长春堂大药房品牌怎么样 申请店铺

长春堂大药房是哪个国家的品牌?「长春堂大药房」是 吉林省长春堂大药房有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于吉林省长春市,由创始人田 *在1795年期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。
















Founded in 1795, it was initially established by the post shop and post factory (homemade patent medicine / processed medicinal herbs and pieces). The Internet plus big health sharing economy + Wan shop alliance innovation mode was traced back to 1795 ad 1795 (sixty years ago in Qing Dynasty). There was a wandering street in Beijing, who was a Taoist Sun Zhenlan of Shandong. Sun Laodao mainly made his own antiperspirant medicine "fangwensan" and "wujidan". After years of painstaking management, he accumulated some money. In the 55th year of Qianlong reign, he set up a shop at the north entrance of changxiangtoutiao in Xianyukou Hutong, Qianmen Street, and hung the shop name of "Changchun Tang", forming the front shop and back factory (self-made medicine, processing medicine and decoction pieces), and fixed the way of business. Changchun Tang, Beijing Established. Since the founding of the "Beijing Changchun Tang" school, it has set down the sixteen character Tang training of "taste is expensive, regardless of heavy money; the craft of processing must be refined", which condenses the essence of traditional Chinese medicine and shows the soul of Chinese medicine. In 1800 A.D., "Beijing Changchun hall" set up qiandianhou factory at the north entrance of changxiangtoutiao in Xianyukou alley, Qianmen Street, and successively launched famous Royal medicine, such as sanhuangbao wax pill, which is specially used for detoxification and detumescence. The "Maxingshigan Decoction" launched in Xuantong period of Qing Dynasty is a special medicine for relieving fever and relieving cough, which is made on the basis of the secret recipe of Sun Simiao, the king of medicine. Changchun Hall of Beijing is famous in Beijing. In 1932, the pioneer of the patriotic action against Japanese goods, Japan trampled on China with its iron hooves. A large number of Japanese goods were full of old Beijing. Large advertisements of "Ren Dan" and "cool oil" Japanese products were everywhere on the walls and streets of many buildings. In order to resist Japanese products and revitalize national medicine, "Beijing Changchun hall" for the first time uses the trademark of "Laojun stove", and has developed and launched special drugs such as "Wuji pill", "Taishang BiWen powder" and "tiger brand cool oil". In order to compete with Japan's "Ren Dan" in the market, the "Taishang avoiding pestilence powder" of Changchun hall in Beijing specially takes sun Laodao as the icon, and is equipped with Taoist eight diagrams, and is installed in an octagonal tin made small flat box. For a while, Beijing citizens competed to buy it. At that time, there was a flurry of saying: "don't panic on a hot day, buy Changchun Hall of summer medicine, put it into your nostrils and heart to relieve the heat Dispel fire and protect health. Changchun hall is famous at home and abroad for its name of Zhenjing city. It also began to supply medicinal materials and secret medicines for the imperial palace of the Qing Dynasty. After the September 18th Incident of the "imperial pharmacy" of the "puppet Manchu Palace", the last emperor Puyi, forced by the Japanese aggressors, established the puppet regime of the puppet Manchu state in Changchun, and established the capital of Changchun, renamed "Xinjing". Following the example of the Forbidden City of Beijing, Puyi established the taihospital. Under the "planning" of Xu Siyun, Puyi's personal imperial physician, in the winter of 1934, the "new Beijing Changchun hall" opened at the intersection of Nanguan road and Xinmin Hutong in Changchun. The "hall training, processing technology and secret recipe of" Beijing Changchun hall "are inherited from" new Beijing Changchun hall ", the" laojunlu "trademark has also become the exclusive trademark of" new Beijing Changchun hall ", and the" new Beijing Changchun hall "has become the" imperial pharmacy "of" puppet Manchu Palace ". The last emperor Puyi is recorded in his autobiography. After the founding of new China, the "imperial pharmacy" of "the imperial palace of puppet Manchu" returned to the people's embrace. After a lot of sorting and excavation, the processing technology, palace secret recipe and unique prescription of "new Beijing Changchun hall" were really owned by the people, used by the people and passed down by the people's pharmaceutical industry. Changchun Tong Da pharmacy was established with the promotion of healthy China's national strategy and the revitalization of the Chinese medicine industry. The people's Pharmaceutical Group and Jilin Jin Bai Kang Biotechnology Co., Ltd. launched the Internet plus big health sharing economy + Wan shop alliance innovation mode. In September 2017, Jilin Changchun Tong pharmacy chain Co., Ltd. was formally established.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/82d13474f.html 联系电话:0431-86004521


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印尼禁售iPhone 16,称苹果未履行投资承诺

10月28日消息,印尼政府日前宣布禁止在该国销售iPhone 16,称苹果公司未履行在印尼国内的投资承诺。印尼工业部早些时候表示,苹果承诺向印尼基础设施和本地采购投资1.7万亿印尼盾(约合1.09亿美元),但实际兑现金额仅为1.48万亿印尼盾。(界面)




