MOLESKINE魔力斯奇那品牌怎么样 申请店铺

Moleskine 品牌所象征的,是一个源远流长的笔记本、日志和城市指南的世家。这个灵活而简单的沟通工具,可供日常或特别场合使用,渐渐融合为使用者独特个性的重要一环。
The Moleskine brand symbolizes a long-standing family of notebooks, diaries and city guides. This flexible and simple communication tool, which can be used in daily or special occasions, is gradually integrated into an important part of the user's unique personality. In 1997, the Moleskine brand was officially established, making this legendary notebook, which was once loved by artists and thinkers such as Vincent Van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, Ernest Hemingway and Bruce chatterman, revived in the past two centuries. In the past, a large number of priceless manuscripts, notes, plans and ideas were collected in this small notebook before they were sublimed into famous paintings and masterpieces, and became artists' stable pocket tourism partners. To this day, moleskine notebook is the faithful partner of creative professionals and the company's imagination of today's generation: it represents a modern nomadic concept, closely connected with the digital world through websites, blogs, online communities and virtual databases.