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玖龙纸业集团成立于1995年,按产能计算,是世界较大的废纸环保造纸的现代化包装纸造纸集团。玖龙纸业(控股)有限公司(「玖龙纸业」或「本公司」)(股份编号:2689) 在2006年3月3日于香港联交所主板成功上市。公司及其附属公司(「本集团」)主要生产卡纸、高强瓦楞原纸以及涂布灰底白板纸。本集团的业务模式有助其成为一站式生产商,生产一系列优质的包装用纸产品。玖龙纸业在中国的造纸机遍布各制造业中心,包括位于珠江三角洲的广东省东莞市、长江流域的江苏省太仓市、中西部枢纽的重庆市、环渤海经济圈的天津市及海峡西岸的福建省泉州市及东北地区市场的沈阳市,并收购了河北永新纸业有限公司( 河北永新 )的78.13%控股股权,除包装纸外,本集团也于东莞及太仓生产文化用纸,并于四川省乐山拓展生产包装纸及高价特种纸。





Jiulong paper (holding) Co., Ltd. was founded in 1995. It is the world's largest producer of box board base paper products, a supplier of cardboard, high-strength corrugated base paper and coated gray base white board paper. Jiulong Paper Group, a world-famous waste paper environmental protection paper group, was founded in 1995. According to production capacity, it is the world's largest modern packaging paper group of waste paper environmental protection paper. Nine Dragons Paper (Holdings) Limited ("Nine Dragons Paper" or "the company") (share number: 2689) was successfully listed on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on March 3, 2006. The company and its subsidiaries ("the group") mainly produce card paper, high-strength corrugated base paper and coated gray base white board paper. The group's business model helps it to become a one-stop producer, producing a series of high-quality packaging paper products. Jiulong paper industry has paper machines all over China's manufacturing centers, including Dongguan City, Guangdong Province in the Pearl River Delta, Taicang City, Jiangsu Province in the Yangtze River Basin, Chongqing City, a hub in the central and western regions of China, Tianjin city in the Bohai economic circle, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province on the west coast of the Straits and Shenyang City in the Northeast regional market. It also acquired 78.13% control of Hebei Yongxin Paper Industry Co., Ltd. (Hebei Yongxin) In addition to packaging paper, the group also produces cultural paper in Dongguan and Taicang, and expands the production of packaging paper and high price special paper in Leshan, Sichuan Province. In May 2008, Jiulong paper set up a joint venture in Vietnam to engage in cardboard manufacturing business. Jiulong paper industry has always been aiming to become a global producer of recycled paper, making use of waste paper, protecting the ecology, and making the future of mankind more green and beautiful. All employees of the group are committed to this goal, providing competitive environmental protection products and one-stop service, and achieving lasting win-win. We also continue to invest a lot of resources, introduce advanced machinery and technology, improve product quality, train technology and management personnel, and make Jiulong paper industry become an excellent environmental waste paper making enterprise recognized by employees, customers, society and shareholders. In order to further improve the operation and management system, we adopt international advanced management technology, and implement enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, in order to improve the operation of the company. On the other hand, Jiulong paper regards talents as the foundation of enterprise success. Therefore, we are not reluctant to invest in employee welfare and strive to build a team that is highly invested, more harmonious and progressive. Nine dragon paper provides all kinds of internal and overseas training programs, so that all levels of employees can get opportunities for further education, and continuously improve their ability. Nine dragon paper believes that while promoting the development of enterprises, the group must also fulfill its social responsibilities. To this end, we adhere to the business philosophy of "no environmental protection, no paper-making". At the beginning of the plant, we have begun to invest a lot in environmental protection facilities, and try our best to reduce the impact of business on the environment. In addition, we actively support various community activities, participate in poverty alleviation and disaster relief, and hope to give back to society and do our best for national construction.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/8e16747a6.html 联系电话:0769-88234888


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