品遍布在北美、拉丁美洲、欧洲和亚太地区120 多个国家。除了金宝汤和史云生这两个品牌,公司同样拥有V8, Prego, Pepperidge Farm, Arnott’s 等全世界受欢迎的饮料,沙司和烘焙食品。有赖于优良的员工,不断创新的产品和带有艺术色彩的技术,金宝汤公司一直在努力达成新的里程碑,并为全球大众的每日健康生活作出贡献。

在大中华区,金宝汤公司在十九世纪三十年代进入香港市场,并于一九八四年成立了香港公司,旗下有金宝汤,史云生,V8 和雅乐思饼干四个品牌。很多消费者是喝着金宝汤的汤品长大的。事实上,对于大多数消费者来说,金宝汤的经典红白罐浓缩汤和史云生清鸡汤已经成为他们深爱的一个标志。二零零七年九月十二日,史云生鸡汤和高汤在广州超市上市,这是金宝汤公司入驻中国市场的重要里程碑。二零零八年十一月,金宝汤公司在上海发布了史云生产品。这些产品被用作一些颇受欢迎菜肴的基础汤料,如汤、面条和炒饭等。二零一零年九月金宝汤公司在杭州发布了在中国研发生产的中华各地名汤经典私房汤系列成品汤。

太古股份有限公司(太古公司) Swire Pacific Limited (Swire Pacific)太古股份有限公司为香港主要上市公司之一, 也是太古在香港、中国内地、台湾、新加坡各主要业务的控股公司。太古公司的多元化业务分属五个部门:地产、航空、饮料、海洋服务与贸易及实业。太古地产有限公司是香港第二大业主,并在中国内地、香港及美国拥有大量投资物业。除航空公司外(国泰航空及港龙航空),太古公司的航空部门还包括飞机维修业务,航空饮食、空运货站及地勤服务。饮料部门的业务包括与可口可乐公司合作的策略性伙伴业务。海洋服务部门包括位於新加坡的太古海洋开发中心,是其中一间為为油气业提供离岸海洋服务的主要国际公司。至于太古公司的贸易及实业部门,业务则由经销汽车与多个品牌的运动及时尚鞋履与服装,至生产漆油及包装太古糖。

Campbell is a joint venture established by Campbell and Campbell in China. Both groups have a long history and extensive business. The main production can, vegetable juice beverage, seasoning. Campbell's soup company was founded in 1869 by fruit merchant Joseph Campbell and refrigeratory manufacturer Abraham Anderson. The company's original name is Joseph Campbell canned food company. Its main products include tomatoes, vegetables, jellies, soups, condiments and minced meat. In 1896, Anderson left the company and ended the partnership. The company was restructured and named Joseph Campbell. In 1897, as a young chemist, Dr. John Dorrance opened an important page in history. He invented concentrated soup and founded one of the most popular food companies in history, Jinbao Soup Company and its brand. Since then, Campbell soup has focused on the global development of prefabricated food, sauce, cookies, biscuits and drinks, and created a variety of iconic brands. Today, as the world's largest soup manufacturer and operator, Jinbao soup has a remarkable history of more than 140 years. Our products are distributed in more than 120 countries in North America, Latin America, Europe and Asia Pacific. In addition to Jinbao soup and Shi Yunsheng, the company also owns V8, prego, pepperidgefarm, Arnott's and other popular drinks, sauces and baked goods all over the world. Depending on our excellent employees, innovative products and artistic technologies, Campbell soup has been striving to reach new milestones and contribute to the daily healthy life of the global public. In Greater China, Campbell soup entered the Hong Kong market in the 1830s, and established the Hong Kong company in 1984. It has four brands of Campbell soup, Shi Yunsheng, V8 and IELTS biscuit. Many consumers grow up drinking the soup of Jinbao soup. In fact, for most consumers, Jinbao soup's classic red and white can concentrated soup and Shi Yunsheng chicken soup have become a sign of their deep love. On September 12, 2007, Shi Yunsheng chicken soup and Gaotang were listed in Guangzhou supermarket, which is an important milestone for Jinbao Soup Company to enter the Chinese market. In November 2008, Jinbao Soup Company released Shi Yunsheng's products in Shanghai. These products are used as basic soup ingredients for some popular dishes, such as soup, noodles and fried rice. In September, 2010, Jinbao Soup Company released the classic private house soup series finished soup developed and produced in Hangzhou. Swire Pacific Limited (Swire Pacific) is one of the major listed companies in Hong Kong and a holding company of Swire's major businesses in Hong Kong, mainland China, Taiwan and Singapore. Swire's diversified business is divided into five departments: real estate, aviation, beverage, marine services and trade and industry. Swire Properties Limited is the second largest owner in Hong Kong and has a large number of investment properties in mainland China, Hong Kong and the United States. In addition to the airlines (Cathay Pacific and Dragonair), Swire Pacific 's aviation department also includes aircraft maintenance business, aviation catering, air cargo terminal and ground handling services. The beverage business includes strategic partner business with Coca Cola. The marine services sector includes the Pacific Ocean Development Centre in Singapore, which is one of the major international companies providing offshore marine services for the oil and gas industry. As for the trade and industry sector of Swire, its business ranges from the distribution of automobiles and sports and fashion shoes and clothing of various brands to the production of lacquer oil and packaging of Swire sugar.

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10月26日,职业社交网站LinkedIn显示,特斯拉Megapack高级总监迈克尔·斯奈德(Michael Snyder)已获晋升为能源与充电副总裁。斯奈德于2014年6月加入特斯拉,于2022年8月担任Megapack高级主管,领导公司的Megapack项目。(界面)



36氪获悉,10月26日,CINNO Research最新报告指出,随着苹果iPhone16系列等高端旗舰机型的发布,第三季度OLED面板的整体需求持续回升。根据CINNO Research统计数据显示,2024年第三季度全球AMOLED智能手机面板出货量约2.2亿片,同比增长25.3%,环比增长0.9%,同比、环比双增长。从柔性面板出货来看,2024年第三季度全球AMOLED智能手机面板中柔性AMOLED智能手机面板占比76.4%,同比下滑2.3个百分点,环比上升4.2个百分点。










