西域明珠品牌怎么样 申请店铺

西域明珠是哪个国家的品牌?「西域明珠」是 新疆西域明珠葡萄酒业有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于新疆石河子市,由创始人冯义林在2009-08-26期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。





Xinjiang is located in the middle of "Eurasia" and the border of Western China. The temperature changes greatly, the sunshine time is long, the precipitation is little, the air is dry, the alkaline soil, is the grape gold production area in the world. Xinjiang's unique and excellent geographical environment makes the grapes growing on this land very happy. From April to September of each year, the grape growing season, the sunshine time is more than 1600 hours, and there is no infestation of pests and diseases. No pesticide is needed, and Tianshan snow water is used to irrigate, so that each grape is full of sugar, crystal and clear, just like the "Pearl of the western region", which is a better natural wine brewing Raw materials have won the high praise of domestic and foreign wine brewing experts and consumers. Xinjiang Xiyu Mingzhu grape wine industry Co., Ltd. is a professional wine enterprise, which is set up to research and develop, grow, brew, store, can and sell wine grapes, in order to fully tap the advantages of Xinjiang wine grape resources and strive to create local wine in China. Xinjiang Xiyu Mingzhu grape wine industry Co., Ltd. has 1400 Mu wine making base in the northern foot of Tianshan Mountain, Xinjiang. In the first phase, the company has built a 2900 square meter wine making workshop, which produces 93 stainless steel wine cans with a total capacity of 7800 tons. It has a stemming crusher, screw press and stainless steel liquid transportation Pump and other auxiliary facilities. Wine production adopts the cutting-edge international brewing technology, such as stem breaking, temperature control fermentation, constant temperature storage and other cutting-edge technologies. The key auxiliary materials used in wine production, such as yeast and pectinase, are from France, Canada and other countries, striving to produce high-quality and consumer satisfaction wine products. The company employs the chief agronomist of grape planting to be in charge of the construction, technology and management of the company's vineyards. Employ a professional wine taster as a winemaker, in charge of the company's wine technology, quality and other work. At the same time, the company actively introduces and trains management talents and technical backbones, embraces talents in the face of the society, actively exchanges and studies with domestic and foreign enterprises and winemakers, and advocates the establishment of learning enterprises to improve the core competitiveness and innovation ability of enterprises. After the establishment of Xinjiang Xiyu Mingzhu wine industry Co., Ltd., it cooperated with Wenzhou Xintian Investment Co., Ltd. to create "1600" brand wine. At present, many marketing networks have been established in Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian, Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi, Xinjiang and other places, and good brand image and corporate reputation have been established. In order to better cultivate "1600" brand wine and give full play to the resource advantages of Xinjiang - the world's gold wine producing area, Xinjiang west region pearl grape wine industry Co., Ltd. will rely on its own unique business philosophy and unique resource advantages, Take Xinjiang, Jiangsu and Zhejiang as the base market, promote domestic high-quality wine, and turn resource advantages into commodity advantages for Xinjiang Wine makes contribution to the whole country and even the world.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/78c0e7be0.html 联系电话:09935193888


7×24h 快讯


近日,宝马全球首家5S店——北京星德宝汽车销售服务有限公司(下称“北京星德宝”)在门口张贴告示,宣布闭店停业。北京星德宝称,受整体经济环境影响,目前面临严重资金压力。集团正在积极寻求资金注入或其他集团托管的方案解决目前面临的困境。宝马品牌授权已于2024年10月20日终止,目前公司暂停新车及售后相关业务。 此前,有星德宝老员工表示门店拖欠了他们两三个月工资没发,另有销售透露公司一个多月前因为卖一台车亏损太多,所以停止销售,但售后还是正常的,维修保养都可以正常预约。多位消费者在社交媒体留言称自己还有北京星德宝的储值金额没用完,求拉维权群。 (21财经)








特斯拉弗里蒙特工厂第 100 万辆 Model Y 下线

10 月 27 日消息,特斯拉宣布其弗里蒙特工厂已生产出第 100 万辆 Model Y,这一里程碑事件发生在特斯拉宣布全球累计生产第 700 万辆汽车仅几天之后。弗里蒙特工厂是特斯拉的首个生产工厂,最初是一座传统汽车制造厂。与专门为生产 Model Y 和 Cybertruck 而建的得州超级工厂不同,弗里蒙特工厂需要更多的策略和创新才能大规模生产 Model Y 和 Model 3,其中包括使用弹性结构来容纳额外的 Model 3 总装线。(IT之家)


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