武夷山大红袍品牌怎么样 申请店铺








Wuyi Dahongpao is a wonderful flower in China's Mingyuan. It is known as "the number one in tea". It is the king of rock tea. It can be called a national treasure. It is produced in Wuyi Mountain of Fujian Province. It is specially made with exquisite work. The finished tea has strong aroma, mellow taste, and obvious "rock rhyme" characteristics. After drinking, the tea leaves fragrance on the teeth and cheeks, which is known as the "king of Wuyi tea". Dahongpao tea tree is a shrubby tree with a history of one thousand years. There are only four plants on the steep cliff of Jiulong nest, which are rare in yield and are regarded as rare treasures. Dahongpao comes from the origin of the name of Dahongpao. In the Ming Dynasty, a man who went to Beijing for an examination suddenly fell ill when he passed Wuyi Mountain. He suffered from abdominal pain. He happened to meet a monk who took the tea of Dahongpao and made it for him to drink. The pain stopped. After passing the examination, he came to thank the monk and took the Dahongpao in tin cans back to the capital. After returning to the imperial court, the number one scholar happened to encounter the Queen's illness and the hundred doctors failed. He took out the pot of tea and offered it. After drinking it, the queen gradually recovered. The emperor was very happy and gave him a red robe. He ordered the number one scholar to go to jiulongke and drape it on the tea tree to show his gratitude. At the same time, he sent people to take care of it. He collected all the tea and paid tribute, not to hide it. Since then, Wuyi Rock Tea Dahongpao has become a tribute tea for Royal enjoyment. It is said that every year, the officials sent by the imperial court wear Dahongpao, which is hung on the tea tree, so it is called Dahongpao. It is more widely spread that when picking tea, we should burn incense to worship the heaven, and then let monkeys put on red scarves and climb to the tea tree on the cliff to pick tea. Therefore, this kind of monkey tea is called "monkey tea" in Cantonese. Because of the scarcity and the difficulty of picking, this kind of tea is an expensive treasure in the market. The quality characteristics of Wuyi Dahongpao the quality characteristics of Wuyi Dahongpao are as follows: the shape is tight, the color is green, brown and fresh, the soup color is orange, yellow and bright after brewing, the leaves are red and green, and the typical leaves have the beauty of green leaves and red border. The most outstanding quality of Dahongpao is that it has a strong fragrance of orchid, which is high and long-lasting, "rock rhyme" is obvious. Dahongpao is very resistant to brewing, and it still has fragrance after seven or eight times of brewing. To taste "Dahongpao" tea, we must follow the procedure of "Gongfu tea" small pot, small cup and slow drinking, so as to really taste the charm of rock tea. Attention: live, sweet, clear and fragrant. The taste should be observed from several aspects: appearance, soup color, aroma, taste, brewing times and leaf base. It focuses on aroma and taste. Aroma: the fragrance is fresh. After inhalation, take a deep breath out of the nose. If you can smell the faint fragrance, the fragrance is superior. Ripe tea (full roasted) is mainly fruity and creamy. The fragrance type (light roasted) tea is based on the fragrance of flowers and peaches. Taste: sweet, smooth and beautiful, bitter, astringent, numb and sour. The tea has no texture, the weak is inferior. The bitterness often determines the quality of rock tea. The number of bubbles, usually about eight bubbles, more than eight bubbles is better. Good tea has "seven bubbles and eight bubbles have aftertaste, nine bubbles and ten bubbles have aftertaste." The saying. High quality tea should have: no obvious bitterness, texture (the tea in the mouth feels sticky, has consistency), lubrication, sweet back, full aftertaste (beginners are not easy to grasp the characteristics of this rock rhyme). The development history of Wuyi Dahongpao, the king of Wuyi rock tea, is the best of Oolong tea. Dahongpao has a long history of development. Here is a brief introduction to the history of Dahongpao. In the spring of 1962, researchers of Tea Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences cut Dahongpao branches from jiulongke of Wuyishan Mountain and brought them back to Hangzhou for cutting and breeding as an introduction in the variety Garden (at the turn of summer and autumn in 1992, they also cut many famous Wuyi clusters from the observation Garden of famous clusters of Wuyishan Tea Research Institute, including Dahongpao, indicating that they came from Wuyishan Tea Research Institute No. * * * Dahongpao No., November 17, 1985). In the spring of 1964, Xie Qingzi and other researchers from the cultivation Office of Fujian tea research institute came to Wuyishan with a letter of introduction. They wanted to cut the branches of the Dahongpao of jiulongke and bring them back to Fu'an for cutting and breeding. My classmates accompanied them all the way to the county government office and the county comprehensive farm to go through the formalities. Then they took them to jiulongke. With the verification and approval of the caretaker, they climbed the Dahong mountain I asked my classmates for some cuttings when I finished cutting. I didn't expect to be politely rejected. To be honest, I was interested in Dahongpao at that time, but didn't care about it, so I didn't mind. From the end of 1978 to 1982, when the municipal Tea Research Institute carried out the excavation, sorting and breeding of Wuyi famous clusters, it somehow failed to take the breeding of jiulongke Dahongpao as an urgent and important matter. It always believed that Dahongpao tea tree was there, looked after by some people, no problem. In addition, it often publicized Dahongpao, making it have a sense of expectation and inaccessibility, and respected for a long time Far away. In November 1985, it was a rare opportunity to participate in the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the provincial Tea Research Institute. As soon as I arrived at the Institute, I asked Huang Xiuyan, the director of the cultivation department, privately to take some Dahongpao tea seedlings back to Wuyishan for planting when I returned to Wuyishan. My classmates said, "you are no longer working in the municipal Tea Research Institute. Is it convenient for management?" I said, "in order to take the overall situation into consideration, I will treat it as a major event." Perhaps out of sympathy, "well, when you go back by car, I will take the tea seedling to the door of the car and bring it back to you." When I made an appointment to return to Wuyi Mountain, the next day, director Huang Xiuyan really brought me five original big black robe tea seedlings, which were packed in a very hidden way. He urged me to plant them well! At that time, if I got the most treasure, I would like to go to Wuyi mountain in one step! Finally, on November 17, 1985, I planted them in the imperial tea garden Mingcong observation garden. In retrospect, I don't know why I only brought back five dahongpaos from the province, but not more. I didn't know for many years! These five dahongpaos are "secret" lead back, so the leaders don't know, isn't it similar to stealing? The mystery of Dahongpao once again deduces the mysterious story. Five Dahongpao seedlings are thriving in the imperial tea garden! It undertakes the task of accelerating breeding. From the late 1980s to the early 1990s, the seedlings have been planted inside and outside the rock. Since then, the area of pure original Dahongpao has been expanding year by year. Because the quality characteristics of Dahongpao are relatively stable and can be recognized by most people, the planting area will not be expanded (the original five Dahongpao are in the period of keeping, that is, recuperation, for viewing). Wuyishan Dahongpao left the Jiulong nest in the early 1960s. After more than 20 years, she made a big turn and went back to Wuyishan secretly. Looking back on the extraordinary experience of more than 40 years, I am filled with emotion.

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