香雪XPH品牌怎么样 申请店铺

香雪XPH是哪个国家的品牌?「香雪XPH」是 广州市香雪制药股份有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于广东省广州市,由创始人王董在1986年期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。


“十里梅花浑似雪,萝岗香雪映朝阳。”诗人郭沫若赋诗赞赏的羊城八景之一“萝岗香雪”, 正是香雪制药的发祥地。1986年萝岗制药厂成立,1997年改制为广州市香雪制药股份有限公司,于2010年在中国深圳证券交易所公开发行股票(IPO)挂牌上市(股票代码:300147)。秉承“厚生、臻善、维新”的经营理念,公司把发展中药和实现中药现代化作为长远发展战略,经多年发展,现已成为拥有自主知识产权、自主品牌、自主创新能力的中药现代化的领军企业和技术企业,形成中药资源开发、中药先进制造、现代物流配送、新药创制的完整产业链。香雪制药先后在广东、北京、山西、四川、重庆、安徽、云南和宁夏等地设立十八间公司并投资兴建大规模的GMP生产基地和GAP药材种植基地,形成了新型中药饮片、中成药、功能健康食品(饮料)、养生保健等产品群所组成的大中药健康产业,在中国创造就业职位一万余个。



Guangzhou Xiangxue Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. started in 1986. It is a famous brand in Guangdong Province, a standard maker of Pharmacopoeia, a leader in the health industry of traditional Chinese medicine, and a modern high-tech pharmaceutical enterprise Luogang Xiangxue, one of the eight sceneries in Yangcheng, is the birthplace of Xiangxue pharmaceutical. Luogang pharmaceutical factory was established in 1986, and was restructured into Guangzhou Xiangxue Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. in 1997. It was listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in 2010 (Stock Code: 300147). Adhering to the business philosophy of "health, perfection and renovation", the company takes the development of traditional Chinese medicine and the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine as its long-term development strategy. After years of development, the company has become a leading enterprise and technical enterprise with independent intellectual property rights, independent brand and independent innovation ability, forming the development of traditional Chinese medicine resources, advanced manufacturing of traditional Chinese medicine, modern logistics and distribution, and the creation of new drugs A complete industrial chain. Xiangxue pharmaceutical has successively set up 18 companies in Guangdong, Beijing, Shanxi, Sichuan, Chongqing, Anhui, Yunnan and Ningxia and invested in the construction of large-scale GMP production base and gap medicine planting base, forming a large traditional Chinese medicine health industry composed of new traditional Chinese medicine pieces, proprietary Chinese medicine, functional health food (beverage), health care and other product groups, creating jobs in China More than 10000. Xiangxue pharmaceutical is committed to the research and practice of the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine, and has made fruitful achievements and breakthroughs in the key technologies of the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine, such as the quality control technology of traditional Chinese medicine, the modern preparation technology, and the innovation of the way of administration of traditional Chinese Medicine. Xiangxue pharmaceutical has established a modern integrated innovation system of traditional Chinese medicine with "modern fingerprint quality control technology" as the core. By using fingerprint quality control technology and computer similarity analysis system, the quality of traditional Chinese medicine with complex components can be effectively controlled. By using the clinical evidence-based medicine evaluation method of traditional Chinese medicine, the quality of traditional Chinese medicine can be effectively controlled through large-scale clinical data evaluation of large samples and multi centers The therapeutic effect is accurate and economical. Xiangxue pharmaceutical introduced the world's advanced information management system to realize the comprehensive information resource management in the process of Chinese medicine production, operation and sales service, and highly integrated the enterprise resources, supply chain, customer relationship, energy conservation and environmental protection, intelligent office, etc., so as to make the Chinese medicine enterprise management in line with the big data era.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/5a03ebbad.html 联系电话:800-888-6655,020-22211555


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