来自意大利的时尚行李箱品牌CRASH BAGGAGE,挑战业界新视野,解决了人们特别担心的箱壳撞损问题,同时“破损”也成为了产品的设计亮点,不规则的冲击外痕恰恰打造时尚、创意、彰显个性自我的品牌理念。如同品牌所传递出的理念—Handle Without Care,希望每个热衷旅行的朋友,都可以拥有一款强韧坚固、艺术个性的随身伙伴,好好体会玩味旅行的乐趣,再也不用担心随行旅行箱损坏而破坏了出游的好心情。
箱体使用了聚碳酸酯(PC)材质,不规则的表面撑体,更可以消除撞击时的部分受力与缓冲,即使使用时碰撞,也没有很大的问题,反而增添了自己的专属印记。一举手一投足,便成为众人目光焦点,同时在行李输送带上,你也再也不用费神的从千百件行李中,找寻行李的下落,轻松辨别出自己的CRASH BAGGAGE。
Crashbagage, a fashion luggage brand from Italy, challenges the new vision of the industry and solves the problem of case damage that people are particularly worried about. At the same time, "damage" has also become a design highlight of the product. The irregular impact on the external trace just creates a brand concept of fashion, creativity and individuality. Just like the concept of the brand handlewithoutcare, I hope that every friend who is keen on traveling can have a strong, strong and artistic personal Companion to enjoy the fun of traveling, and never worry about the damage of the traveling suitcase that destroys the good mood of traveling. Polycarbonate (PC) material is used in the box body, and the irregular surface support body can eliminate part of the force and buffer during the impact. Even if it collides during the use, there is no big problem, but it adds its own exclusive mark. Once you raise your hand, you will become the focus of attention. At the same time, on the luggage conveyor belt, you will no longer have to bother to find the whereabouts of hundreds of luggage, and easily identify your crashbag.