中投保品牌怎么样 申请店铺

中投保是哪个国家的品牌?「中投保」是 中国投融资担保股份有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于北京市,由创始人刘董在1993年期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。







Founded in 1993, China investment and Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd., a professional guarantee institution mainly engaged in credit guarantee, is an operation platform providing comprehensive financial and credit services and solutions, which is changed from China investment and Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd. as a whole. Approved by the State Council in 1993 and funded by the Ministry of Finance and the former State Economic and Trade Commission, the company is a professional guarantee organization mainly engaged in credit guarantee. In 2010, the company completed capital increase and restructuring. Through the introduction of six new shareholders, namely CCB international, CITIC Capital, CDH investment, Singapore government investment, Jinshi investment and SDIC innovation, the company has changed from a wholly state-owned enterprise to a Sino foreign joint venture. In 2015, it took the form of initiation and establishment, changed into a joint stock limited company as a whole, and listed on the new third board. It is a member enterprise of the state investment group. As the flagship enterprise of China's guarantee industry, the company actively promotes business, product and field innovation. Through development and business practice, the company has formed a business line across the money market, stock market and bond market. The company has built a tripartite business structure of credit enhancement, asset management and technology finance. By the end of 2018, the company had registered capital of 4.5 billion yuan, total assets of 20.453 billion yuan and bank business credit of 84.6 billion yuan. Market rating agencies such as China credit, united credit and Dagong international respectively give AAA credit rating to the insured. The company has set up six branches and marketing agencies in East China, Shanghai, Dalian, Tianjin, Shenyang and Wuxi to serve the regional economic development. The company adheres to keeping pace with the times, timely adjusts its business structure and business strategy, closely combines with the national industrial policy, around the development direction of "new four modernizations" proposed by the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, excavates market demand, participates in financial innovation, and makes positive efforts to improve corporate credit, improve social credit environment, and improve financial service system. By the end of 2018, the company's total amount of guarantee has reached 505 billion yuan, providing guarantee services for more than 20000 customers. It is a guarantee institution with earlier establishment and larger business scale in China. The company is a member of the world's three major guarantee and credit insurance alliance, and has established extensive contacts and cooperation with international trade organizations and institutions. The company has formed a wide range of strategic alliances with domestic banks, securities companies, trust and investment companies, financial asset management companies and professional investment and consulting institutions, invested and participated in flagship enterprises in China International Financial Corporation, CDH investment and other related fields, and initially established an operation platform to provide customers with comprehensive financial and credit services and solutions.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/68e6d8596.html 联系电话:010-88822888


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电网投资建设提速 特高压主网将成为未来2年主要增长点

近日,中国西电、平高电气等多家公司收到国家电网中标公告或中标通知。业内人士表示,在国家加快构建新型电力系统、推进大规模设备更新改造的带动下,电网投资持续加码,2024至2025年有望成为电网投资集中兑现期。从投资结构看,特高压主网将成为未来2年电网投资的主要增长点,产业链公司订单及业绩有望持续兑现。随着“十四五”期间特高压线路及主网建设持续推进,产业链公司新一轮周期业绩逐步兑现。 (上证报)

