NVIDIA品牌怎么样 申请店铺

NVIDIA是哪个国家的品牌?「NVIDIA」是NVIDIA技术服务(北京)有限公司旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于美国,由创始人凯伦 * 柏恩在1999年期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。

从游戏到人工智能计算,实践证明,GPU能够有效地解决计算机科学领域中一些复杂的问题。GPU一开始用作模拟人类想象力的引擎,创造出视频游戏和好莱坞电影中令人惊叹的虚拟世界。如今,NVIDIA GPU用于模拟人类智力,运行深度学习算法,并在能够感知和理解世界的计算机、机器人和自动驾驶汽车中发挥大脑的作用。NVIDIA 的“AI 计算公司”名头越来越为人所知。这正是毕生的工作,增强人类的想象力和智力。

NVIDIA GPU 定义了现代计算机图形技术,GPU 将实时可编程着色技术变为现实,为艺术家提供无限的调色板,供其挥洒创意。

计算机游戏业的产值高达1000亿美元,是全球较大的娱乐产业。在这个拥有1亿游戏玩家的产业中,较大的平台就是 NVIDIA GeForce。GeForce® GTX GPU 和 GeForce Experience™ 应用程序将 日常用的PC改造为性能强大的游戏机。NVIDIA GPU彻底改变了计算领域。

2006 年,公司开发出 CUDA 编程模型和Tesla GPU 平台,将GPU 的并行处理功能开放给通用型计算使用。从此诞生了一种有效的新型计算方法。如今,高性能计算 (HPC) 和数据中心纷纷选择极其普遍、方便且节能的 GPU 计算作为发展道路。美国和欧洲的超级计算机,以及重要科研领域时常出现的突破,都依仗它的力量。GPU深度学习引爆AI 时代。

人工智能是指使用计算机来模拟人类智力。数据等同于计算机的生活经验,而从数据中学习就是 AI 的发展方式。GPU 深度学习是一种新的计算模型,用来训练深度神经网络从海量数据中识别模式。借助此新模型,图像和语音识别领域涌现了一系列“超人”般的成就,AI 计算时代亦已扬帆起航。每个行业都已意识到 AI 的巨大潜力。全球的互联网企业都在加紧研发智能化的应用程序。世界各地已出现了1500多家AI新创公司。自动驾驶汽车将给产值高达10万亿美元的运输业带来巨变。由 AI 驱动的工业机器人将推动工厂和制造业革新。在这场智能工业革命中,GPU深度学习处于核心位置。公司与全球大型企业技术提供商合作,让每家公司都能利用 AI 的强大功能。过去二十年,NVIDIA 不断重塑自我。

1999 年,NVIDIA 发明了GPU,这极大地推动了PC游戏市场的发展,重新定义了现代计算机图形技术,并彻底改变了并行计算。超级近,GPU深度学习推动现代 AI这个新的计算时代不断发展。

NVIDIA如同一台“学习机器”,通过适应影响世界且只有公司才能处理的棘手新机遇不断前行。NVIDIA 员工有企业责任感。今年,公司的慈善捐赠总额达到 500 万美元。

Project Inspire 势头正劲,这项活动每年都会将公司的员工召集起来,携手改变他们当地的社区。仅在今年,公司的员工就提供了超过17000小时的志愿服务,并帮助实施了惠及64000名儿童的教育计划。

From games to Artificial Intelligence Computing, GPU has been proved to be able to effectively solve some complex problems in the field of computer science. GPU was initially used as an engine to simulate human imagination, creating an amazing virtual world in video games and Hollywood movies. Today, NVIDIAGPU is used to simulate human intelligence, to run deep learning algorithms, and to play the role of brain in computers, robots and autonomous driving vehicles that can perceive and understand the world. NVIDIA's "Ai computing company" name is increasingly known. This is the work of a lifetime to enhance human imagination and intelligence. NVIDIA GPU defines modern computer graphics technology. GPU turns real-time programmable coloring technology into reality, and provides artists with infinite color palette for their creativity. The output value of computer game industry is up to 100 billion US dollars, which is the largest entertainment industry in the world. In this industry with 100 million game players, the larger platform is NVIDIA geforce. Geforce ® gtxgpu and geforce experience Gamma Applications transform everyday PCs into powerful game consoles. NVIDIA GPU has completely changed the computing field. In 2006, the company developed CUDA Programming Model and Tesla GPU platform, and opened the parallel processing function of GPU to general-purpose computing. Since then, an effective new computing method has been born. Nowadays, high performance computing (HPC) and data centers have chosen GPU computing, which is very popular, convenient and energy-saving, as their development path. Supercomputers in the United States and Europe, as well as frequent breakthroughs in important scientific research fields, rely on its power. GPU deep learning ignites the AI era. Artificial intelligence refers to the use of computers to simulate human intelligence. Data is equivalent to computer life experience, and learning from data is the way of AI development. GPU deep learning is a new computing model, which is used to train deep neural network to recognize patterns from massive data. With the help of this new model, a series of "superhuman" achievements have emerged in the field of image and speech recognition, and the era of AI computing has set sail. Every industry has realized the great potential of AI. Internet companies around the world are stepping up the development of intelligent applications. More than 1500 AI startups have emerged around the world. Self driving cars will bring great changes to the transportation industry with a production value of US $10 trillion. AI driven industrial robots will drive innovation in factories and manufacturing. In this intelligent industrial revolution, GPU deep learning is at the core. The company cooperates with global large-scale enterprise technology providers to enable each company to take advantage of the powerful functions of AI. NVIDIA has been reinventing itself over the past two decades. In 1999, NVIDIA invented GPU, which greatly promoted the development of PC game market, redefined modern computer graphics technology, and completely changed parallel computing. Super recent, GPU deep learning promotes the continuous development of modern AI in this new computing era. NVIDIA is like a "learning machine" that keeps moving forward by adapting to tough new opportunities that affect the world and only companies can handle. NVIDIA employees have a sense of corporate responsibility. This year, the company's charitable donations totaled $5 million. Project inspire is gaining momentum, an event that brings together employees every year to work together to change their local communities. This year alone, the company's employees have provided more than 17000 hours of volunteer service and helped implement education programs that benefit 64000 children.

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