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Serge Lutens, French salon brand. Serge Lutens should have been a free makeup artist at the beginning, and was recommended to carita for work by the beauty editor of vogue in France. Carita is also a skin care brand, which seems to be not available in China. In 80s, Shiseido entered the European market, and the two fragrances Tactics and Murasaki began to echo. Later, from the invitation of Dior to SergeLutens to join the beauty salon, who took charge of the Paris steering helm, the first perfume NombreNoir (black number) was released soon. The rumor was that the packaging was too expensive to make ends meet. Since then, the name of this perfume has been dusty. Until recently, LucaTurin has praised it twice in its own book until it is known again. The first shot didn't go off, but our serge Lutens didn't go down. Instead, we continued to build a feminitedu Bois in 1992. Ah ah, this one is very powerful. It brings a wave of female fragrance with wood fragrance. Moreover, this perfume is also the beginning of the best partnership between SergeLutens and ChristopherSheldrake: SergeLutens leads the way, ChristopherSheldrake modulates perfume, and almost all fragrances under the SergeLutens brand are born. (FeminiteduBois's expert in addition to ChristopherSheldrake, there is also a PierreBourdon, that is, to bring out the cold water, YSL's Kouros, Dior's light dance fragrance, etc. However, it is a pity that this FeminiteduBois seems to be the most influential one in SergeLutens's perfume, and it is not produced by the name of SergeLutens, but hangs the name of Shiseido. I don't know whether it is because of SergeLutens's RP problem in perfume industry, or because his own brand is very shallow. The name of SergeLutens is rarely mentioned by anyone in the perfume industry. In addition to LucaTurin's book, AWO has never seen SergeLutens in other perfume books or interviews with perfume industry insiders. For example, JanMoran's "FabulousFragrancesII", CalkinJellinek's "Perfumery", NigelGroom's "TheNewPerfumeryHandbook" and so on, should be regarded as authoritative books on perfume. None of them mentioned SergeLutens brand or any perfume of his family. Moreover, these books a contemptuous disregard for Sharon brand. In fact, you can see many salon brands and perfume in L'artisanPerfumeur, AnnickGoutal and JoMalone.