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学校形成了以经济学、管理学和法学学科为主体,文学、哲学、理学、工学、教育学、艺术学等多学科协调发展的学科体系。学校设有50个本科专业,拥有经济学、管理学本科专业自主设置权,拥有8个国家特色专业建设点和7个北京市特色专业建设点;拥有应用经济学、理论经济学、工商管理和统计学一级学科博士学位授权点,31个二级学科博士学位授权点,76个二级学科硕士学位授权点和工商管理硕士、公共管理硕士、会计硕士和法律硕士等13个专业学位授权点,其中工商管理、会计、法律等三个专业学位与2010年获批教育部专业学位研究生教育综合改革试点项目,全国保险、资产评估专业学位研究教育指导委员会秘书处设在我校。拥有应用经济学、理论经济学、工商管理、马克思主义理论、统计学等5个博士后科研流动站  。

进入新世纪,根据建设创新型国家对拔尖创新人才需求的新形势,学校注重对学生创新精神与实践能力的培养,探索人才培养新模式,设立了人才培养模式试验区,着力培养具有国际视野的创新人才,取得了良好的成效。2006年和2007年,学校相继成为教育部“国家大学生文化素质教育基地”和“国家大学生创新性实验计划项目”高校。2010年, 学校成为国家“财经应用型创新人才培养模式改革试点” 院校和教育部“专业学位研究生教育综合改革试点”院校。



The Central University of Finance and economics, which started in 1949 in Beijing, is a key construction University of 211 Project / 985 project. It is a research-oriented university with coordinated development of Economics / management / law disciplines and multi disciplines. It is a national "211 Project" construction university directly under the Ministry of education and a pilot University of national "innovation platform for advantageous disciplines". The school was founded on November 6, 1949, under the supervision of the Ministry of finance at the beginning of its establishment. It has gone through the development stages of the Central School of Taxation, the Central School of finance, the Central School of Finance and economics and the Central School of Finance and finance. In 1996, it was renamed as the Central University of Finance and economics. In 2000, the school was transferred from the Ministry of finance to the direct management of the Ministry of education. In 2005, it entered the national "211 Project" construction university. In 2006, it became the national "985 Project" The construction of Universities Based on the innovation platform of engineering. Adhering to the school motto of "loyalty, unity, truth-seeking and innovation", the school has formed distinct school running characteristics and cultivated more than 100000 high-quality talents at all levels for the national economic construction and social development, known as the "cradle of China's financial management experts". The school covers an area of 1027165 square meters, including 141962 square meters of South College Road Campus and 789798 square meters of Shahe campus. As of September 2016, there were 1759 faculty members, including 1176 full-time teachers. There are 283 professors, accounting for 24.06% of the total number of full-time teachers, 441 associate professors, accounting for 37.50% of the total number of full-time teachers, and 832 doctors, accounting for 70.75% of the total number of full-time teachers. At present, the university has 14965 full-time students, including 10060 ordinary undergraduates, 4013 masters, 655 doctors and 237 international students. The school has formed a discipline system with economics, management and law as the main subjects and coordinated development of literature, philosophy, science, engineering, education, art and other disciplines. The university has 50 undergraduate majors, with the right to independently set up the undergraduate majors of economics and management, 8 national specialty construction sites and 7 Beijing specialty construction sites; the first level disciplines of Applied Economics, theoretical economics, business administration and statistics, 31 second level disciplines, and 76 second level disciplines, master's degree authorization sites And 13 professional degree authorization points such as master of business administration, master of public administration, master of accounting and master of law, including three professional degrees such as business administration, accounting and law, and the comprehensive reform pilot project of Postgraduate Education approved by the Ministry of education in 2010. The Secretariat of the national insurance and asset evaluation professional degree research and Education Steering Committee is located in our university. It has 5 post doctoral research stations, including applied economics, theoretical economics, business administration, Marxist theory, statistics, etc. In the new century, according to the new situation of the demand for top-notch innovative talents in the construction of an innovative country, the university pays attention to the cultivation of students' innovative spirit and practical ability, explores a new mode of talent cultivation, establishes a talent cultivation mode test area, and focuses on the cultivation of innovative talents with international vision, with good results achieved. In 2006 and 2007, the University successively became the "National College Students' cultural quality education base" and "National College Students' innovative experiment program" of the Ministry of education. In 2010, the University became a national "pilot University for the reform of financial application-oriented innovative talent training mode" and a "pilot University for the comprehensive reform of professional degree graduate education" of the Ministry of education. With the development of economic globalization, the university implements the internationalization strategy and vigorously carries out multi-level international exchanges and cooperation. It has established close cooperative relations with 126 institutions of higher learning, government agencies, international organizations, multinational enterprises and other units all over the world. Since 2006, as a national aid project to train senior government officials from developing countries, the school has been entrusted by the central government to train 730 senior government officials from 91 developing countries, which has been widely praised. The university is one of 46 universities in the "national high level university public graduate project". In 2005 and 2007, the school has become a Chinese government scholarship program for foreign students and a Chinese government scholarship program for foreign students. According to the development trend of higher education at home and abroad and the needs of China's social and economic development, combined with its own development advantages, and through scientific demonstration, the university has made clear its development strategic goal: to build the Central University of Finance and economics into a high-level research university with characteristics, versatility and internationalization.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/5b6a4966b.html 联系电话:010-62288114


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10月26日,职业社交网站LinkedIn显示,特斯拉Megapack高级总监迈克尔·斯奈德(Michael Snyder)已获晋升为能源与充电副总裁。斯奈德于2014年6月加入特斯拉,于2022年8月担任Megapack高级主管,领导公司的Megapack项目。(界面)



36氪获悉,10月26日,CINNO Research最新报告指出,随着苹果iPhone16系列等高端旗舰机型的发布,第三季度OLED面板的整体需求持续回升。根据CINNO Research统计数据显示,2024年第三季度全球AMOLED智能手机面板出货量约2.2亿片,同比增长25.3%,环比增长0.9%,同比、环比双增长。从柔性面板出货来看,2024年第三季度全球AMOLED智能手机面板中柔性AMOLED智能手机面板占比76.4%,同比下滑2.3个百分点,环比上升4.2个百分点。










