宏睿名派HRMP品牌怎么样 申请店铺

宏睿名派HRMP是哪个国家的品牌?「宏睿名派HRMP」是 广州市名派办公家具有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于广东省广州市,由创始人温 * 州在2006年期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。

名派办公家具有限公司: 座落于中国家具重镇――广东顺德龙江,这是一片神奇的土地,是国内早期从事办公空间配套设计及办公与民用家具生产的现代化规模企业之乡。现有生产基地占地面积约50000 平方米,其中设有近3000余平方米的产品展示厅,拥有现代化生产设备、生产厂房和无尘喷油车间,制度健全。拥有精干的专业管理人员150余人;技术等员工 300余人,其中大专以上学历200 余人。公司年生产值约3亿元人民币,其中出口产品约2亿元人民币。

名派公司主要生产 :实木、板式、屏风、座椅、沙发、钢具五大系列及实验室和酒店家具等几十个系列产品,其产品均具国际专业的品质标准。

品质是生存的命脉,创新是发展的源泉; 名派公司生产的每一款产品,均凝聚着欧洲设计理念、溶于东方传统文化的精髓,力图表现出名派家具深厚的文化底蕴和浓郁的生活艺术品位。每一款式无不渗透名派优秀设计人员对时代对市场的洞悉和理解,具有超前的创新意识和强烈的时代特色。 产品庄重、典雅; 充满着中华民族的特性和文化气氛,体现了产品的简洁大方、与众不同的内在美德,展现了独特的品质。

为了完善和提升企业整体竞争力。公司采取持续培训,将理念化的品牌精神化, 以强劲的品牌优势,拓展市场,实现品牌的跳跃性发展。为精心设计出现代家具,公司每年从全国各大院校招收专业的设计人才,壮大公司的设计队伍,并为他们提供良好的产品艺术的创作环境,不断修炼内功,在理解品牌内涵的基础上充分发挥个性魅力与创作灵感,以其独特的风格品味,展示出现代办公空间智能化、简约化与个性化的意念。


Mingpai Office Furniture Co., Ltd. is located in Longjiang, Shunde, Guangdong Province, which is an important town of Chinese furniture. It is a magic land and the home of modern large-scale enterprises engaged in supporting design of office space and production of office and civil furniture. The existing production base covers an area of about 50000 square meters, among which there are nearly 3000 square meters of product exhibition hall, modern production equipment, production plant and dust-free oil injection workshop, with sound system. It has more than 150 capable professional management personnel and more than 300 technical and other employees, including more than 200 people with college degree or above. The annual production value of the company is about 300 million yuan, of which the export products are about 200 million yuan. Mingpai company mainly produces five series of solid wood, plate, screen, seat, sofa, steel furniture and dozens of series of laboratory and hotel furniture, all of which have international professional quality standards. Quality is the lifeblood of survival, innovation is the source of development; every product produced by Mingpai company embodies the European design concept and the essence of Oriental traditional culture, trying to show the profound cultural heritage and rich life art taste of Mingpai furniture. Every style is permeated with the insight and understanding of famous designers to the market of the times, with advanced innovation consciousness and strong characteristics of the times. The products are solemn and elegant, full of the characteristics and cultural atmosphere of the Chinese nation, reflecting the product's simple and generous, unique internal virtue and unique quality. In order to improve and enhance the overall competitiveness of enterprises. The company adopts continuous training to spiritualize the conceptual brand, expand the market with strong brand advantages, and realize the leaping development of the brand. In order to design modern furniture meticulously, the company recruits professional design talents from colleges and universities all over the country every year, strengthens the company's design team, and provides them with a good creation environment for product art, and constantly cultivates their internal skills. Based on understanding the connotation of the brand, the company gives full play to their personal charm and creative inspiration, and demonstrates the intelligence of modern office space with its unique style taste Simplicity and personalization. In 2006, Guangzhou Mingpai Office Furniture Co., Ltd. was established to meet the needs of customers and improve after-sales service.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/7baa7f658.html 联系电话:020-22384848,22384883


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