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山东大学是中国近代高等教育的起源性大学。其医学学科起源于1864年,开启近代中国高等医学教育之先河。其主体是1901年创办的山东大学堂,是继京师大学堂之后中国创办的第二所国立大学,也是中国按章程办学的大学。从诞生起,学校先后历经了山东大学堂、国立青岛大学、国立山东大学、山东大学以及由原山东大学、山东医科大学、山东工业大学三校合并组建的新山东大学等几个历史发展时期。百余年间,山东大学秉承 为天下储人才 、 为国家图富强 的办学宗旨,践行 学无止境,气有浩然 的校训,踔厉奋发,薪火相传,形成了 崇实求新 的校风,为国家和社会培养了40余万各类人才,为国家和区域经济社会发展做出了重要贡献。

学校规模宏大,实力雄厚。总占地面积8000余亩(含青岛校区约3000亩), 形成了一校三地(济南、青岛、威海)八个校园(济南中心校区、洪家楼校区、趵突泉校区、千佛山校区、软件园校区、兴隆山校区及青岛校区、威海校区)的办学格局。现有4所附属医院,3所非隶属附属医院,11所教学、实习医院。拥有在职教职工7759人(不含附属医院)。各类全日制学生达6万人,其中,全日制本科生40822人,研究生17984人,留学生3407人。学校汇聚了一批人才,共有教授1082人,博士生导师897人。



Shandong University, the main body of which started from Shandong University in 1901, "211 Project" and "985 Project" are the key construction universities. Shandong University is a comprehensive university with a long history, complete disciplines, strong academic strength and distinctive school running characteristics, which is directly under the Ministry of education and has an important influence at home and abroad. It is a national "211 Project" and "985 Project" "985 Project" is one of the high-level universities. Shandong University is the origin of higher education in modern China. Its medical discipline originated in 1864, which started the modern Chinese higher medical education. Its main body is Shandong University founded in 1901. It is the second national university founded in China after Beijing Normal University, and it is also a university run by the rules in China. Since its birth, the university has gone through several historical development periods, including Shandong University, national Qingdao University, national Shandong University, Shandong University, and the new Shandong University, which is formed by the combination of the former Shandong University, Shandong Medical University and Shandong University of technology. In more than 100 years, Shandong University has been adhering to the school running tenet of reserving talents for the world and striving for the country's prosperity. It has practiced the school motto of endless learning and vigorous spirit. It has worked hard and passed down the generations. It has formed a school ethos of advocating reality and seeking new ideas, cultivated more than 400000 talents for the country and society, and made important contributions to the economic and social development of the country and the region. The school has a large scale and strong strength. With a total area of more than 8000 mu (including about 3000 mu of Qingdao Campus), it has formed a school running pattern of eight campuses (Jinan central campus, Hongjialou campus, Baotu Spring campus, qianfushan campus, Software Park Campus, Xinglongshan campus, Qingdao Campus and Weihai Campus) in one school, three places (Jinan, Qingdao and Weihai). There are 4 affiliated hospitals, 3 non affiliated hospitals and 11 teaching and practice hospitals. There are 7759 staff (excluding affiliated hospitals). There are 60 thousand full-time students, including 40822 full-time undergraduates, 17984 postgraduates and 3407 international students. The university has gathered a group of talents, including 1082 professors and 897 doctoral supervisors. Shandong University is one of the universities with complete disciplines in China, which is representative in the comprehensive universities. Undergraduate and graduate level education involves 12 disciplines, including philosophy, economics, law, pedagogy, literature, history, science, engineering, agronomy, medicine, management and art. It has 41 first-class discipline doctoral degree authorization points, 56 first-class discipline master's degree authorization points, 3 professional degree doctoral points, 27 professional degree master's points, 117 undergraduate majors, 41 post doctoral research flow stations, forming a talent training system with complete structure, strong strength and unique characteristics. In the historical development, Shandong University has formed its own disciplinary advantages and characteristics. In July 2010, after the National Conference on education and the promulgation and implementation of the outline of education planning, China's higher education ushered in development opportunities. Facing the new situation, new tasks and new requirements, with full enthusiasm and high spirited state of work, the university is uniting itself, forging ahead, accelerating comprehensive reform, accelerating the improvement of modern university system, promoting scientific development, connotation development, characteristic development and innovation development,!

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/8720bd81d.html 联系电话:0531-88364701


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10月26日,职业社交网站LinkedIn显示,特斯拉Megapack高级总监迈克尔·斯奈德(Michael Snyder)已获晋升为能源与充电副总裁。斯奈德于2014年6月加入特斯拉,于2022年8月担任Megapack高级主管,领导公司的Megapack项目。(界面)



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