冠星王品牌怎么样 申请店铺

冠星王是哪个国家的品牌?「冠星王」是清远市冠星王陶瓷有限公司旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于广东省清远市,由创始人 何友和在1995年期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。


公司拥有固定资产3.8亿元, 年产建陶3800多万平方米,是国内影响大、产品档次高、产品品类齐全的建陶企业之一。上世纪90年代,冠星王在国内实施水晶砖一次烧成工艺,极大提升初期陶瓷行业技术水平,冠星王也因此在业界一直享有“一次烧水晶砖鼻祖”的尊称。随后,冠星王推出了第二代聚晶微粉、魔术布料系列抛光砖和“纳米超洁亮技术”,引起行业震动,成为抛光砖市场的热门话题。目前冠星王已建立了全品类、全系列、全规格的产品结构,现有包括尚品石材、新大理石、微晶石、雅光砖、抛光砖、御瓷内墙砖、家居背景墙及各种墙地砖拼花腰线等各个品种的建筑陶瓷制品。



“星空间,新时尚”, 未来,冠星王陶瓷将秉承“沟通、互动、进步、双赢”的企业核心理念,持续科技创新,专注于陶瓷科技与空间艺术研发,为广大消费者提供更多环保、科技、新型的优质产品服务,推动家居建陶行业的发展和进步。

Guanxingwang ceramics, founded in 1995, is a founding brand of Guangdong Guanxing ceramics enterprise group. Guanxingwang ceramics has a modern garden type environmental protection production base, among which Yuantan Industrial Park, a Guanxing ceramics enterprise located in Qingyuan, covers an area of 800 mu, with an investment of 1 billion yuan. Crown Star King equipment supporting perfect, strong technical force, with a strong product R & D and production capacity. The company has a fixed asset of 380 million yuan and an annual production of 38 million square meters of building ceramics. It is one of the building ceramics enterprises with great influence, high product grade and complete product categories in China. In the 1990s, guanxingwang implemented the one-time firing technology of crystal brick in China, which greatly improved the technical level of the early ceramic industry. Therefore, guanxingwang has been honored as the "ancestor of one-time firing of crystal brick" in the industry. Subsequently, guanxingwang launched the second generation of polycrystalline powder, magic cloth series polishing bricks and "nano super clean and bright technology", which caused the industry shock and became a hot topic in the polishing brick market. At present, guanxingwang has established a full category, full series and full specification product structure, including various kinds of building ceramic products, such as Shangpin stone, new marble, microcrystalline stone, Yaguang brick, polished brick, Royal Porcelain interior wall brick, home background wall and various wall and floor tile mosaic waistline. Crown Star King has scientific and environmental protection production equipment and environment. Since the founding of the brand in 1995, guanxingwang company has invested heavily in the introduction of super long 200m wide body roller kiln, Italy 7200T press and polishing line, as well as 3D inkjet equipment. Relying on innovative products and professional services, Crown Star Wang has established a perfect market system and built a strong sales network. At present, guanxingwang ceramic sales network has covered the first, second and third tier cities and most Prefecture and county-level cities in China. It has opened more than 300 sales outlets in China, with a total area of tens of thousands of square meters of national image stores. Its export business covers dozens of countries such as Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea, Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, Australia, the United States, Canada, India, etc Home and region constitute a multi-level and three-dimensional strategic market system and a strong brand integration and promotion system, and become a strong support for the future development and construction of guanxingwang brand. "Star space, new fashion". In the future, guanxingwang ceramics will adhere to the core concept of "communication, interaction, progress, win-win" enterprise, continue to innovate in science and technology, focus on ceramic technology and space art research and development, provide more environmental protection, science and technology, new high-quality product services for consumers, and promote the development and progress of home building ceramics industry.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/7da73044c.html 联系电话:0757-85396681


7×24h 快讯


熟悉此事的人士周五表示,私募股权投资公司Blackstone正就以约35亿美元收购EQT Corp所拥有的州际天然气管道的少数股权进行深入谈判。如果谈判成功,这笔交易将有助于该天然气生产商削减其在今年早些时候收购管道运营商Equitrans Midstream时积累的债务。消息人士称,Blackstone计划通过其信贷和保险部门进行投资,但由于讨论保密,他们要求匿名。消息人士补充说,如果谈判没有破裂,交易可能会在未来几周内签署。消息人士称,作为与Blackstone交易的一部分,EQT将继续运营输油管道。(新浪财经)













