DUNLOP邓禄普品牌怎么样 申请店铺

DUNLOP邓禄普是哪个国家的品牌?「DUNLOP邓禄普」是住友橡胶(中国)有限公司旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于江苏,由创始人YAMADA NAOKI(山田直树)在2010-12-14期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。


















法国勒芒(LeMans)24小时耐力赛是世界上最悠久,影响力最大的世界性汽车赛事之一。 邓禄普弯由于赛车需要在赛道上不间断的跑上一整天,因此,轮胎的优劣有时候甚至比车手的技术更能决定胜负归属——在抓地力不分伯仲的情况下轮胎的耐磨性越好就意味着赛车可以减少进维修站换胎的次数。从1924年至1991年,配备邓禄普轮胎的赛车一共获得过34个勒芒耐力赛冠军,在所有知名轮胎品牌中遥遥领先。单圈长13,605千米的法国Sathe赛道是世界上难度最大的赛道之一,鉴于邓禄普轮胎在勒芒耐力赛的辉煌贡献,1992年承办勒芒耐力赛的Sathe赛道其第三号弯被命名为“邓禄普”弯.该弯处硕大的“DUNLOP”标志已经成为Sathe赛道的标志性建筑。

Dunlop, the world's first pneumatic tire developed 120 years ago, has made its own contribution to the progress and coordination of cars, people and society by continuously developing new technologies while the development of automobile society. In addition, Dunlop has participated in the rally with a long history in the field of automobile competition, and has proved Dunlop's technical strength in terms of speed and endurance with actual performance, and is committed to developing higher technology in the spirit of excellence. The technology and know-how created in such activities are fed back to the development of ordinary car tires, and then new technologies with high performance as the goal are created. In 1999, Dunlop published the new work "digital tire", which established the basis of tire development in the 21st century. With the birth of digital tire, the safety, comfort, economy and other basic properties of tire have been greatly improved. Dunlop's high-performance tires are used by many famous manufacturers and high-performance car refitting companies in the world. Dunlop is also actively committed to the world's important issue - environmental issues. It has achieved zero emissions of waste in Japan. Meanwhile, it has been making great efforts to reduce CO2, the main factor of the earth's greenhouse effect. The mission of Dunlop in the 21st century is to make progress together with the automobile, and to pursue the never-ending challenges of safety, comfort, environmental protection and economy of human and society. Dunlop tire advanced technology in the history of tire development, a series of brilliant advanced technology established Dunlop as a pioneer, and therefore trusted by the world, and was recorded in history. Digital rolling simulation, the digital tire simulation technology, represents the most forward-looking technology to realize various simulation experiments through the simulation of rotating tire model in supercomputer. Such as tire tread noise simulation, air pressure change simulation, gas penetration simulation, steel wire external force absorption simulation, rubber formula simulation, abrasion energy distribution simulation, tire noise simulation, real vehicle driving simulation, road environment simulation, etc. The basic motion state of automobile, such as driving, cornering and braking, is ultimately realized through the interaction between tire and ground. It can be seen that tire is a very important component for automobile. However, when developing this important component in the past, it is impossible to actually observe that the ground of tire in driving has become a major technical bottleneck. Therefore, for the purpose of promoting tire through continuous research and development As for Dunlop tire engineers, who are responsible for technical progress, it has become their long cherished wish to "hope to observe the dynamic state of the tire ground during driving". Now, this wish is realized through digital rotation simulation, a unique technology of Dunlop. Through digital tires, the driving state that approximates the real situation can be unlimited simulated, and the number of ground that can not be obtained during the real vehicle experiment can be obtained According to this, according to the repeated verification and analysis, so as to make the tire reach the best state of safety, handling and comfort. In 2006, based on the internal air vibration of the tire simulated by the digital tire technology, we took the lead in developing the "special sound absorption sponge" tire that can greatly reduce the tire noise, and realized the commercialization of Dunlop's tire - rnflattyre, the so-called tire without air protection is me They are commonly known as "explosion-proof tires". The advantage of the tire with air shortage protection is that it can drive for a certain distance at a certain speed when the tire pressure is zero, which greatly improves the driving safety without spare tire. At present, Dunlop has developed two kinds of tire with air shortage protection: sidewall reinforced type and support ring type. Among them, the advantage of the current mainstream tire with reinforced sidewall is that it can use ordinary rims, but it also has the disadvantage of heavy and hard tire, which has an impact on the driving comfort of the vehicle. Dunlop tire with air shortage developed a new CTT technology for this disadvantage. The biggest feature of CTT is that it adopts the section shape with unique arc involute curve and the tread arc Degree makes the short and tough sidewall designed, effectively reducing the weight of the tire, improving the comfort and handling. With the widely recognized technical strength, Dunlop's tire has been trusted by many well-known automobile manufacturers in the world. At present, BMW, mini, Lexus and nissangt-r all use Dunlop's tire as their original matching tire. Dunlop's non oil resource tire has always relied heavily on limited oil resources for its raw materials and production. In response to this issue, Dunlop adopted advanced technology and launched enasaves801, a non oil resource tire with a ratio of natural rubber and other natural materials as high as 70%, in 2006. The product has made efforts to reduce carbon emissions due to reducing rolling resistance He has won three energy saving awards. Dunlop did not stop because of this. In 2008, enasave97, which contains 97% of non oil and natural resources, went on the market. Enasave97 effectively reduced carbon emissions in the three stages of manufacturing, using and discarding, and 17% in the manufacturing stage. Because of effectively reducing rolling resistance, it can reduce oil consumption and carbon emissions in the use stage. In the discarding stage, due to the ratio of biological raw materials As high as 97% is the reduction of carbon emissions by 94% in the waste phase. Dunlop will continue to lead the field of environmental tyres and contribute to our common earth environment and future. Dunlop on the track is destined to be remembered by history in the past century. In F1, Le Mans, Paris - Dakar, Safari, DTM, MotoGP and other world top events, Dunlop has left countless victories and moving moments. Numerous victories, cutting-edge technology has been trusted and verified by many world-famous teams. In the process of constantly challenging the limit, Dunlop on the one hand fully verified its excellent performance, on the other hand, constantly fed back the valuable experience and data obtained from it to the development practice of civil tire products, and thus extracted a number of advanced technologies. In the future, Dunlop will continue to gallop on this road of challenge. Dunlop won 83 times in F1 and 34 times in Le Mans. Dunlop and Le Mans 24-hour endurance race is one of the oldest and most influential car races in the world. Dunlop bend because the car needs to run continuously on the track all day, therefore, the advantages and disadvantages of the tyres sometimes even determine the winner or loser better than the driver's technology - the better the wear resistance of the tyres under the condition of equal grip, it means that the car can reduce the number of tire changes into the maintenance station. From 1924 to 1991, the car equipped with Dunlop tires won 34 Le Mans endurance Championships, leading all famous tire brands. The French Sathe track with a single lap length of 13605km is one of the most difficult tracks in the world. In view of the brilliant contribution of Dunlop tires to the Le Mans endurance race, the third bend of Sathe track, which hosted the Le Mans endurance race in 1992, was named "Dunlop" bend. The huge "Dunlop" sign at the bend has become the landmark of the Sathe track.

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