耘康品牌怎么样 申请店铺

耘康是哪个国家的品牌?「耘康」是 洛阳市畜康牧业有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于河南,由创始人李新平在2001期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。

洛阳市畜康牧业有限公司是一家集种鸡.孵化.饲料加工一体的大型现代化农牧企业;西邻世界文化遗产龙门石窟,北邻郑西高铁及207国道,可谓风景优美,交通便利。公司占地600多亩,员工500多人,年产值近千万,现拥有洛阳市耘康种鸡场,洛阳市畜康孵化场,洛阳市畜康饲料有限公司,洛阳市畜康办公家具公司四家子公司,固定资产2000万元,办事处100多家,产品遍布全国各地。 作为河南省大型标准化蛋种鸡繁育基地的畜康公司,自2013年先后从祖代鸡企业引进海兰褐16万套,粉鸡5万套,每年可向社会提供优质商品代母雏近3000万羽,同批种鸡供应量15万只。 洛阳市畜康牧业有限公司现拥有全封闭的种鸡场三个(种鸡一场,二场,三场);标准化种鸡舍16栋,种鸡存栏量21万套;舍内采用四列五走道大跨度密闭式鸡舍,配备全自动上料,饮水,清粪设备,及纵向通风湿帘降温等设施,并安装远程监控系统。鸡场每月净化一次,授精采用一鸡一管,这样有力的切断了疾病的垂直传播,并为打造4A级优质鸡苗提供了有力保障。 畜康公司于2013年3月建成并投产使用建筑面积达3000平方的现代化孵化大厅,现为河南规模大,设计合理,设备优良的孵化大厅,拥有巷道孵化设备30台,巷体机120台,车间分为标准化种蛋库,熏蒸,孵化,照蛋,出雏 ,冲刷,自动操作(自动注射,自动计数),发货等八个独立的操作车间;孵化厅采用全封闭的中央空调,内部环境实行自动控制,同时科学的把孵化和出雏分离操作,有效地避免了雏鸡因绒毛污染造成的呼吸道病的发生;同时也有力地切断了传统孵化车间对雏鸡的二次污染,这样为雏鸡的质量提供了强有力的保障。 洛阳市畜康牧业有限公司秉承"以质量求生存,以信誉求发展"的经营理念,奉行"服务至上,用户为本"的企业宗旨,在"团结.拼搏.务实.创新"的厂训指导下,愿与新老客户精诚合作,共谋发展,并为中国养殖业的健康发展不遗余力。

Luoyang liukang animal husbandry Co., Ltd. is a large-scale modern agricultural and animal husbandry enterprise integrating chicken breeding, incubation and feed processing. It is adjacent to Longmen Grottoes, the world cultural heritage, Zhengzhou-Xi'an high-speed railway and national highway 207 in the west, which is beautiful in scenery and convenient in transportation. The company covers an area of more than 600 mu, employs more than 500 people and has an annual output value of nearly 10 million yuan. Now it has four subsidiaries, i.e. Luoyang Yunkang chicken farm, Luoyang liukang incubation farm, Luoyang liukang Feed Co., Ltd. and Luoyang liukang Office Furniture Co., Ltd. with fixed assets of 20 million yuan and more than 100 offices. Its products are all over the country. As a large-scale standardized egg breeding base in Henan Province, liukang company has successively introduced 160000 sets of Hailan brown and 50000 sets of pink chicken from the ancestral chicken enterprises since 2013, which can provide nearly 30 million high-quality commercial surrogate chicks to the society every year, and 150000 of the same batch of breeding chickens. Luoyang liukang animal husbandry Co., Ltd. now has three fully closed breeding farms (one, two, three); 16 standardized breeding houses, with a stock of 210000 sets; four rows of five aisle large-span enclosed chicken houses are used in the houses, equipped with full-automatic feeding, drinking water, manure removal equipment, vertical ventilation wet curtain cooling and other facilities, and installed with remote monitoring system. The chicken farm is purified once a month, and one chicken and one tube are used for insemination, which effectively cuts off the vertical transmission of the disease, and provides a strong guarantee for creating 4A level high-quality chicken seedlings. In March 2013, the company built and put into operation a modern incubation hall with a building area of 3000 square meters. Now it is a large-scale, reasonably designed and well-equipped incubation hall in Henan Province. It has 30 tunnel incubation equipment and 120 Lane machines. The workshop is divided into standardized egg bank, fumigation, incubation, lighting, hatching, washing, automatic operation (automatic injection, automatic counting), delivery, etc Eight independent operation workshops; the incubator adopts fully closed central air conditioning, the internal environment is automatically controlled, and the hatching and hatching are scientifically separated, which effectively avoids the occurrence of respiratory diseases caused by villus pollution of chickens; at the same time, it also effectively cuts off the secondary pollution of the traditional incubator to chickens, which provides a strong guarantee for the quality of chickens 。 Luoyang liukang animal husbandry Co., Ltd. adheres to the business philosophy of "quality for survival, reputation for development", pursues the enterprise tenet of "service first, user-oriented". Under the guidance of the factory training of "unity, hard work, pragmatism and innovation", it is willing to cooperate sincerely with old and new customers, seek common development, and spare no effort for the healthy development of China's breeding industry.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/57f8e2b51.html 联系电话:0379-67482958


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