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北风网(www.ibeifeng.com) ,是上海育创网络科技股份有限公司旗下网站,创办于2008年,是一家从事IT在线教育培训的网站。北风网以就业、跳槽为导向,以互联网为平台,为在校大学生、IT从业者提供高性价比的IT实战培训,持续提升学员的职场竞争能力,实现学员整个职业生涯“从菜鸟到技术总监”的提升解决方案。 公司和全国各地软件企业建立了合作关系,汇聚了中国IT培训方向教学团队;公司研发的人工智能、大数据、数据分析等当前热门的实战培训课程,在广大学员中具有良好的口碑效应。2018年1月,公司与国家“211工程”建设大学苏州大学下属数科院共同建成北风人工智能研究院,成为人工智能、大数据应用型人才培养示范基地和面向智慧产业的大数据技术研发和服务基地。 公司于2013年10月,获得国际投资机构新加坡淡马锡全资子公司-祥峰投资集团A轮数百万美元风险投资;2015年获得数千万元人民币B轮风险投资,由国内上市公司环宇集团领投;2016年5月,改制成“上海育创网络科技股份有限公司;2017年底获得数千万元人民币B+轮风险投资,由国内投资机构真格教育基金领投。
Beifeng.com (www.ibeifeng. Com), a website of Shanghai Yuchuang Network Technology Co., Ltd., was founded in 2008. It is a website engaged in it online education and training. Guided by employment and job hopping and based on the Internet, Beifeng network provides high cost-effective it practical training for college students and it practitioners, continuously improves the competitiveness of students in the workplace, and realizes the solution of "from rookie to technical director" in the whole career of students. The company has established cooperative relationship with software enterprises all over the country, gathered teaching teams of IT training direction in China; the current popular practical training courses developed by the company, such as artificial intelligence, big data and data analysis, have good reputation effect among the majority of students. In January 2018, Beifeng Artificial Intelligence Research Institute was jointly established by the company and the Academy of science and technology under Suzhou University of China's "211 Project" construction university, becoming an artificial intelligence, big data application-oriented talent training demonstration base and big data technology research and development and service base for intelligent industry. In October 2013, the company obtained multi million dollar round a venture capital of Xiangfeng investment group, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Singapore Temasek, an international investment institution; in 2015, it obtained tens of millions of RMB round B venture capital, led by Huanyu Group, a domestic listed company; in May 2016, it was transformed into "Shanghai Yuchuang Network Technology Co., Ltd.; by the end of 2017, it obtained tens of millions of RMB round B + venture capital Investment is led by real education fund of domestic investment institution.