MasterFoods每食富品牌怎么样 申请店铺

我要投票 MasterFoods每食富在番茄酱行业中的票数:167 更新时间:2025-03-29




澳大利亚每食富公司(MarsterFoods)由Henry Lewis先生于1926年建立,起初以辣椒粉、月桂叶和灌装芦笋进口贸易起家,经过80多年的发展,如今每食富公司生产逾500种香料调料出口到世界各国,包括香料,芥末,方便瓶酱料,调味料,面包酱,蘸酱,腌泡调味料等等,成为名副其实的香料大王。每食富通过提供不同风味的产品,激发消费者的厨艺灵感,让消费者在烹饪的时候享受更多的乐趣。使用美食富方便瓶 ,让食物更美味。孩子们可以方便的将酱料加到食物上,但是不会把衣服弄脏也不需要用到勺子。美食富方便瓶不会摔破,您可以将它带去野餐、烧烤或露营,瓶盖设计成旋转的喷嘴,您甚至不会弄丢了瓶盖。


每食富意大利香草(MasterFoods Oregano Leaves),Oregano音译为奥里根奴,中文译名牛至,又称匹萨草,是做意大利匹萨常用的香料,搭配西红柿、鸡蛋、乳酪等材料,加入羊肉、猪肉、牛肉等菜肴,可加去腥提味;与蒜头一同放入橄榄油,用来爆香锅炒菜,炒出来的菜会有一股特殊的香味。可用作意式香肠腌肉等的调味。亦可撒入腌制酱料里,或撒碎屑在煎炒蛋或乳酪上调味。适于各类面食和炒饭。

Dachang Sanchang (Shanghai) Trading Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of Australian food rich company. Masterfoods began in 1926 with the import trade of paprika powder / bay leaf and filled asparagus. Now its main business is spice seasoning Australia food rich company (marsterfoods), which was established by Mr. Henry Lewis in 1926. At first, it started with the import trade of paprika powder, bay leaf and filled asparagus, After more than 80 years of development, every food rich company now produces more than 500 kinds of spices and seasonings exported to countries around the world, including spices, mustard, convenience bottle sauce, seasoning, bread sauce, dip sauce, marinade seasoning, etc., becoming the real king of spices. Each food rich by providing different flavor products, stimulate the consumer's cooking inspiration, let consumers enjoy more fun when cooking. Use food rich convenient bottle to make food more delicious. Children can easily add sauce to their food, but they don't need to smudge their clothes or use spoons. Food rich convenience bottle will not break, you can take it to picnic, barbecue or camping, the bottle cap is designed as a rotating nozzle, you will not even lose the bottle cap. Star product: every food rich convenient bottle tomato sauce: tomato sauce is the sauce like concentrated product of fresh tomato. It is a kind of special condiment with the special flavor of tomato. Use food rich convenient bottle to make food more delicious. Children can easily add sauce to their food, but they don't need to smudge their clothes or use spoons. Food rich convenience bottle will not break, you can take it to picnic, barbecue or camping, the bottle cap is designed as a rotating nozzle, you will not even lose the bottle cap. Select fresh and mature tomato, plus tomato sauce made from traditional secret recipe, which is an essential seasoning for every meal. It can be used for French fries, steak, pork chop, chicken and other meat dipping sauce. It is also suitable for hamburgers, hot dogs, pizza and sandwiches. Every food is rich in Italian herbs (masterfoods oregano leaves), and oregano is transliterated as origano. The Chinese translation is oregano, also known as pizza grass. It is a common spice used for making Italian pizza. It is matched with tomato, egg, cheese and other materials. Add lamb, pork, beef and other dishes, which can add fishiness and flavor. Add olive oil together with garlic, which is used to stir fry dishes in a hot pot, and stir fried dishes There is a special smell. It can be used as seasoning for Italian sausage, bacon, etc. It can also be sprinkled in marinade sauce, or sprinkled with crumbs and seasoned on fried eggs or cheese. Suitable for all kinds of pasta and fried rice.

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