白莲鹅BAILIANE品牌怎么样 申请店铺

白莲鹅BAILIANE是哪个国家的品牌?「白莲鹅BAILIANE」是 海南海红实业集团有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于海南省海口市,由创始人罗 * 燕在1997年期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。

海南海红实业集团有限公司,于一九九七年八月二十一日经海南省工商行政管理局核准设立的有限责任公司。近年来,公司利用海南独特的热带资源优势,专注于发展具有海南特色的畜禽养殖业和热带水果种植业,积极探索农业产业化发展之路,生产经营取得了良好的社会效益和经济效益,并被海南省政府授予省农业产业化龙头 企业。公司生产发展模式是种养结合,经过多年的努力,公司的基地生产从无到有、从小到大逐步发展壮大,经济效益日益显著。目前已初步建成养殖与种植良性循 环的生态模式,已初步发展成出色的立体农业的示范基地,技术力量和经济实力雄厚。公司正朝着集团化方向昂首阔步前进,现已设立澄迈新华达农业综合开发有限公司、琼中海红农业开发有限公司、新华达养猪场、新华达白莲鹅种鹅场、黎 母山鸡繁育基地、新华达饲料科技有限公司等经济实体。

新华达白莲鹅种鹅场于2005年创办,该项目投资500万元,占地面积200亩,其中水面 20亩,草地100亩,建有290平方米孵化房,1434平方米的育雏房,6208平方米种鹅舍,100平方米的饲料加工车间以及配套的全自动孵化机等机 械设备和基础设施等,年养殖规模为20000只种鹅,现有种鹅存栏量达1.4万只,年产鹅苗60万只。公司采取“公司+基地+农户+农信社”的生产经营模 式,成立了白莲鹅专业合作社,帮扶上千户农户走上致富之路。目前公司大力引进白莲鹅深加工项目,形成繁育、屠宰、分割、冷藏、深加工产业链。

新华达养猪场是公司的生产基地,系环境优美的园林式养殖单位。养殖基地占地面积100亩、水塘50亩,饲养基本母猪600余头,种公猪30头,年出栏商品猪10000头。位于新华达养猪场内的新华达沼气能源环境示范工程已于2007投入使用,该项目产生了良好的经济和社会效益,年产沼气15.3万立方米,年沼气发电量可达23万 千瓦时,年生产有机肥7000吨,沼液5.5万吨。除供猪场职工生活用电外,其余全部免费供用谭脉村50户村民及周边学校200余师生的日常用气用电,沼液通过输送管道,输送到新华达农业生产基地用于施肥和灌溉,形成良性的生态农业体系。新华达猪场规划在整体规模上扩改建一倍,大力加强硬件和环境建设。

Hainan Haihong Industry Group Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company approved by Hainan Administration for Industry and Commerce on August 21, 1997. In recent years, taking advantage of Hainan's unique tropical resources, the company has focused on the development of livestock and poultry breeding industry and tropical fruit planting industry with Hainan's characteristics, actively explored the way of agricultural industrialization development, achieved good social and economic benefits in production and operation, and was awarded the provincial agricultural industrialization leading enterprise by Hainan provincial government. The production and development mode of the company is the combination of planting and breeding. After years of efforts, the base production of the company has gradually developed from scratch, from small to large, with increasingly significant economic benefits. At present, it has initially established the ecological model of a virtuous cycle of breeding and planting, and has initially developed into an excellent three-dimensional agricultural demonstration base with strong technical and economic strength. The company is marching towards the direction of collectivization, and has established Chengmai Xinhua Da Agricultural Comprehensive Development Co., Ltd., Qiongzhong Haihong Agricultural Development Co., Ltd., Xinhua Da pig farm, Xinhua Da Bailian goose breeding farm, Limushan chicken breeding base, Xinhua Da feed Technology Co., Ltd. and other economic entities. Xinhuada Bailian goose breeding farm was established in 2005, with an investment of 5 million yuan, covering an area of 200 mu, including 20 mu of water surface, 100 mu of grassland, 290 m2 of incubation room, 1434 m2 of nursery room, 6208 m2 of goose breeding house, 100 m2 of feed processing workshop, complete automatic incubator and other mechanical equipment and infrastructure. The annual breeding scale is 20000 geese, At present, there are 14000 geese in stock and 600000 geese seedlings per year. The company adopts the production and operation mode of "company + base + farmer + rural credit cooperatives", establishes a professional cooperative of Bailian goose, which helps thousands of farmers to get rich. At present, the company vigorously introduces the deep processing project of Bailian goose, forming the industrial chain of breeding, slaughtering, segmentation, refrigeration and deep processing. Xinhuada pig farm is the production base of the company, which is a garden type breeding unit with beautiful environment. The breeding base covers an area of 100 mu and a pond of 50 mu. It raises more than 600 basic sows, breeds 30 boars and sells 10000 commercial pigs annually. Xinhuada biogas energy environment demonstration project, located in Xinhuada pig farm, has been put into use in 2007. The project has produced good economic and social benefits, with an annual biogas output of 153000 cubic meters, an annual biogas power generation capacity of 230000 kwh, an annual production of 7000 tons of organic fertilizer and 55000 tons of biogas liquid. In addition to the power supply for the living of the employees in the pig farm, the rest are free of charge for the daily gas power supply of more than 200 teachers and students from 50 villagers and surrounding schools in Tanmai village. The biogas slurry is transported to Xinhua Da agricultural production base through the pipeline for fertilization and irrigation, forming a sound ecological agricultural system. Xinhuada pig farm is planned to double the overall scale and strengthen the construction of hardware and environment.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/775652acd.html 联系电话:0898-65371959


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