GreenValley品牌怎么样 申请店铺

我要投票 GreenValley在个人护理行业中的票数:78 更新时间:2025-01-31
GreenValley是哪个国家的品牌?「GreenValley」是加拿大Green Valley Aromatherapy公司旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于北美洲,在1995年期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。

Green Valley 成立于1995,公司创办人 Barb Greenwood 具有丰富的特殊医疗经验,Barb也是一位合格的按摩师及专业芳疗师。她是在英国的Manchester School of Massage & Holistic Practioners取得按摩师执照及在加拿大的Canadian Holistic Therapist Training School in Mississauga 及Healing Scents Holistic Clinic 受过专业芳疗师的训练。Barb的丰富经验及专业知识的领导下,Green Valley 已经成为芳香疗法领域厂商之一。

Green Valley 是全球精油供货商之一,推行芳香疗法及精油的使用。提供世界各地所生产的100%纯正、优质的精油,性价比很高,是很实惠的品牌,一般大众都可以买得起。所以它也是国际上评价较高的平价精油之一。GV的优点就是有多种容量包装,小至2ml,对于一些价格昂贵,但是需要量不大的精油种类来说,这样的包装实在是很不错的。GV的系列产品包括: 单方精油、复方精油、纯露、天然保养品、芳疗书籍、熏香器、扩散仪、按摩油、基底油、脉轮复方精油等。所有的商品均是天然、环保及不以动物做实验。

Green Valley的商品目前在以下国家均有销售: 爱美尼亚Armenia 、澳洲 Australia、 巴林Bahrain 、巴西Brazil、保加利亚Bulgaria、加拿大Canada、开曼群岛Cayman Islands、中国China、 哥伦比亚Columbia 、埃及Egypt、香港 Hong Kong、冰岛Iceland、印度India、伊朗Iran 、爱尔兰Ireland 、日本Japan、韩国Korea 、马来西亚Malaysia 、墨西哥Mexico 、缅甸Myanmar 、荷兰Netherland、 奈及利亚Nigeria 、菲律宾Philipines 、沙地阿拉伯Saudi Arabia、 新加坡Singapore 、台湾Taiwan、 泰国Thailand、 英国United Kingdom 、美国United States。

Green Valley was founded in 1995. Its founder, barb Greenwood, has rich special medical experience. Barb is also a qualified masseuse and aromatherapy professional. She was licensed as a masseuse at Manchester School of mass & holisticpractitioners in the UK and trained as a professional aromatherapy therapist at Canadian holistictherapisttraining school in Mississauga and heating Sciences holisticclinic in Canada. Led by barb's rich experience and expertise, Green Valley has become one of the manufacturers in the field of aromatherapy. Green Valley is one of the global suppliers of essential oils, promoting aromatherapy and the use of essential oils. It provides 100% pure and high-quality essential oil produced all over the world, with high cost performance. It is a very affordable brand, which can be bought by the general public. Therefore, it is also one of the most expensive essential oils in the world. The advantage of GV is that it has a variety of capacity packaging, as small as 2ml, which is very good for some kinds of essential oils that are expensive but need a small amount. GV's series of products include: single essential oil, compound essential oil, pure dew, natural maintenance products, aromatherapy books, incense, diffusion instrument, massage oil, base oil, pulse compound essential oil, etc. All products are natural, environmental friendly and do not use animals for experiments. Greenvalley's products are currently sold in the following countries: Armenia, Australia, Bahrain, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Cayman Islands, China, Columbia, Egypt, Hongkong, Iceland, India, Iran, Ireland, Japan, Korea Malaysia, Mexico, Myanmar, Netherlands, Nigeria, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, United Kingdom and United States.

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