康致寿品牌怎么样 申请店铺

康致寿是哪个国家的品牌?「康致寿」是 广州康致寿生物科技有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于广州,由创始人朱海军在2016期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。

康致寿膏药创始于清咸丰六年公元1856年,由乡间名医朱铁山独创此方,因其配伍精妙,制药技艺精湛,疗效确切,治愈患者无数,其良效曾轰动朝廷,太医院邀其入宫做御医朱铁山以“医者之心不在庙堂之上,在于济世救民”婉拒。传至朱文忻时,因其为爱国将领张学良将军医治好腰疾而声名鹊起,将军亲切赞誉“喝五日汤药,不如一贴膏药”。 朱氏膏药及朱氏家训代代相传,后人一直坚持用良心做好膏药,在百姓中有口皆碑,获得“仁心孝世”美誉,“仁心孝世”后作为祖训传承至今。 朱氏膏药,作为国家非物质文化遗产,迄今已经超过160年历史。历史的车轮行驶至今,在祖训传承之下朱氏膏药在广东成立了一家以健康为中心、以长寿为目标的广州康致寿生物科技有限公司,意味着朱氏在传承祖辈遗风的道路上,为中国健康事业更添一臂之力。 公司创始人朱海军先生在传承晚清名医朱德忠先生救治风湿骨病、颈肩腰椎顽疾一贴见效的祖传秘方的基础上,结合现代医药科技,已将公司发展成为科研、生产、销售为一体的百年老字号企业。 公司主推的康致寿&冷敷贴——传承六代、一百六十余年的朱氏膏药,由民间名医朱铁山先生创制于咸丰六年1856年,初名为“骨痛膏”,疗效显著,闻名遐迩。在此基础上,第三代传承人朱元琦先生在不断实践、钻研中,增加数味太白山独有的、得尽天地之本真精华的野生草药入膏,使朱氏膏药疗效更为神奇。 民国十八年,爱国将领张学良腰疾经朱鸿泰老先生治愈后,登门赞誉:喝五日汤药,不如神医马药膏;民国二十一年,张学良先生在亲历了朱老先生膏药的神奇效果后,亲题“仁心孝世”金字招牌,赠予朱鸿泰老先生。 至六代传人朱海军,膏药一直采用古法炼制,纯天然,纯和工。在制作工艺上,不仅完整继承了古法炼制的精髓,而且在不断的实践、总结中,将传统技法得以更深层次的丰富,把膏药的药用价值和传统工艺演绎得别具一格,最终沉淀为独树一帜的古方精品。 如今,公司在坚守百年精华的基础上,进一步潜心钻研,从广度和深度上对产品进行全方位、立体式的研发,开发出不同类型、不同规格、不同层次的系列产品。 百年来,康致寿以“孝世仁心”的形象得到了全国广大患者的肯定和认可。在此基础上,为更好的济世一方,公司秉承“健康长寿 幸福安康”的百年宗旨,本着“解除百姓疾苦,呵护生命健康”为使命,及“以质量求生存 以诚信求发展”的理念,倾力打造真正服务于社会的百年老字号企业,缔造膏药的国际品牌。

Kang zhishou plaster was founded in 1856 ad in Xianfeng, Qing Dynasty. Zhu Tieshan, a famous doctor in the countryside, created this prescription. Because of its excellent compatibility, superb pharmaceutical skills, exact curative effect, and countless patients, its good effect once caused a stir in the court. Too hospital invited Zhu Tieshan, a royal doctor, to decline "the heart of the doctor is not above the temple, but to save the people". When it came to Zhu Wenxin, he became famous for his good treatment of waist diseases for general Zhang Xueliang, the patriotic general. The general warmly praised that "it's better to have a plaster than to drink five days' soup". Zhu's plaster and Zhu's family motto have been handed down from generation to generation. Later generations have always insisted on using conscience to make plaster, which is well-known among the people and has won the reputation of "benevolence and filial piety", and "benevolence and filial piety" has been passed down as the ancestral motto ever since. Zhu's plaster, as a national intangible cultural heritage, has a history of more than 160 years. So far, Zhu's plaster has established a health-oriented and longevity oriented Guangzhou kangzhishou Biotechnology Co., Ltd. in Guangdong Province under the inheritance of Zuxun, which means that Zhu's plaster will add more strength to China's health cause on the way of inheriting the legacy of his ancestors. The founder of the company, Mr. Zhu Haijun, has developed the company into a century old brand enterprise integrating scientific research, production and sales based on inheriting the effective ancestral secret recipe of Mr. Zhu Dezhong, a famous doctor in the late Qing Dynasty, for treating rheumatism and osteopathy and stubborn diseases of neck, shoulder and lumbar spine. Kangzhishou & cold compress, which is mainly promoted by the company, inherits Zhu's plaster of six generations and more than one hundred and sixty years. It was created by Zhu Tieshan, a famous folk doctor, in 1856, Xianfeng. It was named "bone pain plaster" at the beginning. It has remarkable curative effect and is famous all over the world. On this basis, Mr. Zhu Yuanqi, the third generation successor, is constantly practicing and studying, adding a few wild herbs into the cream of Taibai Mountain, which has the essence of heaven and earth, which makes the curative effect of Zhu's plaster more magical. In the 18th year of the Republic of China, the patriotic general Zhang Xueliang's waist disease was cured by Mr. Zhu Hongtai, and he came to the door and praised: drinking five days of soup is not as good as the doctor's horse ointment; in the 21st year of the Republic of China, Mr. Zhang Xueliang, after experiencing the magical effect of Mr. Zhu's plaster, wrote a gold character signboard entitled "benevolence and filial piety" and gave it to Mr. Zhu Hongtai. Up to six generations of descendants Zhu Haijun, the plaster has been refined by ancient methods, pure natural, pure and industrial. In terms of manufacturing technology, it not only inherits the essence of ancient refining completely, but also enriches the traditional techniques in a deeper level in the continuous practice and summary, deduces the medicinal value and traditional technology of plaster in a unique way, and finally precipitates into a unique ancient boutique. Now, on the basis of adhering to the essence of the century, the company has further concentrated on its research and development. It has made all-round and three-dimensional research and development from the breadth and depth, and has developed various products of different types, specifications and levels. Over the past hundred years, Kang zhishou has been affirmed and recognized by the vast number of patients in the country with the image of "filial piety and benevolence". On this basis, in order to better help the world, the company adheres to the Centennial tenet of "health, longevity, happiness and health", the mission of "relieving people's suffering, caring for life and health", and the concept of "survival with quality and development with integrity", strives to build a Centennial brand enterprise that truly serves the society and creates an international brand of plaster.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/5c5ee05a2.html


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熟悉此事的人士周五表示,私募股权投资公司Blackstone正就以约35亿美元收购EQT Corp所拥有的州际天然气管道的少数股权进行深入谈判。如果谈判成功,这笔交易将有助于该天然气生产商削减其在今年早些时候收购管道运营商Equitrans Midstream时积累的债务。消息人士称,Blackstone计划通过其信贷和保险部门进行投资,但由于讨论保密,他们要求匿名。消息人士补充说,如果谈判没有破裂,交易可能会在未来几周内签署。消息人士称,作为与Blackstone交易的一部分,EQT将继续运营输油管道。(新浪财经)













