实创SCCC品牌怎么样 申请店铺

实创SCCC是哪个国家的品牌?「实创SCCC」是 实创家居装饰集团有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于北京市,由创始人朱国祥在2001-11-05期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。


家装不是简单地硬装+软装+定制家具叠加,而是从用户需求入手,深度优化硬装、软装和定制家具服务链,用三位一体式设计整装效果和谐统一,通过数据化交叉施工方式,剔除了传统模式中营销、人力、渠道和店面等叠加成本。家装的低成本运营模式切中了用户的核心痛点,一举引爆全国家装市场。 整装核心的竞争力是产业链掌控力,实创用十年的时间构建了一条真正意义的家装全产业链,成为家装的竞争壁垒。



Shichuang home decoration Group Co., Ltd. was founded in 1999. With years of project construction and integrated operation experience, in the beginning of 2005, creative decoration entered the field of home decoration as an innovator. The 288 hardcover package launched changed the industry pattern at one stroke, not only new definition of package type overall home decoration mode, but also defined the price benchmark of brand home decoration. Home furnishing is not simply the superposition of hard furnishing + soft furnishing + customized furniture, but starting from the user's needs, it deeply optimizes the service chain of hard furnishing, soft furnishing and customized furniture, and harmoniously unifies the whole decoration effect with the Trinity design. Through the data cross construction method, it eliminates the superposition costs of marketing, manpower, channels and stores in the traditional mode. The low-cost operation mode of home decoration hit the core pain point of users and exploded the national home decoration market. The core competitiveness of the whole decoration is the control power of the industrial chain. It takes ten years to build a real sense of the whole industrial chain of the home decoration, which becomes the competitive barrier of the home decoration. Starting from the upstream supply chain and raw materials, especially the customized products are all produced by the self-supporting factory of Shichuang. In the 100000 square meter wood production base of Shichuang, the German production line transforms the virtual data in the ERP system into the physical size. At the same time, in order to connect the production and sales construction links, in 2012, the self-supporting logistics of Shichuang was officially launched, and point-to-point distribution made the products directly from the factory The construction site is the real factory direct supply factory price direct sale. The supply of main materials is the key link of the whole assembly. The main materials of home decoration are purchased directly from the brand factory by the actual creation, bypassing the intermediate links such as regional agents, reducing the cost and the overall controllable degree is higher. At the same time, the scope of practical procurement covers the United States, Germany, France, Denmark, Spain, Japan and other countries. Behind the track is the accumulation of strength. With a good development trend, the number of employees across the country has exceeded 4000. There are 28 direct operating companies, the overall home decoration experience hall covers an area of more than 100000 square meters, with a team of designers and supply chain partners all over the world. In the future, Shichuang will continue to adhere to the positioning of the whole category of home decoration service provider, and provide users with space design, main material purchase, decoration construction, wood production, furniture production, soft decoration product sales and other real package services. Continue to expand the national market, integrate upstream and downstream resources, and create a life for more Chinese users.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/4c158e43c.html 联系电话:01051567666


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OpenAI 公布新型 AI 文生图方案“sCM”,号称效率是传统扩散模型 50 倍

OpenAI 本周公布了一款名为 sCM(Continuous-Time Consistency Model)的新型 AI 文生图方案。与传统的扩散模型相比,sCM 仅需两个步骤即可生成高质量样本,号称能够将文生图效率提升约 50 倍,且生成的样本质量能与“业界较强的扩散模型”相比较,为 AI 文生图提供了新的方案。(it之家)


丹麦首台 AI 超级计算机 Gefion 推出,由 1528 个英伟达 H100 GPU 驱动

10 月 27 日消息,丹麦推出了该国首台 AI 超级计算机,以丹麦神话中的女神 Gefion 命名,旨在推动量子计算、清洁能源、生物技术等领域取得突破,英伟达首席执行官黄仁勋与丹麦国王一同出席了揭幕仪式。Gefion 是一台由 1528 个英伟达 H100 Tensor Core GPU 驱动的英伟达 DGX SuperPOD 超级计算机,使用英伟达 Quantum-2 InfiniBand 网络进行互连。Gefion AI 超级计算机位于哥本哈根,为产业界、初创企业和学术界服务。(it之家)

