UBISOFT育碧品牌怎么样 申请店铺

UBISOFT育碧是哪个国家的品牌?「UBISOFT育碧」是 上海碧汉网络科技有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于法国,由创始人陈 * 鑑在2009年期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。

育碧娱乐软件公司是一家跨国的游戏制作、发行和代销商(各个环节都做)。作为多媒体工业的佼佼者,广泛的业务稳步扩展。在和各老牌游戏公司合作的基础上,也在不断推出独特的产品,加强自己在国际市场上的影响力。其中优良的作品有《雷曼》(Rayman)、《刺客信条》(Assassins Creed)、《波斯王子》(Prince of Persia)、《细胞分裂》(Tom Clancys Splinter Cell)、《特技摩托:前线》(Trials: Frontier)、《看门狗》(Watch Dogs)等。

育碧游戏软件(现名Ubisoft Entertainment,原名Ubisoft)成立于1986年,是一家总部设于法国雷恩(Rennes)的电动游戏开发商和发行商。它在全世界拥有23间游戏开发工作室。2008年它是欧洲第三大独立游戏开发商、北美第四独立出版商。


1986正式成立 Ubisoft Entertainment S.A 由Guillemot五兄弟于1986年在法国创立,从事教育软件和游戏软件等的出版和发行。公司随着个人电脑上一系列诸如Amstrad,Atari,Amiga等品牌的成功以及和Elite,Electronic Arts,Sierra,LucasArts,Novalogic 等一些当时欧洲优良游戏发行公司的合作迅速成长。




2000年,育碧并购了北美游戏制作的两家大公司:Red Storm Entertainment 和 TLC GAME Studios。同时,为了进军PC游戏市场,它还并购了策略游戏和在线游戏的老牌开发商:Blue Byte Software(当时就垂涎了NWC)。

育碧于2001年启动了网站,进军在线游戏市场。传统游戏:Uru:Ages Beyond MYST、The Matrix Online,加上以前的Shadowbane和EverQuest,都将在美国主要录像游戏租赁店中出现。

2002年至2004年成为一个成功的品牌,拥有众多畅销品牌和大奖,特别是Tom Clancy’s,Splinter Cell, Prince of Persia,The Sands of Time,Far Cry, Beyond Good and Evil, XIII,Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six3。在韩国,芬兰,加拿大,瑞士建立了发行部,收购了法国的Tiwak制作室。公布了新的LOGO,宣布游戏销售量突破一亿份。


2005年至2006年育碧成立20周年,进军次世代育碧20周年庆典开启了2006新纪元。完成次世代掌机前期定位的具体化。凭借Tom Clancys ,Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter等作品,奠定了基于Microsoft’s Xbox 360平台的视频游戏及娱乐系统的优良地位。

Ubisoft Entertainment Software Co., Ltd. is a multinational game producer, distributor and distributor (in all aspects). As the leader of multimedia industry, the extensive business has expanded steadily. On the basis of cooperation with all the old game companies, we are constantly launching unique products to strengthen our influence in the international market. Among them, excellent works include Rayman, assassin creed, Prince of Persia, Tom Clancy splinter cell, stunt bikes: front, watchdog, etc. Ubisoft Entertainment (formerly Ubisoft), founded in 1986, is a video game developer and distributor headquartered in Rennes, France. It has 23 game development studios around the world. In 2008, it was the third largest independent game developer in Europe and the fourth independent publisher in North America. In 1986, ubisoftentertainment S.A was founded by five guillemot brothers in France in 1986. It is engaged in the publishing and distribution of educational software and game software. With the success of a series of brands such as amstrate, Atari and Amiga on personal computers and the cooperation with elite, electronic arts, Sierra, LucasArts, novalogic and other excellent game distribution companies in Europe at that time, the company grew rapidly. Between 1989 and 1990, Ubisoft opened an overseas branch. Ubisoft is very accurate about the market, and has entered the three Western game markets in one fell swoop: the United States, the United Kingdom and Germany, and quickly gained a foothold. In 1990, the five brothers decided to create their own games, so they began to hire a large number of young technicians. They soon found that the family workshop mode of production was about to be eliminated, so in 1994, Ubisoft created its own game studio in Montreuil, France. Michel Ancel, a talented designer, is gradually appreciated. The game "Rayman" developed under his leadership has become one of the excellent games today. In 1996, Ubisoft's shares went public, while it opened new production bases in Shanghai, China, and Montreal, Canada. Ubisoft's product quality and service make it well received by users. Warner and Disney have also worked with Ubisoft to develop games. In 2000, Ubisoft acquired two major North American game production companies: redstorm entertainment and tlcgamestudios. At the same time, in order to enter the PC game market, it also acquired the old developer of strategy games and online games: Blue byte software (then coveted NWC). Ubisoft launched its website in 2001 to enter the online game market. Traditional games: URU: ages beyondmyst, the matrixonline, plus the previous Shadowbane and EverQuest, will all appear in major video game rental stores in the United States. From 2002 to 2004, it became a successful brand with many popular brands and awards, especially Tom Clancy's, SplinterCell, Prince of Persia, the sands of time, farcry, beyond good and evil, XIII, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six3. In South Korea, Finland, Canada and Switzerland, the Distribution Department was established and tiwak manufacturing office in France was acquired. The new logo was released, and the sales volume of the game exceeded 100 million copies. From 2004 to 2005, Ubisoft entered Hollywood and signed a series of licensing agreements with some major Hollywood companies: an agreement was reached with Universal Studios consumer goods group to develop a play of the same name based on the three Oscar winning director Peter Jackson's remake "King Kong". Signed a license agreement with Lucas arts to produce the video game "Star Wars prequel 3: Revenge of Sith". From 2005 to 2006, the 20th anniversary of Ubisoft's establishment has ushered in a new era of 2006. Complete the concretization of the pre positioning of the next generation of palms. With Tom Clancy, Ghost Recon advanced warfighter and other works, it has established the excellent position of video game and entertainment system based on Microsoft's Xbox 360 platform.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/7ea21001e.html


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