洪达HD品牌怎么样 申请店铺

洪达HD是哪个国家的品牌?「洪达HD」是 江西洪达医疗器械集团有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于江西省南昌市,由创始人王辉在1999-07-01期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。


江西洪达医疗器械集团有限公司是取得国家食品药品监督管理局一次性使用无菌医疗器具系列产品注册证认可的企业。位于风景秀丽的庐山、井岗山、龙虎山、三清山的中心地带,紧靠鄱阳湖,距省城南昌 60 公里 ,紧靠京九铁路、浙赣铁路、沪梨温高速、京福高速和 320 国道等交通大动脉穿城而过、交通十分便利。

集团公司现拥有注册资金 4.2888 亿元,流动资金 3.2 亿元。厂房占地面积600亩,符合 GMP 要求的 10 万级净化车间达 42000 平方米,员工总数达 5000 多人,汇集行业精英,与世界医疗产业互动。今天,洪达己成为美洲、欧洲、非洲、中东、东南亚无菌医疗器械市场的主要供货商。是中国一次性行业耗材生产、加工制造商之一,仅在中国就有近 1/4 的市场配额。


集团公司始创于1987年,公司拥有20年的生产制造经验、高素质的管理队伍、先进的生产设备。其中高级职称人员 29 名,中级职称人员 48 名,专业技术人员 198 名,经国家和省级培训合格的专职检验员 26 名。公司实行了人性化管理,通过制订的各种规章、制度,充分调动和发挥员工的主动性和积极性,并提供各种机会对员工进行岗位培训,使员工能够不断的适应新的需求和接受新的挑战,实行公平,公正、客观的绩效考评制度,在人力资源方面,己形成了一套完善而具有凝聚力的管理体系。现公司有注塑机 168 台,挤出成型机 57 台, 20 立方米自动化程控灭菌柜53 台,注射针自动装配机 12 台,注射器自动装配机 36 台,自动包装机 5 台,自动滴斗成型机 16 台,自动断管机 45 台,输液针半自动组装生产线 5 条,高频热合机 60 台,吹塑制袋设备 80 台,组合式纯水设备 3 套,中央空调及冷水机组 23 套。注射器、注射针已基本完成自动化生产线,输液器、输液针已完成了流水组装生产线。

集团公司按照ISO 9001 、 ISO 13485标准建立了一套完善的质保体系,通过了按 ISO 9001 质量认证和欧盟的 CE 认证。产品在过程控制方面,推行“三检制”,运用三级质量管理网络;对产品从原材料进厂到产品的出厂,实行层层把关; 宁可严查百万,决不漏放一个。洪达人始终以“为客户提供安全、优质的产品”为己任,追求产品的零缺陷。

洪达人坚信没有今天的产品质量,就没有明天的销售市场,没有今天的顾客满意,就没有明天洪达的生命。 洪达产品始终以合理的性能价格面对市场,洪达人希望与广大客户共创洪达品牌。

Jiangxi Hongda Medical Equipment Group Co., Ltd., a manufacturer of disposable industrial consumables / sterile medical equipment, is a modern enterprise committed to the development, production and sales of medical equipment. Jiangxi Hongda Medical Equipment Group Co., Ltd. is an enterprise recognized by the national food and Drug Administration for the registration certificate of disposable sterile medical equipment series products. It is located in the center of Lushan Mountain, Jinggang Mountain, Longhu Mountain and Sanqing mountain with beautiful scenery, close to Poyang Lake, 60 kilometers away from Nanchang, the provincial city, close to Beijing Jiulong Railway, Zhejiang Jiangxi railway, Shanghai Lishui Wenzhou expressway, Beijing Fuzhou Expressway and 320 National Highway and other major traffic arteries passing through the city, with convenient traffic. The group now has a registered capital of 4288.8 million yuan and a working capital of 320 million yuan. The plant covers an area of 600 mu, with a 100000 level purification workshop meeting GMP requirements of 42000 square meters and a total of more than 5000 employees. It gathers industry elites and interacts with the world's medical industry. Today, Hongda has become the main supplier of sterile medical devices in America, Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Southeast Asia. It is one of the manufacturers of disposable industry consumables production and processing in China, with nearly 1 / 4 market quota in China alone. The "Hongda" brand products produced by the group company have nine categories and dozens of varieties: infusion, blood transfusion equipment, syringe equipment, puncture equipment, inspection or auxiliary equipment, anesthesia equipment, catheter, medical equipment, cardiovascular intervention, blood purification products, etc. Founded in 1987, the company has 20 years of production and manufacturing experience, high-quality management team, advanced production equipment. Among them, there are 29 senior title personnel, 48 intermediate title personnel, 198 professional and technical personnel, and 26 full-time inspectors who have passed the national and provincial training. The company has implemented humanized management, fully mobilized and exerted the initiative and enthusiasm of employees through various rules and regulations formulated, and provided various opportunities for on-the-job training of employees, so that employees can continuously adapt to new needs and accept new challenges, and implemented a fair, fair and objective performance evaluation system. In terms of human resources, it has formed a set of perfect A cohesive management system. At present, the company has 168 injection molding machines, 57 extrusion molding machines, 53 20 cubic meter automatic program-controlled sterilization cabinets, 12 injection needle automatic assembly machines, 36 syringe automatic assembly machines, 5 automatic packaging machines, 16 automatic drip bucket molding machines, 45 automatic pipe breaking machines, 5 semi-automatic assembly production lines for infusion needles, 60 high-frequency heat sealing machines, 80 blow molding and bag making equipment, 3 sets of combined pure water equipment 23 sets of central air conditioning and water chillers. The automatic production line has been basically completed for syringes and injection needles, and the assembly line for infusion sets and injection needles has been completed. The group company has established a set of perfect quality assurance system according to ISO9001 and ISO13485 standards, and passed ISO9001 quality certification and CE certification of EU. In the process control of products, the "three inspection system" shall be implemented, and the three-level quality management network shall be used; the products shall be checked at all levels from the arrival of raw materials to the delivery of products; it is better to check millions of products, and never miss one. Hongda people always take "providing safe and high quality products for customers" as their duty, and pursue zero defect of products. Hongda people firmly believe that without today's product quality, there will be no tomorrow's sales market, no today's customer satisfaction, no tomorrow's Hongda life. Hongda products always face the market with reasonable performance price, Hongda people hope to create Hongda brand with customers.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/6e785b071.html 联系电话:079185628918


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