Doulton道尔顿品牌怎么样 申请店铺

Doulton道尔顿是哪个国家的品牌?「Doulton道尔顿」是 东莞飞力贸易有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于广东,由创始人张起智在2006期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。


『道尔顿』起源于二百年前的林佰郡,在这段非凡的经历,点缀了众多知名人仕, 例如: 维多利亚女皇,生物学家路易﹒巴斯德,君主爱德华七世等等。从一间位于泰唔士河件的小工厂至今,英国『道尔顿』已成为闻名世界受信赖的品牌。John Doulton 约翰道尔顿 在1815年创立他的瓷器工场于英国伦敦的泰晤士河堤岸。 主要制造陶瓷餐具,人像及容器等等。受到不松懈的工业革命影响,道尔顿开始发展工业瓷科技。早于1827年,道尔顿已经开始利用硅藻瓷材料制造输水管道及过滤产品。

道尔顿不断努力研发硅藻瓷过滤技术, 在1906年, 推出硅藻瓷过滤缸(浑名:沙滤缸), 轻便安全,迅速受到医院, 化验所等专业机构接纳采用。在同一年内法国生物学家路易﹒巴斯德 Louis Pasteur 成功发现细菌的存在及其惊人的繁殖能力,及对人体的种种害处。道尔顿成功采用硅藻作为滤材,制成超微丝过滤棒,绝对过滤所有病原细菌,道尔顿硅藻化石外壳配备有银元素, 在水里会释出小量正离子, 中和在细菌内的蛋白质催化剂,防止细菌繁殖. 硅藻外壳上平均有超过八干万微丝孔道, 过滤零点二微米, 0.22μ (十万份之一吋)的效率98%., 大大地改善民众健康。

道尔顿过滤器核心是一个用硅藻瓷过滤棒。 硅藻是一类单细胞海藻,生活于海洋一亿五千万年。沉淀于湖底,经历千万年,成为天然化石。硅藻的特点它的硅藻微生外壳上,存在千千万万微丝小孔。跟市面一般塑胶过滤器不同,硅藻瓷不含化学成分。生产经高温处理, 安全健康。当时英国军部、皇室企业、医院、化验所及世界名国家庭等均一致采用英国『道尔顿』硅藻瓷滤水产品。

『道尔顿』以专业陶瓷科技, 采用硅藻素烧瓷 (DIATOMACEOUS KIESELGUHR) 制成外胆, 过滤微孔道直径保持在0.90 微米以下, 绝对过滤比率为 99.999%. 滤胆表面坚硬, 洗刷后重覆使用. 经济耐用。自此以后,『道尔顿』不断发展滤水设备。随着社会现代化 ,化学剂的使用及数量都激增,工业往往将化学及重金属废 料排放到河流里,而农业用的农药及杀虫剂就由土壤渗入地下水源,严重污染食水。『道尔顿』亦因应在滤芯内加入挤装碳精及高密度 Engelkard ATS 重金属隔离游子-隔除有害化学品及重金属. 为人类提供天然清纯的食水。

Originated in the United Kingdom in 1815, the world's professional water filtration products / water purification equipment manufacturer, known as the world's trusted brand. Dalton originated in Linbai county two hundred years ago. In this extraordinary experience, many famous officials were decorated, such as Queen Victoria, biologist Louis Pasteur, King Edward VII and so on. From a small factory in the Thames River, Dalton has become a famous and trusted brand in the world. John Doulton John Dalton founded his porcelain factory in 1815 on the Bank of the Thames River in London, England. Mainly manufacturing ceramic tableware, portrait and containers, etc. Influenced by the unrelenting industrial revolution, Dalton began to develop industrial porcelain technology. As early as 1827, Dalton began to use diatom porcelain materials to make water pipes and filter products. Dalton made continuous efforts to develop diatom porcelain filtration technology. In 1906, he launched diatom porcelain filtration tank (full name: sand filtration tank), which is light and safe, and quickly accepted and adopted by hospitals, laboratories and other professional institutions. In the same year, Louis Pasteur, a French biologist, successfully discovered the existence of bacteria, their amazing reproductive capacity and various harms to human body. Dalton has successfully used diatom as filter material to make ultra microfilament filter rod to absolutely filter all pathogenic bacteria. The shell of Dalton diatom fossil is equipped with silver element, which will release a small amount of positive ions in the water, neutralize the protein catalyst in the bacteria, and prevent bacteria from multiplying. On average, there are more than eight million microfilament channels on the shell of diatom, with 0.2 μ m filtering, The efficiency of 0.22 μ (one hundred thousandth of an inch) is 98%, greatly improving people's health. The core of Dalton filter is a diatom ceramic filter rod. Diatom is a kind of unicellular algae, living in the ocean 150 million years. It has been deposited at the bottom of the lake for thousands of years and has become a natural fossil. The characteristics of diatoms there are thousands of microfilament holes in the shell of diatoms. Different from the general plastic filter on the market, diatom porcelain does not contain chemical components. After high temperature treatment, the production is safe and healthy. At that time, the British Department of military affairs, Royal enterprises, hospitals, laboratories and families in the world all unanimously adopted the "Dalton" diatom porcelain filtration products of the United Kingdom. Dalton uses professional ceramic technology to make the outer tank of diatomaceauskieselguhr. The diameter of the microporous filter channel is kept below 0.90 μ m, and the absolute filtration ratio is 99.999%. The surface of the filter tank is hard, and it is reused after washing. It is economical and durable. Since then, Dalton has continued to develop water filtration equipment. With the modernization of society, the use and quantity of chemicals are increasing rapidly. Industries often discharge chemical and heavy metal wastes into rivers, while agricultural pesticides and pesticides infiltrate into groundwater sources from the soil, seriously polluting the drinking water. Dalton should also add extruded carbon and high-density engelkard ATS heavy metal to the filter element to isolate the wanderer and remove harmful chemicals and heavy metals, so as to provide natural and pure drinking water for human beings.

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10月26日,职业社交网站LinkedIn显示,特斯拉Megapack高级总监迈克尔·斯奈德(Michael Snyder)已获晋升为能源与充电副总裁。斯奈德于2014年6月加入特斯拉,于2022年8月担任Megapack高级主管,领导公司的Megapack项目。(界面)



36氪获悉,10月26日,CINNO Research最新报告指出,随着苹果iPhone16系列等高端旗舰机型的发布,第三季度OLED面板的整体需求持续回升。根据CINNO Research统计数据显示,2024年第三季度全球AMOLED智能手机面板出货量约2.2亿片,同比增长25.3%,环比增长0.9%,同比、环比双增长。从柔性面板出货来看,2024年第三季度全球AMOLED智能手机面板中柔性AMOLED智能手机面板占比76.4%,同比下滑2.3个百分点,环比上升4.2个百分点。










