SEW品牌怎么样 申请店铺

1931年,Christian Pähr创立南德意志电机厂。起初它只是一家位于巴登的私人作坊,现在,它已经发展成为了一家全球化科技企业。只有大量的奉献和激情,才能成就这样的事业。此外还需要以多年积累为基础的专业实力。
SEW-EURODRIVE has long been more than just a motor manufacturer. As an enterprise managed by its owners, the company has developed into a driving technology manufacturer - a family type international enterprise. In 1931, Christian P ä HR founded the South Germany electric machinery plant. At first it was a private workshop in Baden, now it has developed into a global technology company. Only with a lot of dedication and passion can such a cause be achieved. In addition, we need professional strength based on years of accumulation. The company has more than 900 engineers, 600 researchers, about 250 trainees and college students, thousands of employees in R & D, production and sales departments all over the world: they are full of energy every day to customize exclusive solutions for SEW-EURODRIVE customers. SEW-EURODRIVE has 15 production bases and 77 drive technology centers on 5 continents around the world, and customers can contact us at any time. And it can achieve availability, ultra short delivery time and on-site face-to-face support all over the world. Over the years, the company's sales volume is very high, and its responsibility is extremely heavy. SEW-EURODRIVE has made a clear commitment that the company will adhere to the principles of inclusiveness and diversity, fair coexistence with partners and suppliers, and rational use of resources.