Baldwin鲍德温品牌怎么样 申请店铺

Baldwin鲍德温是哪个国家的品牌?「Baldwin鲍德温」是激声博韵(上海)乐器贸易有限公司旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于美国,由创始人HENRY * JUSZKIEWICZ在1862年期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。

1862年,时任管风琴和小提琴老师的Dwight Hamilton Baldwin 在美国辛辛那提市,开了他的第一家乐器商店。在此后的二十五年里,Baldwin公司逐渐成为了美国中西部知名的钢琴零售商。

除了传统钢琴外,BALDWIN公司还生产多种款式的自动钢琴,包括立式 琴和三角琴的。这一市场发展很快,到1923的时候,BALDWIN公司已经拥有了56%的市场占有率。但随着新兴娱乐产业的出现,如无线广播、电影、留 声机及汽车的崛起,钢琴市场受到了很大的冲击, 1929年时BALDWIN公司自动钢琴的销售量就下跌了86%。

与此同时,经济大萧条又在1929年开始了。BALDWIN的幸存归功于审慎的管理制度。在20年代早期,BALDWIN就已经增加了财政储备以备不时之用。这些财政资源和Lucien Wulsin的正确领导一起,使得公司安然度过了这一特殊逆境。

2001年,Baldwin钢琴率领旗下众多品牌(如Hamilton、 J.& C. Fischer、Chickering等)加入到著名的吉他乐器制造商Gibson公司。“Baldwin的加入代表了Gibson 和 Baldwin两家百年乐器老店新的、令人激动的篇章的开始。” Gibson 公司首席执行官Henry Juszkiewicz如是说,“Baldwin 和 Gibson均表现了对优秀美国工艺的创新和奉献精神。我们期望Baldwin在新世纪里创造出更多优秀的乐器,以满足广大音乐爱好者对高品质乐器的需 求。”总部设立在田纳西州纳什维尔的Gibson乐器公司,至今仍为音乐爱好者提供着Baldwin、Chickering、Hamilton和 Wurlitzer等品牌钢琴,尤其是创新性的Baldwin钢琴自动演奏系统、自动演奏CD系统和用户定制钢琴的出现,更加完善了Baldwin钢琴的 产品体系,为音乐爱好者提供着更多选择的空间。

为了将Baldwin的音乐文化和美好的艺术经典带给中国,2003 年,Gibson公司在中国成立了激声博韵(上海)乐器贸易有限公司,专门致力于推广Baldwin钢琴艺术精髓,让中国的音乐爱好者亲身体验这一百年品 牌钢琴的独特魅力。2004年,Gibson公司更在中国广东成立了“鲍德温(中山)钢琴乐器有限公司”,将百年Baldwin钢琴制作工艺和优秀的西方 音乐文化传递到中国,真正实现Baldwin钢琴中国本土化,为中国与世界音乐文化的沟通作出新的贡献。

Baldwin ——这个被150多年的历史赋予了经典涵义的品牌,相信在中国将会更完美地演绎其钢琴艺术之旅。

In 1862, Dwight Hamilton Baldwin, who was then an organ and violin teacher, opened his first instrument store in Cincinnati. In the next 25 years, Baldwin gradually became a famous piano retailer in the Midwest of the United States. In addition to the traditional piano, Baldwin also produces a variety of styles of automatic piano, including vertical piano and triangle piano. This market is developing rapidly. By 1923, Baldwin had 56% market share. However, with the emergence of new entertainment industries, such as radio, film, gramophone and automobile, the piano market has been greatly impacted. In 1929, the sales volume of Baldwin's auto piano dropped by 86%. Meanwhile, the great depression began in 1929. Baldwin's survival is due to prudent management. In the early 1920s, Baldwin had increased its financial reserves for use from time to time. These financial resources, together with Lucien wulsin's right leadership, enabled the company to survive this particular adversity. In 2001, Baldwin piano led many brands (such as Hamilton, J. & c.fischer, Chickering, etc.) to join Gibson, a famous guitar instrument manufacturer. "Baldwin's joining represents the beginning of a new and exciting chapter for Gibson and Baldwin, two hundred year old musical instrument stores." Henry juszkiewicz, CEO of Gibson, said, "Baldwin and Gibson have demonstrated their innovation and dedication to excellent American technology. We expect Baldwin to create more excellent instruments in the new century, so as to meet the needs of music lovers for high-quality instruments. " Gibson instrument company, headquartered in Nashville, Tennessee, still provides Baldwin, Chickering, Hamilton, Wurlitzer and other brands of pianos for music lovers, especially the emergence of innovative Baldwin piano automatic performance system, automatic performance CD system and customized steel piano, which improves Baldwin piano product system and provides more for music lovers Selected space. In order to bring Baldwin's music culture and fine art classics to China, Gibson company established Jisheng Boyun (Shanghai) Musical Instrument Trade Co., Ltd. in 2003, which is dedicated to promoting Baldwin's piano art essence and letting Chinese music lovers experience the unique charm of this century old brand piano. In 2004, Gibson company set up "Baldwin (Zhongshan) piano Instrument Co., Ltd." in Guangdong, China, to transmit Baldwin piano production technology and excellent western music culture to China, truly realize the localization of Baldwin piano in China, and make new contributions to the communication between China and the world music culture. Baldwin, a brand endowed with classic meaning by more than 150 years of history, believes that it will perform its piano art journey more perfectly in China.

本文链接: 联系电话:021-61158042


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